Hello there, fellow wow players and wow Dev’s/team.
for some time now I’ve been watching and hearing about the level squish. I am to a point against it, however Since i posted this on the wrong forum to begin with I thought i would repost it here and perhaps pose a few questions and also answer my own as well.
Does wow need to be fix in its current state I would say yes, due to the nature of having so far two expansion’s having a weapon and then a item with meaningful and meaningless stats on it plus a grind to boot.
heres my idea
“Simple make 120 the max level then put into the game paragon levels in which the player can change the stats they want as they level those level’s. and perhaps bring in a talent tree with in these paragon level’s to created a more dynamic way or leveling or playing the game. rather then relying on an item to change some spell or effect to a small percentage.”
An example would be/use two spell casters a Mage and Warlock, lets say for the most part the class itself has a bit of a draw back when it comes to pvp, due to the nature of not being able to cast while moving like its melee counterparts the warrior, rogue , death knight, monk and hunter, shaman.
perhaps have the paragon talent tree like branch’s of a tree each branch has different uses or spell or buffs that can either buff or change how a spell works.
the idea could be you spend one point in making a spell caster able to move while casting however you then do 20% less damage however the improvement means you can now keep up with you’re melee friends and foes alike.
you could also as the “player” use some of these paragon levels with in raw stats or affects with in this talent tree. perhaps only being able to max out paragon levels slowly over time as any expansion comes out. or with major patch comes out. bump up those levels. created meaningful game play make every quest you do matter to the story line of your character and the world itself. rather then just bottle necking us into instances as we all level.
anyhow those are just some of my ideas they are free, and I’m more than willing to think about them some more as well.
Anyhow thanks for your time if you read this.