Say No to the level squish "idea" and yes to introduce paragon levels instead

Yeah it’s not awful and it works in D3. I do think something like this could work in WoW as well because it’s such a simple concept. I’ve kind of thought of something like this to be a secondary passive option in our talent tree. Like we choose our talent and then we get a passive branch to choose from for that talent.

Sounds good ,yet it should be where we can have it as something physical in nature and then a subjective so that it would have a meaning at the same time.

For example,when we start at level 1 we receive thing object ,we get a set of abilities ,we grow to 10 ,we now have a choice path this would change to that path we chose,similar to growing a plant to maturity.

Not keen on having level squish (re leveling the same levels again ) not fun

I would let people start at level 1 or and higher level (u get to pick)

Not really. How many people complain now they are leveling and not getting any skills? Level squish is sort of a solution to that psychological complaint. Part of it is psychological. People see that big number and get intimidated by it. Then they say leveling doesn’t even matter. I sort of agree. As an altoholic I done the grind so many times in so many expansions. It’s basically just going through story mode and attunements each time after the first.

What skills are you referring to?If a player can’t do the basics fighting skills needed to stay alive in the game they should change to a toon they can play well with.

Now, if you are talking about group skills that is a totally different matter which is a Blizzard problem not a players problem if they had did as i said above.

No it’s not. It’s easier to level than I ever remember it being I leveled my kt to cap in 2 weeks.

I mean we basically reset every expansion anyway. Is there anything really special about being 120? I played Asian mmos that barely anyone even got to level cap due to excessive grinding. In WoW it’s just wow I can finally do endgame content = softcore attunement.

Same here I have 20 toons 12 of 13 120 I went from 1-120 in 7 days .

This is knowing the grind. The mmo. Ideal quest paths. I can level to max easily in a few days. Fastest method is buy a boost then quest for hours.

This is also talking about bringing new casual players, especially those new to mmos. Especially if they are unfamiliar with keybinds, rotations and maths/statistics to understand stat weights. In-game mechanics. It’s alot to consider. Sure it’s easy to level now but that number is still intimidating disregarding the actual time spent.

I’m not really in favor of it or particularly against it. It just seems to be a symptom of creating a solution where there’s not really a problem to begin with.

Hear me out on that. The studies Blizzard has shared with us over the years indicate that new people quit in the first 20 levels. Not at level 111. So a level squish isn’t really going to help with the new player syndrome. And we’ve had a rehash of the leveling process at least once–which put the entire leveling process on a rail that you don’t really pull out of.

Honestly, from my point of view, the leveling process was cool and exciting back in the day due to there being a bunch of people with you all doing the same thing. That’s something that’s not going to be recreated. Not unless they somehow come up with a new player zone unreachable by anyone with a max level character. And that isn’t going to help any of us.

The mount equipment thing, this leveling squish thing and some other changes here and there I won’t go too deeply into don’t seem to be designed for us. It seems to be an idea reaching for a problem to solve–or not understanding the problem to begin with.

Gameplay is what we need. We need stuff to do that engages us.


Your first is always going to be your toughest to endgame without a boost ,and most challenging journey. Every wow player has gone through it the same way.Hard mode .

Perhaps in your eyes, however, nothing is ever changed in this game without extensive market research beforehand. Nothing is ever done on a whim.

Perhaps they will find a way to also decrease time spent to max level. I don’t think a level squish would matter if the time to get to endgame is the same. Honestly it’s just changing numbers. At the end of the day you will be doing the same things. just some mental adjustments and feelings you got to work through.

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I think they should have a set max level because if they keep moving the goal post further it because discouraging to new players ,which in this thread does have some interesting ideas on how this can be achieved ,that why it is here. i know it’s hard to read so many posts but this isn’t too bad .

I liked the idea of just have scaling based on item level. Your gear gives you all your power anyway. Level gaves you some base power and base advantages right now.

Imagine having that at a lower level starting ,then it wouldn’t be as bad at it is now for a new player, and also,in time as you go up in level you can develop the skills you need for harder content.

Personally I dont mind sticking to the things we got now. I just know there is a perceived problem. Especially when the question was asked in blizzcon. I know it’s a problem to a certain group of people. I can understand and role with the changes. I don’t think it will impact much mechanically. I don’t feel like I lost progress on my character because I gained rewards from doing stuff in endgame. Not because I had to level to get to endgame.

the reign of Ion

regular changes the playerbase never wanted, just to make bigger grinds

Me either,but I do understand people want to get to the endgame as fast as they possibly can to have the experience with others.A set point like 130 in the game would be a welcome to everyone,plus the added abilities for first toons and alts would make the game feel less daunting .

And when the fallowing expanses comes around it wouldn’t effect the players to the point BFA did because they will have a base line to fallow by that would dive the player crazy.

This particular change doesn’t appear to back up this particular complaint.