Yesterday I got hit with a really dumb bug where people couldn’t hear me in /say or /emote, which is super inconvenient as I play on an RP server where those are the two most important channels used for interactions.
I made a post about it already on the Moon Guard forum, which I’ll link below, but essentially after exhaustive testing with a friend, we figured out that the bug has something to do with not having the Dragonflight expansion.
If you don’t have the expac, people who are lvl 61 and above won’t be able to see your posts in the two aforementioned channels. People below lvl 61 can, however.
This bug is really annoying, and if not for the frankly insane generosity of my friend, I wouldn’t be able to practice my hobby. So… c’mon blizz.
Also, your customer support just gave me a likely automated message that told me to do stuff I’d already tried, so big thumbs down to you guys.
Chiming in here to say I think this is something we’re experiencing as well. I have Dragonflight, a friend does not have it one of their accounts. My level 70 characters cannot see anything they say in /say or /emote, but lower level ones do.
I don’t even see the animation of them talking.
This has to be a bug. A new player to the game, for example, will find themselves effectively muted if they do not purchase the latest expansion. Which is odd, because /whisper, /party and /channel works.
I am adding myself to the bodycount… I am playing on a roleplay server where talking and emoting in direct chat is vital. I had no problem a few days ago, until that “Pandaria Remix” (which i suspect also brought its lots of “fixes”). Since then, i also cannot be read by lvl 70 characters.
I’m also limited to shadowland because i’m not interested by the latest content. I don’t need it to roleplay around Stormwind and other base locations. So i’m lvl 60 at best and i don’t have access to new places, races and all. But i accept that. It’s my loss for not buying an expansion. But not being read by lvl 70 characters makes me feel like i’m paying a bloody subscription to play with “Starter” account limitations !
This is the crux of it, I think. It’s one thing if you cannot play in the Dragon Isles, or make an evoker, or know that fresh fish gathers in droves.
It is entirely another to not be able to interact with other players. As far as I can recall, that has never happened.
This also impacts people who do have Dragonflight, as I doubt they want to suddenly receive whispers from people who may wish to RP with them. I am on Moon Guard and I can attest that such an introduction is rightly viewed with…concern.
Maybe we should start @ing them on Twitter. The ticket response I got was almost certainly automated, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this whole forum section wasn’t actually monitored. Hiiiiiiiighly doubt it.
Honestly, this has been one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had with Blizzard. Complete radio silence. As someone who just isn’t interested in the newer expansions but is more than happy to continue paying Blizzard for an active subscription, I feel utterly betrayed. I literally have zero reason to log-in now since I’m also active on a Roleplay server.
I just want to point out also, I didn’t just experience this and suddenly jumped on forums to complain. I waited, patiently for a week till the reset. Nothing. I then decided to report the bug to blizzard and open up a ticket. It stated that there could be a delay in response so I decided to go to sleep and check it in the morning. However, after I woke up and had a look? I found that my ticket wasn’t only ignored, but removed. It has just vanished. No trace of it anywhere. I am not one for conspiracy theories but it’s things like this that leads people to believe there might be something dubious going on. Anyhow, with each passing day my subscription draws closer to its end and I doubt I’ll be resubbing. Being unable to use /s or /e makes world of warcraft for me completely unplayable.
Edit: I have shadowlands and I have few characters lvl 60. I am not a trial account.
This is exactly my case and i’m infuriated by the whole thing. It feels painful to be thrown out of an experience you’ve invested years into (more than 15 in my case). I’m currently on EU servers and my request is still in progress (3 days old and hasn’t got any reply to it yet…) but i’ll watch out if they make it disappear too…
This is nuts. We have a guild mate that’s just resubbed now that their semester is over, and they can’t participate in RP without jumping through a bunch of hoops. Hoping for a very quick fix for everyone affected.
I, too, was disappointed to see this was still in place.
I still believe this is genuinely a bug, because it’s so…arbitrary. It’s not that people can’t communicate, it just adds an odd layer of difficulty. People can still use /party, /channel, and /whisper.
I don’t know anything at all about coding, but I feel like when someone (on the forum) suggested it is probably related to Pandaria Remix allowing players without Dragonflight to make level 70 toons? That feels accurate.
It is annoying as all heck.
Edit: So, I saw that on the EU forums? There was a bit more activity from someone on the team.
I…am uncertain how to proceed from this point. I do not have access to the EU forums (I think), but I have not seen any “official” word on the US ones. I would like to provide information that can assist them, though I do not know the mechanism to do so. Is there a suggestion thing?
I can already answer that this is explicitly happening in standard WoW for me and mine, not WoW Remix.
As an example:
I, Vanaelia-Moon Guard have Dragonflight.
Friend (also on Moon Guard) does not have Dragonflight.
Friend is able to whisper to Vanaelia. Friend can speak in party to Vanaelia.
Friend is able to use the say, or emote function.
Vanaelia cannot see anything friend is saying. Vanaelia does not even see the animation that friend is talking.
If Vanaelia is on a lower level character (40s, when I checked), there is no problem with seeing what friend is saying or emoting.
I hope that provides some context, to whomever is checking this. Thank you.
/e and /say themselves don’t show animation or chat with a character 61+, but 60 and below can interact fine. Other chat channels, such as whisper, party, general, trade, etc. are also visible regardless of character level/expansion purchased.
This persists in raids, dungeons, and other instanced areas.
This does not, however, persist within the Remix gamemode.
It’s been nearly a month and I hope this next patch day sees this fixed
So, just so I understand this correctly? This bug does not exist in Remix?
Meaning that if I, with Dragonflight, have a level 70 character, and someone else without it has a level 30…
…I would be able to see what they say?
I’m only asking because I haven’t tested this with Dragonflight (though, yes, I can attest this infuriating bug is also in other zones: Telogrus, Dalaran, Shattrath, etc.
You can really feel this if you have a friend with multiple alts that they play to help out with things. More so if you are said friend.
I really, really, really hope this gets fixed sooner than later.
Realized I’ve been having this problem also. Now I feel like an idiot for not realizing it at RP events that people were literally just not seeing my posts >.<
I added a bug report to the pile.
Thanks for the post, wouldn’t have realized without it!