Savix is rerolling Rogue

His latest video made me laugh so hard. Thought others may enjoy. I am for sure thinking sub is gunna get some nerfs in the near future.

He’s a R14 Rogue on Classic already as well.

As a Paladin main with a rogue alt… Soon to be Rogue Main with Paladin Alt, I get him. I think the mobility is the biggest factor but you just have so many more options in PvP as a Rogue.

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I know the feeling. My old main was a DK (though UH is still looking great in SL). After many years of just having rogue alts, I am finally making the switch. First xpac Ill be in where my first toon can’t tank.


Rogues just have more comp freedom too.

As ret you’re forced into Cupid or some sort of cleave (this is all speculative)

Ret/Spriest could make a comeback.

Compared to rogues


So it will be interesting to see how it works out.

I’m not making fun, but noticed a very interesting pattern in this thread. Many of the rogues are basically alts.

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I always mained classes that could tank due to raids, with rogue as my alt. Now that we rerolled alliance, I no longer am tanking, so it is nice to have this rogue my main now.

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I always laugh at myself when I see these PvP comp names because they make no sense to me:

Cupid, jungle, thug, etc.

You could tell me that Squiggles Supreme or Rainbow Dichotomy were a thing and I’d believe you.


Cupid is called that because hunter with a bow and angel wings.

Jungle because of BM and feral

Thug was because of rogue/hunter doing physical damage I guess idk lol

Just people rolling alts, no one cares what streamer is doing X. Think for yourselves instead of following people around.

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I posted the video because I thought it was funny and others would enjoy, not because I am doing what a streamer does.

There is a Ret Paladin on the server I play on in classic with that name, he’s doing the PvP grind and is rank 12 right now, he typically is part of one of the PvP groups I occasionally play with and seems like a nice guy. If it’s the same guy I don’t know.

Solid reason to play a tank main, sometimes you just gotta take one for the team. Something I have learned about tanking recently is how rough it can be to tank in classic, I don’t remember tanking being so savage in retail, but I haven’t main tanked in retail since WoD. Maybe it’s gotten harder? Classic tanking is flat brutal because position is so damn important, and threat is actually a thing until you have god level gear then it’s not a thing unless you’re bad at tanking, and I think I’m bad at tanking.

Same here. But I’m going to feel giving up that tank spec for m+ :frowning:

It’s savage but in a different way. A tank in retail is the leader and not knowing the correct routes when tanking can lead to a quick boot. In Mythic+, this problem is multiplied exponentially if you’re in a high key. Which mobs you pull, how many you pull and how you survive can determine failure or success. Pulling too many and getting too much completion is essentially wasted time.

It’s still relatively important… But once again, only in Mythic+'s and only in the higher keys. You can carry bad players but the higher the difficulty, the harder it becomes. Pulling a pack you don’t need could push you over the line into failure.

Threat is also still a thing. Just not as nearly as important. If your tank is still in blues and you’re rocking Mythic+ 15 gear or heroic gear you’re still gonna pull threat. In Skittish week it can be a bit brutal, like, you might need to wait the equivalent of 3 sunders before DPS starts or the mobs will just dump on you. Luckily Tricks of the Trade exists and a good macro will completely negate threat if you’re hitting it on CD.

Something like

#showtooltip /cast [@focus,help,nodead] [help,nodead] [@targettarget,help,nodead] [] Tricks of the Trade /stopspelltarget /assist [@focus,help,nodead]

It casts tricks on your focus target (the tank) or whoever the enemy is targeting. easy peesy.

But yeah. Looking forward to playing more Rogue now that we have a lot of people coming back from BFA break for SL’s.

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I personally played rogue as a main from BC till legion. I just couldn’t enjoy the gutted playstyle and sub being gutted to the ground.

With some abilities being unpruned I am maining rogue again and this is the most excited I have been about wow in a while.

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Yeah, it’s useless if you always remember to always focus the tank. Sometimes you forget and the macro takes care of that with @targetoftarget. Or if it’s a raid you can Tricks everytime there’s a tank swap without the need for focus.

It’s basically foolproof for dummies like me.

I honestly may try it out now.

I usually just have individual macros for the tanks I usually run with.

Never thought about the target of target.

The only issue I could see is if the boss randomly targets a random raid member and the timing is unlucky

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Blame it on the other rogue :wink:

lol my raid team will probably only be running one rogue so I can’t :joy:

True Savix probably doesn’t like wheel chair game play like he used to.



Really hoping that Blizzard will unprune rogues a bit more. The lack of gouge is just horrific to me.