
It’s fun at Haste being at or above 80% - which is very rarely the case in combat log.

And I had fun, consistent gameplay - not cycles - with Shadow Orbs in WoD.

It doesn’t work in content where the fights will last 2 minutes or less, which (and this is speculative) is most of the content in the game.

Sound logic. Let’s play a class only for content where the fights are very long. Instead of designing the class to excel in all content - like warlocks, mages, hunters, rogues, demon hunters.

That’s because Xal’atath carried the entire build and we got Void Torrent as a baseline skill with the artifact weapon. Now, we’re missing out on that because Lingering Insanity is more important for the haste benefit.

The only way that VF is (technically) saved is if the conduits and legendaries for spriest are overpowered. Ion mentioned that the powers on legendaries could be from past tier set bonuses. However awesome this sounds, there are a only a few for spriest because the spec was inherently powerful prior to Legion and the set bonuses were just icing on the cake - not required to carry the spec.
So since the devs are committed to this borrowed power design philosophy, they need to just make the conduit and legendary powers very, very powerful in order to scale up the spec, since they can’t seem to balance VF.


I can’t help but wonder if people actually like the slow, ramp up mechanic of void form or they just mean the visual. Perhaps #savevoidform is about aesthetics? It’s game play is miserable.



Its not the same 10 people lol.

It seems you weren’t around for that 1500 pages of ignored feed back from past expansions (from alpha and beta users - not just from “the same 10 people”.)

Having them say “its on our radar”, doesn’t give me much confidence (I can’t speak for anyone else).

But yeah, you’re kind of dead wrong in this case.


If this were 4-5 years ago I’d put stock in Blizzard’s words. Now though nothing is worth anything to me except actions, and so I will judge for myself based on those actions. Be they removing voidform, offering alternatives, taking on the herculean task of improving it, or ignoring the problems outright for the second expansion in a row.


Totally agree.

Big true; the cycle continues:

we’re aware™
it’s only alpha™
it’s still beta™
it’s still PTR™
they can hotfix it™
we’ll look at it in x.0™


I mean, everyone can clearly argue for days on the subjective nature of just “liking voidform” vs “liking orbs”. However (please correct me if i have the wrong impression from you), i don’t think you should try to claim that the difference between wrath and cata spriest was nearly as gamebreaking (for lack of a better word) than the change between WoD to legion. Cata/MoP/WoD were much more beholden to the historical legacy of spriest game play. Orbs added just that little bit of extra depth that we needed, and it really was not anything like rogue/pally etc.


If you compare Wrath to MoP and WoD strictly, all that really changed with the orb interaction was that in wrath DP had a CD of 24 sec if i recall. In MoP and WoD it didn’t have a CD and just costed Orbs to use. So basically you can use it more often because it was gated behind a resource instead of straight hard CD timer.

Which is why I find it odd that the “gameplay” is so different coming from Nyelle.

But I can kind of understand Cata but again not really because the major interaction you needed to trigger in Cata was getting 1 orb at least in order to start triggering more dot damage buff. Other then that, its roughly the same gameplay.

So yea, I don’t quite understand what she was getting at when making those comparisons.


Devouring plague was a 24 second duration dot with no cooldown, but could only be applied to one target.

It was just our 3rd dot, but yes, aside from snapshotting a better buff you pressed it once every 24 seconds.


The Voidform fantasy has delivered quite well, and it is not just visuals. There is something very compelling for having the pacing of your rotation reflect going insane. One part of #savevoidform for me is that it does not deliver on this fantasy baseline, and we have needed borrowed power and talents to make it compelling.

Also Voidform being slow ramp is not necessary to its design.


that’s your opinion, some of us disagree


This 100%. No other spec in the game gives you the frantic high intensity gameplay in the way that void form does. Every GCD counts and you’re not just building up a resource and dumping it a couple gcds. It’s about struggling to maintain your resource. The shadow orb play style is represented in multiple other specs, there’s no good alternative to void form. Void form can be fixed if Blizzard actually tries to fix it and doesn’t just sweep it under the rug again, this was apparent in Legion.


I shouldn’t have to make a disclaimer that anything subjective I post is an opinion.

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I want to be the master of Shadow. Not a slave to insanity.
If blizzard really wanted to embrace the “insane” theme then it should be worked into making the enemies we face go insane and become horrified by what we do to them.
The idea that we are playing a spec with the goal for us to go insane is stupid.

You don’t play a fire mage to get burned.
You don’t play a Deathknight to fear death.
You don’t play a druid to reject nature.
You don’t play a warrior to throw arrows from ranged.

So imo, its just a backwards design concept in not just thematics, but also in its gameplay.


That’s just semantics at this point. The design delivers for what it promises. Going insane in this sense is not the dictionary definition of insanity, but instead succumbing to the powers of the void. You can not agree with it, but that is what it is.


If you turned into a faceless being and then make enemies run in fear when you mind flay them (like the mobs that mind flay after twin emps in AQ) and something to that extent, then sure your on to something.

Ill tell you this though, in PvP or PvE, all enemies you go up against dont fear you one bit. They treat you just as you are which is dirt and they will rightfully put you back into the ground.
The only thing they achieved is making the spec a mindless button mashing simulator with no thought except press whatever is available.

And if you don’t agree with that statement then I would direct you to that Spriest button mashing simulator that’s available lol. It literally is just that.


I’m not going to entertain arguing semantics.

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That would be a great fix! Too bad that it hasn’t been delivered, and I don’t want to wait yet another expansion for it.

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Nothing has been delivered yet. But I don’t feel that’s reason enough to give up on it altogether.

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So when is the right time to call it quits when it comes to Void Form?
1 year?
what is the criteria to say… “you know what, Void Form is just not going to work, lets move on”.

If you cannot give a definitive answer then you don’t truly care about it working and just want it around for “feels”.

imo 4+ years is enough time. How long is enough for you?


enough is enough
