
Because there are some of us who think Voidform can still be salvaged, and refuse to give up on it. Our voices deserve to be heard just as much as those who despise it… and not be drowned out. #savevoidform

I initially made this thread to oppose the uproar of the #removevoidform movement… which has since died down. Voidform is going nowhere this expansion, like it or not, but that does not mean that it cannot be better than it is. We are now in the critical stage of development in that either changes happen soon or do not happen at all.

It is my hope that for the sake of Shadow and its community that the spec we love gets the changes it desperately needs.





guys from the threads name you know what type of thread is this so if you’re not here to support VF then leave no need for negativity.

As much as I hate Vf this is a place for people who enjoy it we have multiple threads to discuss our views and voices.


Thank you, I’m glad we can respect each other even when we have differing opinions.


I’m sure void form can find a place somewhere, somehow in the game but both sides being against each other isn’t productive. One side will likely end up majorly disappointed. I personally hate void form and want its current variant to go away and never come back, but it is fair to say there are plenty of people that love it and want it to stay. I don’t think anyone should have their favorite class/spec basically erased. Despite it happening to priests before legion, void form lovers don’t deserve it either.

This problem is exactly why major fantasy and mechanical overhauls of something that many people play and love is frowned upon and avoided in most games. Riot went so far as to entirely revert a rework on a champion because it was seen so negatively and people were livid. Someone has to lose, but if they just listened to feedback in the first place in legion alpha/beta or even added a different class that used the mechanic and had a deeper connection to pure void magic than the ambiguous shadow magic that priests use this wouldn’t be an issue.

The whole thing is just lame


I think what a lot of people mean by #removevoidform is that they just want an alternative option.

I raspect your thread.



sad this thread is even needed


Voidform, as it stands right now, is the core of Shadow. Any alternative design is mutually exclusive with the Voidform I want to save. As much as it pains me to admit, one side will always lose here.

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So from a mechanical standpoint of “Build and maintain” I really like Void Form as opposed to many build/spend DPS types because I really enjoy being able to see the increase in maintained duration as I gear up at max level. I think the broader design of Void Form is where my issues lie and as a result it doesn’t feel fun to play. Others have thoroughly explained what the current issues with Shadow Priest are way better than I could and I think something that most people can agree on is that Shadow doesn’t feel rewarding to play and honestly just feels neglected.

I would prefer to play the Void Form version of Spriest if it got the legitimate attention it desperately needs from the devs but right now it is being essentially ignored and the one change it got is honestly a slap in the face. Void Form is awesome from many perspectives but the current gameplay at endgame is not one of them and there are many issues with talents and a few core components of the spec that are incredibly disappointing to see continually ignored. While I don’t think Void Form is anywhere near a good spot currently, I can get behind the idea of #It’sCoolThematicallyButTheGameplayIsTrashATM , #GiveItTheAttentionItNeeds , #StopIgnoringSpecsForMultipleExpansions , and most importantly, #TalkWithYourPayingCustomersBeforeTheyAreGone

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And that’s the respect that you should have had on the remove posts…

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Voidform’s not going anywhere

Although I’m not really seeing how it can be salvaged. Unless Blizzard wants to buff it significantly for the start of the xpac, then nerf it throughout to keep it from out-scaling everything

I don’t think there’s a single thing you could do to permanently “fix” voidform. It will be a constant stream of adjustments to keep it within acceptable parameters, and not allow it to be too weak, or too strong

Unless you change the core mechanics of how it works, but then it’s not really the voidform people enjoy, it’ll become something else. Still, with the way Shadow scales, I really don’t think there’s a way to “fix” it without constant monitoring and adjustments

There has been about 4 years of respectful feedback regarding void form. People being upset and frustrated is quite valid at this point especially since priests still have heard nothing about their class when multiple classes have received multiple responses and blue posts regarding the direction they want to move/what they are trying to do.

It’s easier to be peaceful/more calm/respectful as a void form supporter because it’s already in the game. For the most part what is wanted is already there.

Don’t mistake recent anger/frustration as being blatantly disrespectful. The community has been relatively calm compared to other classes that get upset about their classes/specs.


This is a common misconception when it comes to Voidform. Voidform doesn’t scale all that well. The exponential scaling has been a result of borrowed power. Remove any interactions Voidform has on external systems and it is relatively simple to balance.

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Even without azerite and essences, shadow still scales exponentially. Not to the extreme degree we have now, but still.

I’m not really seeing a way to just fix Shadow in a manner that it won’t require constant attention


Not to derail your hashtag. I respect your view.

But the problem is bigger than borrowed power. Voidform Haste, Lingering Insanity, Auspicious Spirits, and Insanity Decay Acceleration are all parts of what I call “long ramp mechanics”: and they are all baseline, or mandatory talents. Mass Hysteria was also baseline in Legion.

The only borrowed power system that contributes to the problem is Chorus of Insanity. Removing Chorus won’t make Shadow less problematic to balance, the problem comes from all the Long Ramps.

I get that long ramps are part of what Nyelle (and you?) like about Voidform, but they are all part of the balance problem.

Consider it from another direction. The reason Chorus of Insanity exists at all, is to amplify the benefit of longer Voidforms. We don’t maintain long Voidforms solely for Chorus (the only borrowed power), it’s just exaggerating the baseline design problem.


Long ramps are not a necessary part of the Voidform design I like. I like having my actions have an immediate impact on my performance. I’d much rather the ramp be shorter to make any mistakes less punishing.

I’d personally like to see voidform change to a faster cycle. Essentially you’d be going in and out of void form 2-3 times in 1 minute. Each void form being short but impactful.


I had kind of thought maybe changing Void Form to like a 4-5 second window where after casting Void Erupt you enter the new “void form” where you can spam void bolts much like in The Nighthold. Make the bolts quite powerful and extend dots. Then give it like a 15-30 second cooldown where instead of spending the insanity on that window you could use it on a beefy Devouring Plague.

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As if said before “ my suggestion make Void Form a 2-3 min cooldown last 30 seconds like many other classes with dps cooldowns, it enhances the skills and dps as normal and make the void eruption effect perhaps spread Shadow Word: Pain to all hit targets. Great help for M+ and AoE situations.

While also giving back the Shadow Orb style people love for a normal play style, spending orbs while in Void Form hit harder.

This gives us the best of both worlds, finally a strong dps burst cooldown, the Orb play style and the awesome visuals of exploding into Void Form.

It’s a small change, gives Shadow much needed help within the Mythic+ content which seems to the staple now in WoW… ramp specs are horrible to play when it’s all about rush-rush timed content.

Also throw in a glyph to make PW:S visually look shadow/Void. :grin:

This way nothing gets scrapped, just enhanced, I’d love a on the use button like Mages Combust, Warlocks Dark Soul, DKs army and Shamans Ascendant just to name a few to help boost my damage when needed and defiently help in M+ AoE situations.”

My 2 cents :grin:, I’m all for Void Form, just as a burst cooldown. Visually it’s awesome would be a shame to lose it. Just needs to be adjusted into something more practical.


Shadow was always shadow even without void form for 6 iterations of the game. Voidform doesn’t define shadow .

But I would take it if they fix the ridiculously long damage ramp up.