"Save Yourself" Legion quest bugged

Only work-around that I am aware of is leveling up to level 40+ and coming back to do it again.

In case anyone is still stuck on this quest, from my experience leveling up my three alts this is what I learned. You CANNOT complete this quest under the level 35, it bugs out and it doesn’t adjust. You can complete the quest starting level 36, around this level you won’t be as overpowered as you should but the higher the level you are, the more op you become. What I have been doing is questing in the other zones until I reach level 36 and then will go back to this quest and complete it. Hopefully, this helps!


04/20 - Still totally broken. Can only get about 25% of her health when at level 30. Tried it at 25 and could only get about 10%. Gave up after a about 5 tires at both levels. Sucks as there are no other quests available accept “Minion! Kill Them!” and it has the exact same bug. All of the mobs kill in three hits while I can only do about 20%.

yep, still bugged. not enough damage to deal with mobs.

Confirmed: I went back at 35 and was able to complete the quest.

I’m having the same issue, Lvl 24 DK. I hope it gets fixed soon. I need to get the Tidestone and will not be able to without finishing this questline.

Same Same. Level 28 rogue. Got her to like 40% several times. Suppose I’ll go quest somewhere else and come back.

Level 29 BE DH, same issue as of 04/27.

Athissa doing too much damage / not dying quick enough, making it impossible to complete, even in an optimized fight. I don’t personally need it and will move on to another zone, but the fact this quest story-locks the end of the Azsuna zone will be an issue to many. It will hopefully be fixed soon.

Made a ticket for this very issue last week just got a copy paste answer of “we’re too busy to deal with this right now. Figure it out yourself.”

Just ran into the same issue today.

4/28 still bugged. can barley get her to 75% no matter what i do

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I am also having this issue. I put in a ticket, tho it is doubtful that I will get any other answer than “put in a bug report”. Sadly it seems they don’t pay attention to bug reports on older content.

I ended up succeeding at like level…36-39, somewhere in there. You’ve got to get her down to like 10% I think and then she flees. But it was literally impossible before that point.

confirmed this. i was level 36, and you only have to get her to 30%. it was a lot easier with being a higher level, 4/29

Good thing I found this thread. I thought I just sucked at it. It is definitely bugged and its annoying as hell.

I had a theory concerning this issue. I created this character whose name is a foreign word that means ‘no time walking’. I then ran through the quests without using Chromie at all. When I started Save Yourself, Farondis had almost 25k HP. When Farondis fought Athissa she had almost 50k HP,. but Farondis had no problem defeating her. So it appears to me, the issue is in the calculations when your character time walks. This is my theory and I’m sticking to it. :slight_smile:

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5/18 still an issue bugged hard. I am lvl 20 and I do 0.5% health per hit and get hit for 30%. Tried los’ing her and it’s still impossible to get her past about 90% health. I guess I will try waiting till the 36-39 bracket and see if that works.

I was able to complete the quest at level 26. It is definitely scaling weird, I just finished the rest of the zone and came back to it and it worked ok.

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