"Save Yourself" Legion quest bugged

Same issue happens in Shadowlands in Maldraxxus when you control the construct in the quest In The Flesh. The only solution is to be a higher level. About 50 or so. This game is a joke.

Ran into last night also. Hope it gets fixed soon.

Today I was able to complete the quest at level 43 and after completing Val’sharah’s story.

Coming here to report the save experience. I wanted to run legion because of the rep bonus this week but no :confused: hope this bug gets resolved soon.

Just chiming in to confirm I’m having the exact same issue with my 23 Priest as of April 7, 2024. Prince Farondis only has 3,990 HPs and dies to the mobs incredibly easily, but worst is fighting Athissa that is like hammering against a brick wall, something seriously wrong here, as it wasn’t even remotely like this back in the day when I actually played Legion with my regulars :frowning:

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I don’t know if it’s exactly a relief, but it’s good to know that I’m not the only one with this problem. I’ve abandoned the quest several times and it doesn’t resolve it.


As of 4/9 this quest still cannot be completed.

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Yep, stuck here, awesome.

EDIT: Even tried disabling timewalking since Im 32 and its a 35 quest, still terrible

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Thought I was going crazy. Almost beat her cause she cast blizzard for 10 thousand years, but a murloc on the other side of saturn’s moon detected my potential win and decided to rocket his way across the galaxy to murder me.


im having problems like this in the pandaria scenario quests.

Same exact issue, level 24 shaman as of 8:18 pm EDT on 4/10/24.

4/10 still broken, i was having a blast leveling through legion until i got here, can’t continue with azsuna quests ; ;

Surprise still broken 4/12

Just got up to the quest now myself and tried a few times- I can kill the small things up to Athissa but Farondis is WAY too squishy and doesn’t do enough damage to progress.

having the same problem, level 27 paladin

Apr 13. Still not working.

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Nothing 4/13.
Anyone found a work around? Soooo annoying. I’m back after a long WoW break and feel like it killed my run!

Also stuck here o/

Same issue, neither my friend or I can get past this part. 29 priest and 27 dk.

still issue 2 weeks later, its also the same for all “vehicle” combat in the quests e.g val sharah killing 50 enemies from the bird