Hire some developers that actually want to work, communicate with their customers, and have the knowledge to actually fix bugs and code. Thanks.
Yeah these guys seem to be doing the covid thing still or something, they need a mass purge and re-fit Elon musk twitter style.
they have 4 positions available in the classic team but blizzard is well known for the terrible pay so who would want to work there?
It’s been a bunch of adult daycares parading around as tech companies for long enough imo. Would be interesting to see how much of Blizzard’s “operational budget” doesn’t actually go to anything involved with the operation of their business.
The devs clearly have enough time to be chronically glued to Twitter and Twitch streams, but can’t manage to find the time to fix bugs or deal with bots/cheaters(unlike their unpaid pserver counterparts).
The pay is not bad. It’s just expensive to live in Cali, and their voting habits likely led to the high cost of living.
Blizzard should move to FL, tons of talent here that want to work but couldn’t be paid or bothered enough to move to California, the state is a joke, besides its beautiful views it is a complete and utter cesspool
Didn’t Microsoft just fire like 40% of their staff in favor of DEI or something of that effect? I doubt they’re any more competent if that’s their business practices.
They fired a lot of people.
You completely hallucinated the reason.
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