Save up to 50% with Great Deals!

Who even needs to be able to play the game when you can buy mounts for up to 50% discount :sunglasses:


How about I give you an extra dollar a month so you can figure out how to stop extending maintenance.


Most of these were 6 month 1 year mounts, so I have them

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Can’t wait to see if I can’t get the flying kitty.

It is very insensitive to post an advertisement during a prolonged maintenance window.


Hell no.

If you think you deserve more money than you already got…

Check the room first and yourselves…

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Yeah, and none of them are view bots!


How about you stop doing extended maintenance and reimburse me for all the extended maintenances you’ve done this month?

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The timing is a bit weird, yeah.

Not one to really complain about downtime being extended (usually I’m asleep at this hour anyways) but it was silly for it to be Maintenance Extended > Forums breaking into Read Only mode with heavy load and random changes > ‘Have a sale!’

Sales are neat at all, but timing is… Oof.

Its the perfect train wreck

sPeNd MoRe MoNeY sHeEpLe!

Made exactly at 2PM.

This was a scheduled forum post created by a bot, but General Drama gonna drama.


Buddy they definitely posted this because they knew everyone would be on the forums because of the extended maintenance. They knew exactly what they were doing posting at this time.


The shareholders are their customers, and we’re the batteries.

Test your patience today with extended maintenance, hot fixes, balancing issues, disconnects and latency issues.

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You get a tinfoil hat free with that assumption or did you have to sign up for membership to get it?

Hey, Dipstick, if you guys extend maintenance one more time do I get a free mount of my choosing?


You must be kidding, shameless, MS., not surprised.

OK but if we pay full price will you stop extending maintainence?

I am sure if they can extend the server maintenance they can also change the time scheduling of a post, to a more fitting time. But what do I know :man_shrugging:

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