Save the Date! BlizzCon is Coming November 3-4

Not really… It will have been almost a year since DF release. That is typically when they announce an expansion and then release it a year later.


Whats on the virtual ticket for ingame rewards?

To announce what? D4 will already be out. Starcraft is dead. HotS is dead. Hearthstone is a zombie. WoW expansion? OW2 won’t have much.

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D4 expansion announcement. WoW 20th anniversary announcement. Arclight Rumble hype. Maybe once other thing.


No D4 expansion that soon after release. Maybe a content patch announcement, new class or something.

If you get selected for a Question, be sure to ask them why they decided to ignore the lore and permit Lightforged Draenei and Mag’har Orc Warlocks. Even if you have to say your asking another question. I mean, what are they going to do? Have armed security tackle you and drag you out on camera with the event being streamed?

(Update / A Special Hidden Message to the Mods Left Below):

Excited to hear what else is being axed!

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Lol, don’t “bring that” into this thread please :laughing:

Already plenty of flame-y/hotly contested, ongoing threads on that topic on the front page

…and, go on? Where is it?

Almost looks like you wanted to post something, but maybe it didn’t go thru? Idk

Seeing nothing here after the “:” on my end

I’m kind of scared to watch. I get second hand embarrassment really easily so when devs get booed it’s just painful. I can’t watch figure skating for the same reason, when they fall, I basically want to die, lol.

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D4 is a live-service game. They make money from releasing new characters classes. The expansion may be more like DLC with 1 new act + 1 new class but I feel like they want to follow launch with a content drop annoucement at Blizzcon. Just IMO.

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I would laugh and cheer if one of them started off by saying.

“So. Which one of you likes Fruit?”

Just you know, for fun. Because why not?

Weirdly, some older games continue on with barely a handful of players and a $10 subscription fee. I think WoW’s doing pretty good by comparison.


Gross. No. Blizzard lost this privilege.

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Yes! I can’t wait! :sunglasses:

Not gonna lie I’d rather take a nap at my age than go somewhere and deal with people.

Going to a blizzcon or comic con, would sound great if I were 20 again.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


If I were you, Blizzard, I would brace myself for the crap show that will be your Overwatch stream. Hopefully it’ll be just as glorious of a train wreck as the Diablo Immortal reveal a few years back. For the audience, obviously, not you. That probably stung you pretty hard, though maybe not as hard as it did the actual Diablo fans you should have been catering to.

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