Save MM Hunter Pets from a cold dark sad life in a stable

Because that has anything to do with losers or the actual issues?

The main thing is the utility and the two target. Which of course don’t affect you

Not really fighting. Pointing out someone that doesn’t know what they are talking about making claims that aren’t true is prettt funny.

Those games are based on pets. Wow is not. That’s not even an accurate comparison.

Eh its just a lot of back and forth.
Everyone thinks they are right on this.

While true. I would say the side actually having things fixed and at a level where it matters takes priority over “wahh my pet”

hands blizzard the euthanasia. Do it fast! Fido keeps these posts returning like a bad case of fleas!

Palpatine voice
Do eet.

Or you know… Just bring out the pet you like ON BM OR SV WHO STILL USE PETS.

Drama queens…

Have you given any actual feedback on the ptr forum or are you solely going around harassing people who are? For that matter, have you even gotten on the ptr and tried it? Because there are a lot of fundamental issues with the new MM’s whole design.


Sure like what?

Its Snozay… he’s a notorious troll that Blizzard refuses to ban… just ignore him.

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But… Youre a warlock. Their pet ai is the same? :o

this is probably temporary until they release a new class that dual wields pistols

Is that what it looks like?

That looks terrible.

I mean… My uncle was a hunter and didnt use pets to get deer for that excellent chili.

A hunter without a pet is still a hunter class. Just now its the Archer

You not being able to refute points doesn’t make me a troll.

Can’t be banned when you don’t break the tos

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MM already didnt use pets unless to BL… Otherwise you played the superior pet specs BM or SV who with pets did better dps and their pets were better tanks.

You all care about a specs useless pet usage way too much. Also it is better because now we dont have to waste talent points on a baked in ability.

The slow cast time of aimed shot and an entire talent tree dedicated to making it usable, making a huge number of talents mandatory. That’s presumably why they got rid of wailing arrow and barrage as well. Because they didn’t have enough space left.

The need to double stack streamline, for which we only have a limited number of ways of generating stacks, so you regularly find yourself stuck with just one and forced to fire a weaker, slower aimed shot.

The rng of spotters mark.

The fact that the means of applying spotters mark, precision shot, is one of those limited number of ways of gaining streamline stacks. So you regularly find yourself in a situation where you have two streamlines and a precision shot, and you have to choose between using the aimed shot without spotters mark, and then using your precision shot to start the stack again. Or overstack a streamline for the chance at a spotters mark.

Auto shot being two seconds slower, which drastically cuts down how often we get lock and load.


This is WoW. In WoW for the last 20 years all hunter specs have one common thing left. They could all use pets. Everything that defined a hunter for the majority of it’s life is now going to be pushed into one single spec. Hunter is no longer a class at that point. It is taking over BM. The main spec should be changed to different name and they should make a tombstone ingame for the first class in wow to be removed.

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Plenty of MM players use pets. There’s content outside of m+. There’s also people who only use lone wolf in m+ because they made lone wolf do more damage. And otherwise they use their pet.

Did they change the cast time?

There’s always mandatory talents.

I get that, but someone with old pets that I’m attached to also realize times change and heck. There are 2 other specs if I really want pets.
But this is surv going melee or combat going outlaw kind of thing.
People will be upset for a bit and acclimate.

Acclimate…you mean conform or be forced to Classic. Are you trolling?..