Save MM Hunter Pets from a cold dark sad life in a stable

Will you be an angel for a helpless MM hunter pet? Everyday innocent MM hunter pets are neglected. And they’re crying out for help. Please, use and submit in-game to Suggestions and Feedback. For just a few minutes of your time a story of your pet and you’ll help rescue all MM hunter pets. You’ll receive the feeling of trying to make a positive difference to help keep MM hunter pets out of the stables and giving them a chance. Thank you,


the writing was on the wall when they
pulled kill command for mm.

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I will never understand why they made each hunter tree seem so different. Each just had different top end abilities but at its core each was hunter. Now each spec is trying to be it’s own class and fully ruins the hunter fantasy.


I would actually prefer they remove even the eagle, then enhance the sniper fantasy even more. We get a pseudo crosshair for one ability. Wouldn’t it be cool to have a few that have a super long range that you can fire laying down, or perched in a tree, then have it zoom in on the target. The second click fires, and a custom effect happens, depending on what body part you hit. Also, a cool camo ability. Standing in front of a tree or rock, and take on those colorings. Not stealth, but coloring.


Sounds great but that is not a hunter. You are a hunter first above all else and hunters have access to use pets no matter the spec. If they want to make ranger class or sniper class sure.


I would prefer it to having the eagle for sure. It is amazingly lame. That animation for harrier call is embarrassing, the way it comes in and strikes a dramatic pose.

But I would prefer to keep my own pets more.


I still think that survival also needs its pets removed.


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Honestly no. I want to play hunter but I despise how absolutely brain dead pet AI is in this game. That and I find pets get in my way and cause visual clutter with their jerky movements. It’s not so bad with lock and dk because at least with them, there is uniformity in pet design (more or less). So you can get used to it. But hunters are plagued by too many choices. And yes, that can be a bad thing.

Just my 2 cents.

That’s fine. Marksman already has a petless option though.


There is a quickfix for this problem. Don’t play MM.

It’s quicker for them to cancel the change. It would be one thing if they were giving us a better MM spec, but they aren’t. The new one is terrible. Just cancel it all and make primal rage baseline. Sorted. Everyone’s happy.


They are.

No thanks. That wouldn’t make me happy as hunter utility is more than just lust.

Do yall pet players really enjoy going into each pet thread and confirming you don’t know how the spec works? Or the issues?

I want them to remove more hunter pets at this point

Buncha draaaaama when 2 specs still use pets

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They aren’t. I don’t believe for a second anyone actually thinks it’s better. It’s just people committed to the “no pet” idea insisting this is all great. You can still be in that camp and recognise what a crappy spec they’ve made.

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They are.

Considering your lack of knowledge on spec basics your opinion isn’t worth much.

Making MM viable in two target situations,
Fixing pet utility
Removing the pet
Removing lone wolf

Are all great changes.

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No mention of the actual rotation and playstyle though. Funny that. You’d think that would be the main thing to hype up if it were an improvement.

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Can y’all go one day without fighting over this :joy:

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People tend to get defensive in any game where someone wants to block or remove pets. Think of pokemon, Ark, or Palworld. People get attached and feel good even with virtual pets. When you deny us what we have been doing for 20 years it tends to get emotional.