Save enhancement! (pvp)

YES I want totems to be able to be used while silenced and to be off cd like they used to be. Would make grounding totem much more easier to use to stop spells without being a fraction of a second late being GCD locked. Especially when warlocks and mages be hitting liek 200-300k bolts/pyros.


That healing gets reduced by mortal strike abilities. The shield does not and is straight damage absorb, without sacrificing dps. It also doesn’t eat a talent slot like spectral.

While spectral recovery might mathematically do more, I find the shield to be much more helpful to my playstyle, additionally not tying anymore bullsh*t to ghost wolf than already is via non pvp talents. The shield also comes back automatically, and will proc even when out of ghost wolf. So if for some reason I am caught out of ghost wolf in a cc or stun chain, the shield can still go off mid chain, whereas I cannot go into ghost wolf during a stun.

It also doubles as a defensive for pve which again does not turn off your ability to dps/off heal the way ghost wolf does.


In another thread I found taowth make a lot of good points and one was about enh pvp against double caster teams and not being able to generate maelstrom weapon stacks and just constantly kited. This is just a suggestion and wonder what you think. What if just our auto attacks had an 8yrd range so we could more easily generate MW stacks and also inadvertently help our feral lunge ability by being able to more easily stick to a target in auto attack range because as we all know we can feral lunge and still be left out of reach of our target. Do you think this would be good? Or do you think it would potential be too strong with winfurry procs and high uptime?



I wish I could put my gripes and issues with enhance into words as well as you.

Props my fellow shammy.

I sincerely hope blizzard sees this and makes changes while there’s still time left. Because I fear that if they don’t do it now, things won’t change for yet another expansion.

I feel this sadness knowing I won’t be able to fully commit to pvp if nothing is done. The changes so far are great though, I just feel like it’s a bit half-assed. Like they only went half the road and called it a job done when there’s just a little more to go in order for the class to function well in all parts of its kit.

Regardless, thank you for making this post, best of luck in SL, bud.


With how close we are to the next expansion, I’d be satisfied with a 10% damage reduction on LS and Shamanistic Rage returning.


Right. I already factored MS into my math in my post.

And yeah, I get that the shield comes back every 30 sec and can be used outside of GW. So, yes, there are some trade offs.

Still, 15k in PvP for triple stack shields on 550k health on a 30 sec timer is pretty negligible. So I can’t see it being missed that much in PvP.

Agreed, the shield will be sorely missed for PvE though.

In any case, the shield is gone in SL although some of the soulbinds have shield abilities for you. Conduits seem like they could help a decent amount vs BFA. Earth ele 40% stam increase at least should help keep you standing for a bit. Spirit Walk conduit works with shamanism and includes the root break on use, so that should help some w/mobility. Focused lightning and the healing surge will help w/healing.

So maybe enhance will be in a better place in SL than BFA at least. I guess we’ll see.


Necrolords looks strong for pvp despite a crap main ability. Fleshcraft combos with the Earth Ele stam increase and largely seems to have decent soulbind slots altogether for survival. The ability to eventually move while channeling fleshcraft and be immune to CC during the channel is huge.

The only thing else I’ve seen of interest to fill gaps in our toolkit, is the Night Fae soulbind that turns the soulshape into a stunning charge when out of combat.


Do you think it’ll be enough to make us stand a chance?

So basically necrolord is a must if anyone plans on pvping with Enhance. It’s a good thing I was planning on picking them anyway.


You listed some awesome changes and it just irritates me more knowing blizzard will ignore all of this and enhance will likely be trash in pvp for another expansion.


<3 It honestly seems like a no brainer for me, because its quite clear that Maelstrom Weapons was the inspiration for Frostwolf Resilienec in HotS. But rather than update it to the superior model when they try to fix Enhance in WoW, they just ignore the quality of life changes made.

I get they might take issue with having a self auto heal at 5 stack on top of being able to Healing Surge, but that is fixed with tuning.

My biggest gripe currently is that Enhance is dead with or without survivability/tuning changes, as long as our mana regen remains garbage.

Maelstrom Weapons has only ever worked well with Primal Wisdom/Mental Quickness regen on auto attacks (Cata/MoP) or an obscene amount of baseline mana regen (WoD). We had issues in WotLK where sometimes Sham Rage had to be used simply for the mana regen, rather than the defensive aspect.


Gotta use that Earth Shield Legendary bb- Shaman’s second defensive.

Was Pack Spirit azerite- now its a legendary.

What is more hilarious is that it will be used exclusively in pvp and they won’t think anything is wrong with shaman survivability.


Resto shaman doesn;'t have a survivability issue in PvP…is this legendary available for other specs or am I reading incorrectly?


Yes, it is available for other specs and will be insta picked if you PVP

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It will presumably be nerfed or made resto only.

The issue right now is that ele and enhance get +100% strength heals from their aura on earth shield. So it’s twice as strong for them. But it was designed for resto.

So presumably they will either just disable it for enh/ele or they’ll just nerf it 50% for ele/enh so the healing output is what it is for resto, at which point, it probably won’t be worth it over dps legendaries like frost witch.

So much stuff right now is out of wack due to interactions that probably aren’t intended.

Right now it’s stupid strong for ele/enh. Healing for like a full strength healing surge every charge.

This goes in the bucket of unintended interactions they need to fix like chain harvest needing a baseline nerf for enhance now that it benefits from MSW and echoing shock only interacting with shaman base spells and not borrowed power like covenant abilities.

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Im with ya. I hope it gets made to reso only so we don’t survive and they fix us :D.

It’s not OP so I hope they don’t nerf for reso boys.

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It’s fine for resto. I just think it’s not meant to get the +100% aura on top from ele/enh.

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Hopefully the link works but that’s a link to tiqqle’s video where he uses it. It’s a week old video atm

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according to wowhead its already resto only

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lmao watch the video homie. Its Resto to make- not resto only to wear


Mmmm i think that is an interesting point although i feel it would make the play style a bit weird and if you are being kited then it’ll usually be more than 8 yards and if the distance is 8 yards I find ghost wolf is enough to connect or earthbind totem/frostshock. What we need is our old talented ability frozen power. What this used to do was root the target when we used frost shock with a range that was greater than 20 yards. that way we just used frost shock from range and popped ghost wolf and ran towards the target using sheers to stop their incoming CC.

They could even put that utility into hailstorm where if we use frost shock after consuming 5 MSW it roots the target. But this root was amazing for peeling/kiting and closing gaps it was KEY. right now enhance has no instant cc to catch up or disengage enemies which is holding us back BIG time.