Save enhancement! (pvp)

By healing I assume u mean everytime we use 5 stack of mw such as everytime we cast LB or Hs with MW we also get like a X% heal included? Yeah that’s would be sick. I’ve also too been saying that they need to look into HoTs Thrall because he feels like the perfect rendition of an enhancement shaman on another game. Take his kit and give it to us in wow


I respect the F outta this post.


LB should be instant cast like in BFA…
Lightning shield should be 60 mins again and NON dispellable
Earth Shield should be useable WITH lightning shield AGAIN…
Ghost wolves should heal again… Still need their dmg buffed.

Bring back Shamanistic Rage (defensive/offensive CD)


Bumpity bump bump to the top again keep it alive. :neutral_face:


Don’t worry about that brother when talking about enhance in pvp you should apologize for talking too positively lololol


They need more on demand damage that is reliable. Shadowlands enhance has just as much buildup time as bfa and legion. Oh waiting on maelstrom, maybe I’ll get a lucky SS Proc or WF chain. Welp used Flame shock, oh wait need MW stacks for LB to use hailstorm frost shock.

Shadowlands enhance sucks.

I genuinely dont believe Blizzard will do much of anything for this spec in PvP, its a tradition of theirs to make sure Enhance is NOT a good PvP spec, and at worst, an awful non viable spec. I think at best well get a small buff/change to our mana regen and the strength/mana cost of our heals, WF dmg will probably get toned down because of doom winds legendary, and theyll make up for that with a little bit of a buff in damage to our SS or LL via some stupid conduit or something gimicky and using that as a very insufficient bandaid. Instead of fixing the laundry list of core problems of the spec and how it plays/its abilities, theyll just try to buff some conduits/legendary and think thats plenty, thats the blizzard way! So enhance is by far the worst melee and has by FAR the most pathetic survivability with no room for outplaying yet Blizzard is buffing Frost Mage damage, and buffing their conduit that heals them for a massive amount when they hit IB (and they gain ice barrier), and have the legendary that gives them all 3 shields and buffing how much that absorbs/heals on top of having stupidly good slows. So now shaman will continue doing bad damage, awful survivability but now well also to be able to get significantly out healed by many different PURE DPS classes!

Its whatever at this point, at some point youve just got to accept that these devs clearly do not believe enhance should be anything beyond below average in PvP, thats the ceiling of the spec.


Its hard to argue against your points as much as I dont want to believe it. I want to like your post at the same time I dont want to. Its feels like theres a lot of truth in there.


Thank you for posting this. I sincerely hope Blizzard has read this and has plans before SL’s launch. Since coming back for prepatch I haven’t seen a single Enhance shaman in PVP and these are the reasons. I tried and ran into the same issues you stated so I switched to Ele.


Bumpety bump bump to the top :neutral_face:


If walls of text gave killing blows… I feel for you, but there is and has been nothing to save for enhance pvp in a long long time.


I support this message! Bumpity Bump Bump


Bumpity bump bump bump :neutral_face:


Every spec had some pvp talent changes. Sht tier enhance had none


Bumpy Bump, to the top.


I just spent the last month trying to figure out a main for SL, and after having a ton of fun with the rotation/feel of ele Shaman made the decision.

But considering the above issues are with more than just Enhcance, and as someone who loves casual PvP, idk anymore.


Shaman seems fine for casual PvP based on what I’m seeing in BGs. Anything is fine for casual PvP really since the gaps between classes and specs aren’t so vast that they can’t be overcome by more skillful play.

It’s more competitive play where people play closer to optimally and there’s greater coordination where we may have problems.


Also keep in mind that in casual PvP, you have multiple healers and others that can keep you alive in random bgs.

As Zezu said, it’s competitive PvP, and at higher ratings like 2K+ where it starts to matter. Once you get around that rating all you will see will be meta comps and then C Tier, D Tier specs will really struggle and are liabilities. B Tier will work because it will be supported in comps with A/S Tier specs. A and S Tier are the meta.


Bump Bump Bump!!! :slight_smile:

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Bumpity bump bump


Remove gcd from bl :slight_smile: