Save Chaos Bolt

You realize the OP says absolutely nothing about what Blizz did, right? That’s the point.

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I’m glad you don’t care. Then feel free to kick rocks and find someone else to respond toward. I can do this all day.



Tbh the server was dead, there were absolutely no morning time raiding guilds, so if you worked a afternoon/ night shift you are just screwed in terms of finding a raiding guild, and the pugs for gnomer on this server have been very rare and not very good when you get into them. There was a HUGE and noticeable decline after P1 so better to do this now before we have to find groups of 20 and rip the bandaid off.

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Wow … you can type a letter from the alphabet. Someone give this kid a trophy!



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Double L


Tripple L

Holy mackeral! He can type a word before a letter of the alphabet!!! … I’m truly impressed. For someone who doesn’t care, you sure do seem to respond quite quickly.


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Quadruple L

Go back to the top…

Then scroll down.

Man I am loving this Alex Jones guy. How do you set up notifications when someone else posts?

Make sure to add a ‘hello Asmonbald’ edit because you know he’s coming to get some farm points.

You realize the OP says absolutely nothing about what Blizz did, right?


You’ll live.


Quintuple L

You’re not very good at this.