<Saurfang Vanguard>

This forum is to outline what the guild is about and our expectations from you as applicants and members.

Lore Introduction
The Saurfang Vanguard is a new elite, orc based task group formed under Eitrigg after he took over leadership of the blackrock clan. In the aftermath of the fourth war, Eitrigg seen that much conflict internal and external with other enemies of the horde remain. He commissioned the old time veteran Doomskull, a renowned warrior of the blackrock clan to form Blackrock Vanguard as a blackrock clan elite force. Soon after some successes in the dragon isles it was directed by the horde to become all-orc evolving into Saurfang Vanguard in memory of the late High Ovelord Saurfang. This elite task force of orcs from all clans lead by a blackrock strategist and tactician. It carries out high risk, high reward missions for the horde as well as others the horde may see fit to utilize this unit such as internal domestic problems and insurgencies. It is still led by the now by the current Overlord Doomskull.

An application process will need to be done to join this guild.

To be a successful applicant you will need to hold the following qualities as an orc RPer and player:

  • Active Player - The guild is a smaller group but an active group. Inactivity without letting GM or officers know for up to a month in game or on discord will see complications on you continuing as a member of the guild.

  • Know your lore - The guild does not tolerate obscured, non lore or twisted far-fetched lore to benefit a individuals story and will be advised to correct it with references to aid. Players who disregard this will be removed from the guild. Most orcs tend to RP with a disregard to lore-based orc customs and traditions when interacting. This is something we do not tolerate and encourage proper orcish rp. Orc rp is the most difficult to do as a result. If this is you we suggest reading novels and also touching up on orcish lore before applying.

  • You must be able to fight! - The vanguard will test you on your ability to roll and emote battle. We are not looking for members whom take a more pacifist IC. Previous IC combat experience is expected.

  • Uniform Requirements - The vanguard is now part of the greater horde armies. As such we wear the aesthetic horde red colors with a mixture of black. Up to 60% of your transmog must reflect you as a horde soldier while on task. The vanguard is big on faction pride. There is no exceptions.

  • Have a filled TRP before applying - We wont accept WIP that at the least doesnt look like its been attempted. As a guild we need to know who we are icly inviting before they join us. Your TRP will need to be lore based as mention above however there is wiggle room for creative ideas and a small margin of grey area.On this note, if you are guildless, no rp community reputation of status icly, not even at least max lvl with some gear you are not a Warlord to us my friend. Creating high status/OP TRP for sake of it regardless of lore abiding with nothing to vouch as mentioned above will not be accepted. Earn your stripes.

Once accepted
Once accepted your now Fresh Meat (Rank). You will then enter a period where your expected to attend events or training to eventually move up to an official member status rank Elite Trooper (Rank). Further outlining of how to advance in the guild is for members only.

Further Info
Icly the guild incorporates certain traits, traditions and customs from all the orc clans to create an internal unit culture. This makes for a diverse orc-rich rp guild.

Msg in game to GM Gollkosh or 2IC Ripblade for more info and inquiries as this forum will not be checked for replies.


Hello. I think you dropped this: :triangular_flag_on_post:


I agree. Orc RP these days barely features any handholding or kissing at all, when we know that’s actually a really important part of the Warcraft lore.

I’m from the Flowerpicker Clan. My special moves are handholding and blowing kisses, and also catching blown kisses and putting it in my pocket for later


Throm-ka, true Orc roleplayer.


Xmog req should be 100% IMO


If you don’t have 8 spikes you get flung into the maw


“We will test your ability to roll”

Huh. Need to practice that. Havent trained rolling today.


Expect to get bodied by your own recruits repeatedly for this alone, let alone the other Red Flags you’ve put up there, Chief.

Here’s the official Horde Ranks.


  • Scout
  • Grunt
  • Sergeant
  • Senior Sergeant
  • First Sergeant


  • Stone Guard
  • Blood Guard
  • Legionnaire
  • Centurion
  • Champion
  • Lieutenant General
  • General
  • Warlord
  • High Warlord

There’s only one, maybe two High Warlords in the Horde’s modern history, and naturally, Saurfang was the individual when one speaks of a High Warlord. With his passing, and the peace-treaty between the Alliance and Horde, and the unlikely duration of that peace, we currently don’t seem to have a new High Warlord.

As we saw with Zaela, Nazgrim and others, a ‘Warlord’ seems to be a continental commander or one who commands an entire army and answers only to the High Warlord and the Warchief, or in the current situation, the High Warlord and the Horde Council.

Overlords, on the other hand, don’t seem to be a standard part of the Horde Military structure, but rather political appointees put into place to try and either reinforce the desires of the political leaders, or to allow a segment or detachment of the military to operate in a semi-independent manner from the rest of the forces on the continent or battlefront.

Overlord Runthak was charged with overseeing the safety of Orgrimmar and dealing with smugglers, contraband and spies, while Overlord Razgor was charged with protecting Warsong Hold in Northrend while Overlord Garrosh and High Warlord Saurfang decided on the overarching strategy and direction of the Horde efforts there. Despite both being Overlords, Garrosh outranked Razgor by dint of being dubbed the overall commander of the Northrend Offensive, but both were considered subordinate to Saurfang due to his high rank and experience.

Overlord Or’barokh in Outland was charged with controlling the flow of Fel Orcs and Illidari out of the Shadowmoon Valley region, and acted autonomously from all other forces due to the frantic and chaotic nature of the region, while Overlord Hun Maimfist was charged with a small unit of elite troops to hunt down and disable the dreaded Fel Reavers, both to see if it could be done and to prevent the massive war-machines from crushing the Horde’s outposts in the Fel-scarred hellscape that was Hellfire Peninsula.


When greyah was an overlord we played it as Saurfang’s extension with only command over the immediate soldiers under them and not much more than that.


Idk what Overlord yall are talking about. The only I know is Ainz Oal Gowns.



god damn it


I am confused. What are the red flags here outside of a light gear requirement?

Is the red flag that Orcs in this particular vanguard act a certain way?

Like I don’t what the red flag is.

Fresh Meat? Yeah that’s a little cringe. What’s the red flag? Did this guy do something in the past?

I hate vagueposting.

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Hello, 2 post avatar from a city guard guild, welcome to the discussion.

Let’s break down the red flags.

  1. level 10 character with no gear, their very first post, setting a very authoritarian tone to the Guild Advertisement and tying their whole roleplay hook to a prominent Lore Character, and is a single-race guild. ((Rule of thumb, those generally have some rather terrible undercurrents within them, and Orc RPers have never really recovered from the stigma caused when all the Kor’kron RPers started goose-stepping their way to infamy back in Mists of Pandaria. Its a cloud a lot of Orc RPers still get pushed under by a lot of roleplayers from other Horde races and the other faction because, at least on Wyrmrest, it got really bad before the Kor’krummers all faction-swapped and race-changed to dodge the consequences of their actions against the rest of the Horde RP community here.))

  2. The know your lore thing reads fine … up until we re-read it. ‘Obscured, non-lore and twisted far-fetched lore’. My Brother/Sister in Thrall’s Balls, WoW Lore goes back and forth on itself like a pissed-off snake on a bad acid trip. Orcs in particular have boomeranged from noble savages to absolute monsters to misunderstood anti-heroes to only a step better than the demons to just average people with terrible taste in leadership. Orc Lore is about as coherent as a five year old after consuming a bucket of crushed up pixie sticks and mountain dew and then being told they’re going to Didney Worl. I know, I’ve tried to make it work as if written by a normal human being. WoW changes writing teams every expansion and refuses to let them share notes or even talk to each other, and it shows.

  3. Uniform Requirements is a laugh a minute because you’re asking people to make their mogs in your image? And there’s no exceptions? I don’t think I need to point out how controlling that is, especially for a start-up guild with no background, no insight into how good the Guild Master is or how competent the officers are going to be and just a straight up ultimatum?

If Gollkosh is the GM, why didn’t they make the post? Why make an advertisement on the Forums in the first place if you have no intention of checking back? This just feels very ‘off’, on several levels.


You lost me when you immediately insulted me for having 2 posts on the forum.

Thanks for the instant hostility to someone you know literally nothing about.

I probably agree about the red flags too, Orc RP is kinda sus usually.

Idk why you want to pick a fight with random people on the internet. It’s not healthy.

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Neither an insult nor a fight, but a common tactic of folks trying to drum up support is to post on alts or other accounts, usually characters with a low post count. Smug, yes, but I don’t think I was hostile.

If you’re gonna post, post on your main. If its something you’re worried about getting negative feedback or flakk over, maybe don’t post at all. If this really is your posting main, my apologies, but its just way too often, and way too tiresome, to see random low-post avatars pop up and not think its time for the finger puppet game again.


It’s silly to come in to try to stir the pot and then claim it’s not healthy when you get response. If you want to fight, fight.


theres nothing wrong with one race guilds or having a uniform requirement while on events

sounds like they just want average orcs on Azeroth without the cosmic nonsense

high immersion guilds are gonna have stricter rules, usually for keeping the immersion.

obviously the guild wont be everyones cup of tea, but no reason to come in and bash it

the only other guild i know who does this is the Sunreavers, and theyre all cool people

i mean, really, if they werent so aggressive in the ad, itd be an ok post



It’s like I could smell this post


what does that mean??