Saurfang on Dazar'alor SPOILERS

To be fair Shaw has worked more closely with Garona since the second war than Saurfang has or potentially ever did. I believe Etrigg was Garona’s handler. Shaw was working with Garona during Legion. Garona has only been working really as part of the Horde since she got ‘strongarmed’ into the role at the start of Legion (probably mainly because Blizzard wanted to have some notable names and realised they hadn’t ever bothered to actually build up some notable characters who were actually part of the modern horde).

God, they are even referring to Gazlowe as Horde now and he literally isn’t. The guy is a trade prince in a neutral cartel.

Yeah well they don’t have much to work with because they have been so damn one sided in this whole thing. As previously said, Tuarajo has been done to death at this point so they are pretty short on options since they do so much to keep the Alliance lily white morally clean.


W’s don’t deserve anything.


That whats happen when you start killing all the leaders and strong new characters in the lore systematically,they need to keep appearance for the ppl not into lore, since cata we lost loads of horde heroes and new blood with potential.


Thinking about it, should Thura and Perith have made an appearance this expansion?


Thura? Absolutely. She should have given us her stinkin’ axe in Legion!

Perith? Whole point is that you DON’T see him. Tauren Rogues and all that.


Those are all TERRIBLE Jainas. But it’s better than this constant flip-flopping.

“Secretly working for you to assassinate Sylvanas, remember?”


I don’t so much mind that Saurfang brings up a person he hasn’t met as much as it yet again seeming hypocritical. He was fine with invading the night elf lands and killing Tyrande/Malfurion as part of the war of thorns. When you help instigate and lead a preemptive war that involves killing the leaders and occupying their lands to hold the people hostage against the enemy faction you really don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to Dazar’alor. We’re not just talking something the horde has done but an invasion he lead.


Day late and a dollar short


I think Shaw wins this round just because he’s the only one with an actual leg to stand on here.

Saurfang did nothing to stop any of this insanity from happening when he had every chance leading right up to the tree burning to put an end to the Horde’s latest run in with the villain bat.

And what does he do? Abandon everything and run off crying.

So no. All this exchange does is make him look like the biggest hypocrite in a sea of hypocrisy.


I wasn’t cringing at Shaw’s retort specifically, just what this entire thing plants for the future.

As stated, I liked Shaw, and Saurfang’s for that matter, little nips at each other.


When I first saw the dialogue it did not have names attached. I totally expected that Rohkan was saying that and thought it fit him good. Saurfang, not so much.


Exactly this, the guy could have stopped all of this from happening.

But what he said ?

"At last, a good war"

Then he run away from everything.


Nice to know someone on the Alliance still remembers why this war started.

(other than the elves)


Nothing in this world could have prevented Rastakhan’s death. That guy had so many powerful death-flags they could have been renting out reasonably priced condos to other death-flags. What did you think was going to happen when he made a deal with a Death-God that was connected to his BLOOD-LINE!? Dude made himself optional in Bwon’s prioritize the moment he decided it was a good idea to bind his daughter into this deal as well. Talaanji is someone that Bwon will go the extra mile to save, at least until she has her own kids.

Beyond that, I don’t really see any issue with this singular comment. Saurfang did exactly what we all hoped he would (Get Thrall, rather than start a rebellion). Him commenting that Shaw and Jaina were in for a rescue operation of a Horde Leader should be taken at face value IMO. After Teldrassil and UC, I would have been shocked that they’d show up for such a mission. As for the other comment … guy’s not wrong. Shaw is shifty as all hell. It may be in poor taste for Saurfang to say such a thing, but its not as if its an inaccurate statement.


While from an observer perspective it was very easy to predict his death the instant Talanji was introduced, I don’t consider a relationship with Bwonsamdi a death sentence. I believe he’s basically the patron loa of the Darkspear and even though he’s been pretty prominent with Vol’jin, he’s not doomed anyone in that tribe.


No one in that tribe was desperate enough to promise a death god their entire bloodline.

Its only thing to revere and respect something. Its quite something else to put yourself at the greater things disposal.


What I’m curious about is where did Saurfang learn about that?

On Bwonsamdi: what I find most interesting about him is that while he’s not a good guy certainly, he doesn’t appear to have any goals of world domination. So it’s not like allying with the Legion where that is clearly a doomed proposition.


I bruise you
You bruise me
We both bruise too easily
Too easily to let it show
I love you and that’s all I know

All my plans
Have fallen through
All my plans depend on you
Depend on you to help them grow
I love you and that’s all I know

Current 8.2 War effort plot


Gazlowe is neutral on paper. He’s more in line with Bilgewater than Steamwheedle in his conduct with Red Team, as the Horde is his main source of business. He was the one who designed and organized the construction of Orgrimmar and had his workers do the same for the Horde Garrison in Draenor, and is one of the island teams working for the Horde in Island Expeditions.

Name the last time Gazlowe worked with the Alliance under the pretense of neutrality.

That said, if Gazlowe took over the Bilgewater Cartel, it’d make me a happy goblin. He’s shrewd but not as pitiless as Gallywix, and from what I can tell, he aims for high quality with his machines. (High quality by goblin standards, anyway.) Doesn’t cut a lot of corners.


Let’s be fair here, that is not really what she said. It was more of a ‘focus on the problem at hand’ comment. Don’t get me wrong, I would have preferred her to add something about dealing with the Horde later. But, it is not completely out there for her to say ‘focus guys.’

I would be more surprised if he had not heard about it. It is likely he does have contacts and sources that would fill him in on current events. And even if he did not, someone would have likely mentioned an event like that somewhere in a conversation about about what is happening with the Horde after telling him about Baine. And that means he likely heard the story from a Horde source. And Blizzard did show us the whole unreliable narrator when the Horde hear the story about what happened. So, he probably heard the version that makes the Alliance look the worst.