Sat/Sun 8-11 EST - <Thirteen Orphans> - AOTC + Early Mythic

We have a Tue/Wed raid group that is currently 7/9M and we’re looking to expand with a 8-11pm EST Sat/Sun group.

We have just recruited someone who is going to raid lead and organize the group, and now we’re looking to fill up the rest of the raid for next tier! We’re just starting to recruit, so it might take a few weeks to have enough raiders to start getting some raiding in, but our main focus is prepping for next tier!

This group will be AOTC + early mythic. We’re looking to add this additional group to grow our community and raise the amount of activity outside of raid nights, as well as having a larger pool of friends to run keys with!

If this is something you’d be interested in, you can apply at our website!

If you have any questions or want more info, feel free to message me on discord @ Gokiburi

Looking for dps and a few healers now!

Looking to fill up the group with dps now!

Still looking to round out the roster with a few more dps!

Are you looking for any healers at this time?

Hey Megan,

We do have 1 spot open for a healer!

Can you add me on Discord: @Gokiburi and we can chat more there?


Still looking for 3-4 more DPS to hit the ground running for 10.2!