Sarkareth is a god awful fight

Rise / Sunbreak has way better movement. Granted that game had folks that worked on Monster Hunter Frontier. So the monsters can be bonkers fast lol

Was still nice to have that “oh…I understand now” moment when I tried out the Bow after struggling with other weapons. Played Hunting Horn too but I need to get back to that weapon someday. That game improved Hunting Horn IMMENSELY.

You don’t like purple on purple with purple swirling vortex?!


IDK, I only see that they tried to mimic only the second phase of Gul’dan in Nighthold.

It seems that Blizzard failed to once again bring a boss that would look the worst and impressive that the void is talked about as the old gods.

It is not a bad raid, but the last boss, especially its cinematics, was disappointing, and the worst thing is that the patch does not end, and the megadungeon is mixed in not trusting the lore of the dungeon if it will be very exciting, or if it will be the last hope that Blizzard let’s hope to bring more detailed content to the RPG of the Dungeons.

maybe try calling out the abilities by their actual names and you won’t have 25-30 people running around not know what the heck anyone else is actually referring to lol.

Heroic is gonna be a blast to pug…

Monster Hunter has clamed this thread.


Guess you wont like it they are buffing all bosses in Aberrus by 75% on Tue then as the first round of tuning after this weeks feedback/numbers.

what you don’t like the 25 shades of purple spell effects in a purple room?


Goes to show, you always get the Worst takes on the WoW forums.


its a terrible fight. We always wiped at the same spot 3rd phase solely because someone ALWAYS walked through the bombs accidentally and then we blew up. EVERYTIME. Screw this fight, it needs heavy nerfs. And often times you can’t get behind rocks in time in the “safe” area so you always lose people because the area you need you stand in is insanely hard to see and winds kill you in 5 seconds on normal alone, everything is so hard to see its stupid and ridiuclous. You can’t tell whats what, all is blue/purple/black.

Easy fixes for fight:

Reduce wind damage so it doesnt auto kill
Change color palettes for the mechanics last phase to make them easier to identify
Make the LOS lines much clearer
Make bombs harder to accidentally pick up(like give a buff that only certain people can get it and others cant if walked through)

I main Hunting Horn, I AM the one-shotter.

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I need to get back into playing Hunting Horn. I’m rusty with it.

Respect the doots


Cleared it on normal today, once we got the hang of the mountain of mechanics it didn’t see too bad.

If you’re getting 1shot by these, numerous people had to have ROYALLY screwed up to get to that point. Like, numerous people getting frontalled AND failing to get sent down on top of a tank failing to play the game for several seconds, AND your designated bomb-doers for the entire fight losing brain cells for the entire phase, AND the entire raid baiting meteors poorly.

I just killed this twice on Heroic and P3 is a little complex at a glance but there’s some very clear opportunities to do the fight cleanly and not put your group in danger of making these mistakes.

I agree on the whole the raid isn’t bad but the last boss is dragging this entire raid down. It’s like you go to have a nice meal and then the host, while you’re eating, gets up on the table and takes a giant dump. He just ruined the party and probably needs some help.


Escaton judgement be like

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Explain to me how this is a encounter problem and not a player problem.
I’m sorry but it isn’t the boss… it’s the person failing the mechanic that everyone else is able to manage.


I never could get the hang of HH… I usually do SnS or Lance.

For what it is… I actually like MH:R/Sun.
I enjoy some of the new monsters I get to turn into suits of armor and weapons. Also some of the fights are not snooze fests. Love the fact they brought back the temper tantrum King and Queen.

The silver and gold raths?

I remember having such a dumb mental delay over their elemental weakness til its like “oh wait no that’s actually clever” lol

The silver and golds weren’t fun in World but I was playing solo in World so I couldn’t tackle some of the bigger stuff. ( Rajang stopped my solo run lol. Just couldn’t freaking do it. Can beat the crap out of him in Rise / Sunbreak tho )

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because that 1 person failing it, kills everyone else. If they just died, fine, great, if that creates dps issues later on ok you meme on it and move on. It’s both an encounter and player problem which Blizzard has admitted is an issue when they did retrospection on Anduin. I’ll note that one person that fails also probably wasn’t doing the best dps, but if your group can make up for it great. The problem is it’s not that, it’s literally everyone now dies.