Sarkareth is a god awful fight

I thought after Anduin they said they were done with these 1 shot mechanics that if 1 person screwed up wiped the rest of the raid. Terrible overlaps, awful 1 shots, and simply crap visuals. I guess they really learned from shadowlands about pass fail mechanics with poor visuals being a problem.


Umm… I’m pretty sure nothing on Sarkareth comes even remotely close to 1shotting you unless you’re getting knocked off or if you don’t do the group soak (granted, the group soak is dumb and it’s unironically better to sac it).

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I’d love to see the one hit KO haters play Monster Hunter


Tank mechanic is a 1 shot for the raid at appropriate gear level during P3. Bombs continue to exist during P3 which again is a 1 shot. The hide mechanic is a 1 shot which can horrendously overlap with both bombs spawning and the tank buster. If you entirely outgear it, yes, maybe there are no 1 shots.


Eugh. I sincerely hope all of Capcom goes under just for making this franchise a reality. Literally worse than the entire WoW franchise.


I just want them to make a World 2. I’ve tried other MH’s but that one was the best one for people who are new to the game and I still kinda was after failed attempts of getting into it lol. I did like Tri though lol.

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it’s not bad, you just have to plan and coordinate a bit.

Its actually really easy if you do mechanics and assign roles… i mean coordinating and end raid boss… ridiculous huh?


thats an entirely different game and genre then wow is though, kinda hard to compare

I mean its okay to have wrong opinions

Jokes aside. What do you not like about it?

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I absolutely love Monster Hunter. World was fun as heck for me.


I know I know. I would just love to see these folks react to some of the “Well guess I’ll just die” moments hunters get when they’re caught in some attacks.

This freaking jet plane dragon is my nemesis ><

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Rise is pretty newbie friendly too. That’s what I started with.

I say this as even still Monster Hunter just has a habit of dropping you into the game with very little instruction. But that’s the fun of it

Sarakareth is intimidating at first, but he didn’t feel that hard once I understood all the mechanics.

I fully understand the mechanics, but when you wipe thirty times because 1 guy can’t figure out how not to be in the cleave cone of the boss that then 1 shots the raid it’s beyond frustrating. That or you get a terrible overlap with scouring eternity and void slash, or just the plane fact it looks like liquid diarhea all over my screen from purple, on purple, on purple.

It’s a poorly designed fight both visually and mechanically.

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I can tell you what I don’t like about it. That’s having some of the worst controls in a video game of its kind ever. It’s like Dark Souls if the person making the controls smashed themselves over the head with a brick first.

It can be a little wonky at first. It was for me but then I figured out what to do.

Granted Max Evade Extender along with the big evade you can do with a switch skill swap. Das the good stuff

I played a couple hundred hours of Monster Hunter World, mostly using the dual swords because I couldn’t stand using any of the other weapons in the game. Played it all the way through the expansion. Wouldn’t ever play that trash again because it was just an endless exercise in frustration. If the controls were as good and responsive as Dark Souls it’d actually be a really good game because it has good systems in it.

This, I laughed listening to our leaders talk about “You wanna pick up the bomb in the purple thing and take it to a purple swirly…no not that purple swirly, the purple swirly with the purple orb on it. Okay now take the giant purple swirly to the purple aoe on the ground…no not that purple aoe on the ground the other purple aoe on the ground.”


You know what to do.