Sargeras' Sword will have a role, at some point


Yeah, just like Argus was on the cover of Legion. Or how N’Zoth was on the cover of BFA. Or how Archimonde was on the cover of WoD. Or how Garrosh was on the cover of MoP. Or how Kil’jaeden was on the cover of BC.

You want me to keep going, or…?

Hell, looking at this, of the eight expansions released, only two (Wrath and Cata) actually had their final bosses on the box art. If we wanna be generous and add WoD to the mix because Grom was meant to be the final boss, that still only leaves three against five. So I dunno what the hell you’re talking about, and I’m not sure you do either.


Thats a reply to Grandblade.

Your bad faith continues. This is my last reply to you.
Go troll someone else, I am done wasting my time on you.

You being unable to comprehend something = “bad faith”. I love this. It’s such an easy way to weasel out of being intelligent or rubbing two brain cells together to try and understand an argument. Just claim the other person bad faith repeatedly, ad-nauseum, and then call them the troll.

How is you replying to someone else’s arguments or talking points in anyway supposed to be constituted as reply to my points? Is your brain ok? Do you smell burning?


go back to the general forums. Those people are more up to your speed.

You had stated:

And I replied I agreed with you. What were you expecting me to say otherwise? I stated I generally agreed with you and then stated hypothetical questions meant to spur thinking further on the topic, to which you replied in a literal fashion. Okay then - you don’t understand what I was saying. Not much else to discuss if you’re not able to comprehend but then you want to argue about it lol.

And I already responded to those which you never addressed. Instead for a dozen replies now you have tried to provoke me into an argument.

Take a hint, I am not interested.
This is the final reply. Feel free to have the last word.
I really can’t care any less anymore.

You replied literally to hypothetical questions. Questions in hypothesis don’t seek for someone to answer them, so yeah I’m not going to then reply them in turn.

Last word! I’m good to end the chain here.

Steve dansuer is really saying: I am just too lazy to resolve this story issue and I forgot it existed thank you now I have to work


Vanilla - Factions
BC - New Playable Race
**Wrath - Prince Arthas Menethil **
Cata - Deathwing
Mist - New Playable Race
WoD - Iron Horde
Legion - Illidan (Boss of Black Temple)
BfA- Sylvanas Windrunner & Anduin (Became raid bosses in Shadowlands) / Faction Conflict
Shadowlands - Ceiling? Bolvar?
DF - Alexstrasza?

By Alextrasza not being a Drac’thyr, and not being involved with the currently playable factions, she’s likely to end up being a raid boss as any other conclusion, the deal here is that we won’t know for certain and thus any evidence is as much of a factor to predict their moves as the lack of evidence.

I want to eventually fight the mother of dragons, it would be a fun fight even if she doesn’t offer herself as an antagonist to the playable characters, just as we fought Odyn back in legion.

Which was not the final boss of Draenor.

The final boss of an expansion that occurred almost a decade before it released, and not the final boss of Legion.

And therefore were not the final bosses of BFA, or even the final bosses of Shadowlands.

Look, I know it’s hard for you to open your mouth without psychotically mouthing off about how NFTs are good, comparing POCs to apes, or posting your genitals uncensored, but try and use your brain for one second in your life, Plague. Pick a goalpost and don’t shift it.

Something being on the box art is not indicative of it being the antagonist. Hell, we haven’t even seen the box art for Dragonflight.


So now you’re bringing how some dude with my same skin tone got offended over me using the saying “Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda” to win an argument over a dragon not being a possible raid boss in a video game where we fight dragons.

Want a piece of advice?

I’m not shifting the goalpost, I’m planting a new one about what a crappy guy you are. Do you or do you not agree that you did compare another POC to an ape? Even going so far as to call him an “NFT lookin ***” after he himself expressed upset over it? Your own skin tone does not factor in here, their’s does.

You’re leaving a very important piece of information here, this was done in a thread where people weren’t talking exactly the kindest words about a streamer’s kids.

While you might care about the perceived quality of a person, I don’t see how, or why this is the right place to discuss this.

In regards to blockchain usage, I don’t expect sympathy from people who don’t need to pay international transactions to survive, and when the alternative is paying 40 dollars per transaction in wired transfers, or worse - Paypal…

This isn’t the place nor time to pitch blockchain usage either, but if it empowers this PoC to play World of Warcraft, I guess that’s enough reason for somebody like you to hate it as well.

I don’t even like NTFs they relly on an inherent lack of privacy to function, I prefer the fungibility of tokens like BTC or Monero. NTFs are to the crypto-spaces what the burning of Teldrassil are to the night elf fandom, an eyesore at best - but it gets people talking about them.

“It’s ok for me to be racist, because the topic was x.”

You really think that little tidbit of info makes a difference? This the hill you wanna die on, Plague?

Also it’s not that I don’t get blockchain usage, it’s that you esssentially said that real artists were no different or better from NFT producers. You have (or had) artist friends who are struggling, and you say that.

If you don’t wanna talk about this, then be a different dude. Ideally a better one.

Racism is not ok, and it is never ok to be racist. The issue we have here is defying what might or not fall as racism. I genuinely don’t see it this way, and if somebody felt this way I might need to apologize to them. Bridges were already burned…

In regards to NFTs it is very complicated, on one side you see artists who were already struggling to make it have their art stolen by scammers, and like any viper’s nest the cryptobros are full of those. People pitched NFTs as a potential cure for this alignment, but this never happened for the regular guy, if anything it showcases how already well-known artists could make plenty of cash by selling them, not on the virtue of the quality of their work but rather on the basis of their popularity.

As a low-skill artist, I was first approached by people who wanted to commission me for NFT projects, and nothing really pulled through.

What I can do instead is support them through other means like commissions or koffee? (which uses Paypal, which isn’t ideal but it works?)

I don’t currently own any NFTs, I lost all enthusiasm for the tech after seeing the lack of enthusiasm artists I followed and admired kept through the months after it reached popularity. The main reason why I had faith in it was to support them.

I haven’t made any as I feel it really is an artistic suic*de to do NTFs as a small artist without much experience, with Paypal being so strange I gave up and feel less pressure just giving sketches for free, and refunding the people who ended paying for my art.

Bro, the person you were racist to outright told you how they felt, and you doubled down. Just like you’re doubling down on everything else. You made zero attempt to apologize after you were outright told the person was upset - don’t act like you’re the victim or that bridges are burnt. Own up to your crap.

This was basically just a wall of text not denying any of the scummy things you did, and if you think any of it is an excuse, God help you.

Yet you keep doubling down on your belief that something I said might’ve been racist when it wasn’t.

The irony behind it all is that there were claims that T&E was being racist out of thin air, same as you’re now. You’re telling a PoC what should or shouldn’t be perceived as racism.

The person in question perceived it as racist. The fact that you’re a POC yourself does not magically exonerate you from racism.

You were outright told by the person in question - as well as several others who saw you - that what you said to them was racist, and you’re choosing to defend it. You went as far as to call him an NFT ape.

There’s no way around this one, dude. Stop trying to defend yourself.