Sargeras' Sword will have a role, at some point

Heather Newman: The first question is for Steve. You’ve mentioned that the power of Azeroth, the main world in WoW, is resurging, which is what triggers the reopening of the Dragon Isles. But in the Battle for Azeroth expansion, we spent nearly the entire expansion attempting to heal the planet’s wounds, caused by a giant sword driven into the Silithus zone by Sargeras at the end of the Legion expansion. The sword’s still there. Are we ever going to fix it?

Steve Danuser: We have not forgotten about that sword. It still remains a symbol of the calamity that ensued in the battle against the Legion and Sargeras. And obviously in Battle for Azeroth, we saw the effects on the planet as that sword triggered the manifestation of Azerite deposits springing up throughout the world.

While that has subsided, that sword remains a symbol. I would say that’s something to keep an eye on and be watching for. It’s a story thread that we’ll return to when the time is right, but rest assured, we remember that the sword is there and there will be a story to tell about it and what effects it continues to have upon the world."

My theories is that the Sword will end being used to take out a threat, like say an invading Void Lord, or it will used as the gateway in the cosmology storyline for the Fel Pantheon expansion.


I felt certain that the sword (symbol for war) despite it being powered down through artifacts would have been the driving force for bfa. Basically its malingering presence drives all things on Azeroth including wild life (not just Azerite elementals)to seek violent resolution to problems when they might otherwise have taken a more measured and reasonable approach. It was billed as morally grey and the power of the sword would have provided the impetus for that morally grey outburst since we should have been celebrating the defeat of the legion.

I don’t know what role it has in the future. I could see goblins at least partially trying to melt it down.

I’m pretty sure they said it now because the player annoyed them with their request^^


As much as I think Danuser is a hack, he does have a point. The sword is a good reminder of the price Azeroth paid to defeat the Legion.

Besides, there’s a dozen zones in worse shape than Silithus… Could someone fix the road in the Barrens already?


Yep sword in silithus is hurting nothing but bugs.

The sword is a good symbol of the chaos wrought by the Legion. A relic of a crisis averted. If it was there for years, without a change, that would make some sense. Especially if it is just there, largely inert, and relatively harmless. Basically it can wait for a good reason to be in the spotlight.

I thought they might have totally moved on from it, when Blizzard likened it to a splinter. But it looks like they might be planning to look into doing something with it down the line, if circumstances make it work. Though they talked about that Goblin cannon doing something big, and that hasn’t happened yet.

As far as theories… idk. I thought it would make for a funny visual for the Vindicaar to wrap some chains around the sword and yank it away. Maybe they can drop it into the sun - hopefully the sun isnt alive or there isnt some sort of sun people in a sun city…

Or maybe we can have an in game event where the Factions work together to disassemble the sword. An event where we cooperate but also compete, similar to the Isle of Queldanas. And over a few months, we break it down. Maybe the top 3 Servers to disassemble it fastest get a prize.

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Ion: “What sword?”

I forget whose theory this was but, Azeroth waking up, pulling the sword out of her side and using it to fight a Void Lord would be pretty dope. (even if that means we all die in the process, because that’s what happens when Titans “wake up” the kill the world around them)

I would suspend disbelief for that.

So yeah. I guess the whole Titan birthing themselves from planets was taken from Marvel Celestials? They kinda cut themselves off now that “pantheons” are just mass produced in a factory.

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At what point do we have to accept that Blizzard didn’t actually plan any follow through with the sword, and there’s a very high chance that they just plan to string us along indefinitely with “we’ll do something with it?”


Primarily because their Arcane life energies give life to the external exterior of the planet, would it be too much of a stretch for Eonar to revitalize the planet after Azeroth has awoken?


I don’t see the issue with just leaving it. How can any of us even remove the thing? It’s the size of a mountain. I half expect Azeroth herself to wield it if or when she “births”.


Arcane leylines are Azeroth’s blood vessels. That’s why the Nexus will become relevent again. The ethereum were trying to use the Nexus surge needles to open a tear so a Vpid Lord could come through. The last time a void lord came through it was Dimesius the All-Devouring and it destroyed the Ethereals homeworld.

Malygos thought Arcane lords would be stromg enough to fight void lords but Arcane lords are just as destructive and volitile and that’s why Aluneth is trapped in a staff.

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It also occurs to me that the elemental plane of Azeroth will have to be stabilized as well, but not exactly something that hasn’t been done before (Nagrand was this but on a smaller scale).


Well, not exactly blood vessels. They’re also present on Draenor, so evidently leylines aren’t particular to worlds that contain nascent titans. They seem to basically just be how the natural flows of arcane energies orient themselves on planets. It’s the potency and perhaps frequency of those leylines that’s made greater on a planet with a world-soul like Azeroth. Even powerful leyline conjunctions aren’t a phenomenon unique to worlds like Azeroth, as Karabor/Black Temple was such a place on Draenor, which was why Ner’zhul used that location for his ritual to open a bunch of portals. Zangarra in WoD was apparently such a place as well, which was why the Kirin Tor summoned their tower there.

Well, the last time we know of. And even then, that wasn’t the full power and presence of a void lord. Dimensius as he appeared on K’aresh was apparently just a small fragment of what he could “push through” into the Great Dark, since the void lords’ nature is so antithetical to the physical plane that they can’t fully manifest there. Hence the need for a corrupted Void Titan to forcibly alter reality around itself and allow them to fully cross over.

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I have always thought that the Sword would work as an Anchor for Sargeras to return or influence Azaroth in some form…

Also never really understood what was going on with him while he was a Cloud over the Planet just before he was pull away to be imprison…
I hope its a future cinematic where he was fighting/arguing/discussing with the Jailer or Sire about THIS new big bad…

I know, I know I just want to make sense of the events and story man! DONT JUGDE ME! lol (joking) :laughing:

Joking aside what ever its revealed I hope it gives closure to a lot of Holes in the Plot of WoW with SL… (pun totally intended) :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

We don’t exactly know how much Sargeras knows at the moment. We know how much he knew when killing that Void Titan but how much he knew after that… We know nothing.

Gul’dan outright claims that Death will claim this world when we fight him and the portion of Sargeras kicked out of Illidan in that same fight during Mythic outright states “He will… yet claim… this titan…” so for all we know he learned of Zovaal’s goals later on.

Both wanted to wipe out all life for the sake of protecting the replacement Cosmos against a greater threat so Sargeras and Zovaal would have no problem siding with each other.

Sargeras would probably have been quite surprised that the greater threat wasn’t Shadow but a 7th Cosmic Force he never even heard of until Zovaal who knew the truth realized that Sargeras was planning the same thing Zovaal himself was planning.

Incidentally Aggramar outright mentions the breaking of our World when we fought him suggesting that Sargeras was already going to stab Azeroth while Argus ends all life sending as much Anima to the Jailer. We merely rushed his hand.

That means that all the Titans except possibly Eonar know about the 7th Cosmic Force right now and yet they still hold on to hope that we may save our World. Makes things less bleak.

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It’s been one expansion without Blizzard addressing the sword, and primarily because the entire expansion took place off of Azeroth. Relax. There’s absolutely nothing indicating they would string us along indefinitely and you’re just pouting because they’re not resolving that issue yet and you’re impatient.

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I have a feeling it’s just going to sit there for years and nothing will happen like the cannon in Azshara.


I wouldn’t be saying these things if the plot didn’t treat it as if it were a non-issue. Yet it does. Both Magni and Alexstrasza cite that Azeroth is apparently healed, yet the source of the damage is still there.

I’m not impatient - I gave this plot waaaay more time than it deserved before I unsubbed. I just know a story team that doesn’t know what the hell they’re doing when I see it now. If you’re content to let them make you wait and see until your natural born death, more power to you, cupcake.

A lot of us have been waiting for developments for X or Y storylines for upwards of a decade or more, depending on the story in question. Blizzard is nothing if not dependable when it comes to avoiding the resolution of a storyline - especially when they can instead jump to a new planet and pretend like nothing happened, sort of like they did in MoP, and then in BFA again.

Blizzard doesn’t like exploring the conclusion/resolution to stories, I think largely in part because they don’t know how. All they’ve proven is that they can do cliff hangers and fast jumps to the next dramatic and entirely unreasonable shock and awe moment.

This is why I stopped giving a damn back at the first patch of BFA; writing was on the wall. I checked out and have had no regrets whatsoever. RP has been satisfying; I don’t need to think about what the next dumb forgotten plot hook is gunna be anymore.