Sargeras' Sword will have a role, at some point

I’d recommend leaving the condescending pet names out in the future. It’s not impressing anyone.

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I am not looking to impress anyone, least of all you. Get off your high horse, egghead.

The source of the damage was not the physical skyscraper-tall splinter. If that was the case then digging deep enough would always result in making Azeroth bleed. We have plenty of dungeons and Titan engines that go much deeper.

This should be even more clear that the source was magical in nature, and not physical, as we had to use the power of our artifact weapons to seal the wound by draining the sword of it’s power. The red glow in the weapon disappeared, our artifact weapons acted as vessels for that power (as they had acted as vessels of power throughout the expansion), and we moved on. We didn’t have to remove the actual sword to heal Azeroth. But everyone is losing their minds over the sword itself still being physically present.

TLDR; source of the wound = magic, not because the literal physical sword is sharp and pointy

Nothing you just said disproves anything I just said, dude. If you’re ok with them stringing you along, I’m happy for you. But the fact of the matter is - between the sword causing the issue and the devs clearly saying that it was going to be resolved over and over - that they do not have a plan for follow through, and they will gladly continue to keep people like you in waiting, so long as you continue to be a good attack dog for anyone who dares to criticize.

I unsubbed a long time ago. The sword was not a big reason for it. People like you who will go to bat for Blizzard just for the hell of it were.

Don’t be a drone for a company that can only serve you half a story, you’re better than that.

How am I being an attack dog? I think the point you’re making is dumb, you think the point I’m making is dumb. You’re being hostile for no reason.

Also you clearly didn’t unsub that long ago since you can’t post on the forums when you’re unsubscribed.

Actually I unsubbed in 9.1, they just haven’t caught me yet. Their system is broken as hell.

Thinking the point I’m making is dumb is one thing. You came in swinging. Don’t dish it if you can’t take it, dude.

If you think that was “swinging” then you have a fragile ego. Contrary to your beliefs, the internet isn’t like mommy & daddy; it doesn’t care about your whining. You’re confusing the Story Forum with General Discussion. :clown_face:

Define indefinitely. I think anything over 2 years is stringing us along for an unacceptable amount of time. The way warcraft writers tell their stories is really amateurish and unsatisfactory.

We can argue subjective all day but WoW story telling is a joke in the gaming industry. It has been for years and its only gotten worse.

Since BFA they have been teasing a big reveal almost every patch. And each time it led nowhere or another mystery box was opened with yet another mystery box inside that we had to wait 6 months to open.

its just not good. Not good at all.

it’s the new goblin cannon.

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Unlimited or unspecified.

I don’t disagree their story telling is trash. I agree. What I take disagreement with is that Blizzard appears to have forgotten about it or is stringing the community along. Players want them to fix it fast (which there’s nothing wrong with since the thing is visible from multiple zones away and you’d think from a lore perspective that analyzing/mining this sword would be something higher on everyone’s to-do list), but when Blizzard doesn’t immediately address it (meanwhile also acknowledging ‘of course Blizzard is amateurish and slow’), players then cry that Blizzard isn’t just slow but, rather, they’ve forgotten about it and that we’re being strung along. Which is it? Are they slow? Did they forget? Or are players just upset that this bunk development team is running around like chickens with no heads? The incessant whining about speed of development when we know they’re a mess has me wondering why people even still care about it, especially someone who’s been “unsubscribed” for so long (LOL). Unsubscribed, can’t move on, yet still complaining on the forums?

Wow talk about arguing in bad faith… let me try to tackle them one by one.

Both. There are many plot threads like the giant snake in Gundrak that just get completely forgotten. Will the goblin canon fire? Who knows but they said it will.
These are stringing players along as well as forgetting things, because its been how many years since Gundrak? I think its fair to say that plot thread is long long forgotten.

These two notions are not mutually exclusive. That’s just you arguing in bad faith.

We can also talk about the Sylvanas motivations and real goals that have been teased for years, I don’t know if you remember BFA, for two years no one knew what was happening. Even at the end we didn’t know.
At shadowlands we still don’t know exactly what Sylvanas was trying to accomplish besides some vague words. There was no clear goal at all. The big bad, as he died yet again gave us a cryptic warning about yet another bigger threat.

These story telling styles works for a comic book that releases a new issue every month or every week. Not every 6 months at BEST and years at worst… if at all.

Welcome to the internet. My reasons for complaining are my own and none of your business nor do they detract from what I am saying.

This is anything except bad faith but since the questions were hypothetical in nature, but ok.

This comment wasn’t in reference to you but if you want to take offense to it then by all means don’t let me stop you from having your feelings hurt on the internet.

Your post was full of bad faith argument right from the get go and topped with false equivalencies. If you don’t want to seriously discuss a topic then dont.
I strongly recommend that than trying some lame attempt to troll like the one below.

Wrong again but if feeling superior in arguments on the World of Warcraft lore and story forums mean this much to you then you should believe whatever gets you there. It must take a lot of energy to wake up and be you every day. Keep it up buddy - you’re showing all of us who’s boss. :slight_smile:

If you were actually interested in discussing the topic you would have responded to the actual arguments presented and stay on topic of conversation.
But twice now you have resorted to weak troll attempts.
I don’t think any intelligent conversation is forth coming from you and so I bid you a good day. :slight_smile:

Buddy, you came in complaining about me coming at you. If anyone needs to be told that this place won’t consider their feelings, it’s you.

Spare me the Ben Shapiro rhetoric.

It’s just a sword, watch the goblins and gnomes build Swordtown in it for the Hearthstone expansion.

I was on topic and did reply to some arguments presented. Next?

My very first reply in this topic is that you are impatient. This hurt your feelings, which I can see now.

Watch it be fired in the final raid where we hunt down Alexstrasza or MegaWrathion.

She’s in the cover of the expansion, just like every other final boss.

You did not respond to any arguments.
You refuse to actually address the topic and its becoming obvious that you never were.
Have a nice day, I hope this trolling session was entertaining to you.