Hey there my dudes and dudettes. Thanks for clicking on the topic. I appreciate it.
Anyway, the reason I bring you here is because I am in need of your help.
You see… recently I came back due to available free time and boredom. I’ve played the game many years at a mediocre level but this time I seek to change things up and make it a bit more fresh of an experience. I dinged 60 and it seems the once great realm I’ve spent years on has died or is currently dying.
To skip a bunch of details you wouldn’t find important or interesting to the subject I simply ask… would sargeras be a great choice for a player to play on? Large guilds, open world pvp, somewhat decent community, casual friendly, etc…
I’ve played solo for 15 years and seek to branch out from that and have some… some bros or broettes. You know…
You time is appreciated!