It was a mistake then to stab Azeroth because of that it still hasn’t been resolved. And this is why if you write a story you don’t do something big without an exit strategy on how the story to be told or deal with otherwise you would create a narrative issue. If I write a story I don’t do something big if you’re not gonna deal with it later or leave a company or whatever the case maybe never do big things narratively if you’re never gonna close the book on it or plan to resolve it.
Go big or go home. YOLO.
What sword?
Azeroth is gonna pull it out of her gut and it’s gonna be her sword. Fin
Ah, yes. The Dante Maneuver.
It seemed to me like Worldsoul is going to take care of that sword.
“Requires Melee weapon”
Oye…OP. Go watch the video for the next expansion. Silly, fake dragons…
If you go watch all the Q&A about the next 4 expansions, they are going to deal with the sword, story lines from BFA, and bringing that Magnus character back.
We can’t see it yet but Azeroth is a normal size orc and that sword is actually just his left shoulder pad sticking out.
Remember when they bugged out and people were so mad that their shoulders shrunk?
I think it might have been during TBC.
Seems to me they could have left the sword were it was as a dormant remnant if they really wanted to.
There is no sword in Silithis.
Ion wore a shirt that said “what sword?” at the last BlizzCon. I think it was a cheeky reference to the fact that it is not forgotten and the resolution is Coming Soon™.
(It’s really annoying I can post images … take a break from the forums and lose privileges -_-)
Asmongold was so “SHOCKED !!!” to hear that. He even leaned back and opened that massive mouth in a gasp. Ion must have been terrified that he would tumble in along with the truck that was driving by.
It was kind of resolved. We used our artifact weapons to power down the sword. After that, we helped heal Azeroth with the amulet.
What sword?
They mentioned at Blizzcon that they’re going to do something with it in the World Soul Saga.
What are you talking about? Nobody said anything about Silithus. There’s nothing noteworthy there. Never has been… Outside of the sleepy Old God that is.
Sargeras gonna come back don’t you worry