San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Can tell you one thing, if Darkfallen are meant to be an Allied Race, the forums will completely flip out. Which would be amusing to see, to be honest. It just gets tiresome with people hating on these ideas because they’re ‘another elf’. These have been established since Wrath, it’s not my fault Blizzard kept adding elves out of the blue.


Probably the night warrior eyes for night elves.

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Maybe, why would they be there for blood elves though? Hmm… I want them so badly though for my San’layn, they’re exactly what I was talking about with the jet-black eyes thing!


I mean, it wouldn’t be hard to unlock them…

One of my death knights is a night elf just because it looks so good. And story.


Players would find a way to flip out if they gave us all a thousand bucks tbh


I can’t say I’d be bothered one way or the other, but they DO seem kind of a cool option, when presented as shown in the OP post.

Maybe just to distinguish them slightly more, give them slightly different ears? Thicker, and more “tattered” looking?


Oh yes, we’d love that. Well, I would. Bat-like ears would be so neat. And tattered ears I’ve wanted for a while. Several thumbs up on this one ^^


I’ve been wondering if a new Desolate Council could be formed with representation from the Forsaken, Dark Rangers, San’layn, and any other major undead group in the Horde. If you want to remember what that council was, Wowpedia has info here:

Granted, it might lead to just one seat on the Horde Council representing all Horde undead, but it does seem like a simple thing to do without having to change the Horde council too much while still giving the Horde undead a voice on there.

Seeing as we have some possible events in Tirisfal Glades, it is something to consider. Just something I wanted to bring up, even if it isn’t a perfect idea. :wine_glass::bat:


I hope I have popcorn ready for that day.


It would be nice to see those Cursed Zandalari undead pirates there from vol’dun too xD.


There’s lots of options that should be allowed. I hope they really open stuff up.
Paladin is one of those classes that could branch out in so many different ways.
The forsaken options here were pretty cool.



tbf Forsaken doesn’t need anything to be added just for it to make sense for it to have paladin. Their leader is unliving proof that the Forsaken can remain infused with the Light in death.


Belmont: Okay, who-

Voss: Not it.

Belmont: You don’t even know-

Voss: Not it.

Belmont: sigh Who wishes to be the mouthpiece for the Forsaken to the greater Horde council this week?

Calia: Oh oh oh! holds hand up

Faol: I thought we agreed on “representative”?

Voss: Puppet. Puppeto. Puppetoe.

Blood Prince: Eh, I went last week.

Calia: I can go! still holding hand up

Belmont: … uh, Derek, what about you?

Derek: I think I’m going to need more time before I go interact with orcs in a friendly manner. Sorry.

Calia: It’s okay, you’ve come so far.

Belmont: Understandable, we all have our issues to work through. turns to look at Nightfallen speaker

Nightfallen: …

Belmont: …

Nightfallen: …

Belmont: You’re still not talking with me?

Nightfallen: writes on a notes, passes it to Voss

Voss: It says “Go f-”

Belmont: I know what it says.

Voss: You sure? it could surprise you? You should always expect the unexpected.

Belmont: I’m good.

Calia: bouncing in her seat, using other arm to support the one holding up

Belmont: sigh Princess Menethil, would you do us the honor of representing the Forsaken to the Horde Council for the next meeting?

Calia: Squuuuueeeeee! I’D LOVE TOO! Oh, I can get cookies catered, do you think they’d like those or should I order some of those pinwheels?

Belmont: pinches ridge of nose They’re gonna love us.

Dark Ranger: collapses in her chair, holding her hands over her mouth to keep from laughing

(I know that was hyperbolic infantilizing of Calia but the visual amused me)


Aye aye aye, we have a council >_>

That said we’ve had Undead Paladins since Vanilla, Barthalomew and Zeliek.

That said as cool as it looks I don’t know how I’d feel about “Shadow” Paladinb, since that’s not a slightly different take but the complete opposite of how the class operates and functions, which runs on Light/“Holy”, a soul energy connection so they have the blues and greys so it’s like Spirit Healer/Bastion coded could work.

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I think actual forsaken paladins would be way cooler though, as they’d be the most noble of the pack.

Grabbing my favorite bookmark again :stuck_out_tongue:

I do think void paladins would work like void priests but for melee, but I definitely don’t think they’re needed for forsaken paladins. It would take substantial willpower to do this, and would be the most ‘paladin like’ of all.

Plus perhaps it would allow the body to be repaired and maintained, as they can be healed. It would just hurt.

A lot.


tbh I feel like shadow paladins are, 90% of the time, something presented by people who are really pushing for void elf paladins.


I feel like it really lends itself well to a lot of flagellant/martyr imagery.


Yep yep