San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Not the names, the tuning and tooltips.

Who cares? This is a game with Paladins that ended up corrupted. My Warrior wants red eyes and it fits in with the rage Warriors have. Just give the pale skin and red eyes, it’s already in the files, just locked.


Not to mention, to add onto your point, Blizzard will want to really attract people to preorder. Allied Races generate a ton of hype, and if they give a lot of flavors, it’ll get more folks excited. This includes Dark Rangers & vampyr, which can have racials that sort of mirror Zandalari with different flavors for the elves. In this case, it’d be two flavors. Maybe an aesthetic difference as opposed to effect? Lifesteal can be used in several ways, like sapping spirit (Banshee) and drinking blood (Vampyr).

Customization won’t net them as many race changes, either, to be honest. From a business perspective… an Allied Race makes sense. Especially if it’s one that’ll attract people (let’s be real, people love vampires & elves, and Dark Rangers too, given their popularity in the franchise). They’ll want to both net a lot of preorders with tons of flavor, and they’ll want to possibly cash in on race changes.

Customization on Forsaken or Blood Elves really wouldn’t allow them to tap into that. Sounds sort of greedy on their end but like… it’s (A) what people like me want and (B) kinda a smart business strategy, to be honest.


Yeah, I dont see anything real crazy there.

And dark ranger should just be a new class, Customizations is just a low hanging fruit standard.

To be clear, I don’t care if belf paladins end up with red eyes/grey skin, I just think in the near-future it’s not something Blizzard would do because they are obsessed with “when it fits the story” - my least favorite excuse of theirs.

With a Darkfallen allied race, I’d imagine they’d have the same classes as Forsaken, so you’d absolutely be able to have a warrior with red eyes.

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What a great thread to keep me awake at 6am!

I support this 100%!

I watched that youtube video a few years ago and sometime still go back and watch it thinking what could have been and could still be.

I didn’t get my blood trolls when they added new customizations.
The bleeding hollow customization for mag’har is very underwhelming.
No Necromancer, no blood mages, no dark ranger.
DK elves are the closest we get so far.

But I’m sipping my hopeium from the skull mug and pray.


They aren’t anymore. They haven’t been since they let some trolls look like Sand Trolls. Their new policy is to let players customize our characters as we see them. That’s also probably why you can now be a mage wearing what Necromancers use to wear. Or people can go around in a yeti suit.

The player character as it’s presented isn’t even in lore. Just a generic hero, non-descript.


Aw thanks for the kind words! Haha yeah, that youtube video was made a while ago, but I haven’t changed much ^^ I might even go back to that channel and do some game commentary on WoW & FFXIV if we do get Darkfallen. Right now I just narrate on another channel (SCP, Backrooms, & other such popular spooky stuff) but I have a png-model (pngtuber) for my ‘vampire persona’ that’s fun to use.

Hopefully we end up getting them. Also yeah Blood Trolls would have been so cool :frowning: I’d prolly roll one.


Unfortunately elitist roleplayers can’t get that concept through their head. They’re the worst kind of people.


I think it’s just that Blizz created that concept and stuck to it for so long. Despite it becoming outdated so long ago. And despite it never being a hallmark of other RPGs.


Blizzard said they want to move to a world where your race doesn’t limit your class options. I would think it silly if they enforce the customization that way too.

Like all the stuff we have in our banks/ legendaries/ toys etc. Some things can be added just for fun. Heck all that blizzcon merch and transmog isn’t canon in lore. It’s nice blizzard do those things. Especially when Paladins already got corrupted ashbringer, if they got those options they could make a decent mog/skin for it.


I would legitimately try to play a Paladin (at least Tank and DPS) if Forsaken could be them.

Note, Forsaken Paladin, not Lightforged Undead. Completely different.

Though an Allied Race would open up more options, such as Voice/Emotes/Racials/Heritage Armor, it is not the be all end all if it is done in a satisfactory manner.

Given that Blizzard literally commented that Blood Elf Golden Eyes where not class locked despite lore I do not think they would consider it a problem.

Not to mention they are thinking about easing more class restrictions.

Spell effects would probably go to just Blood Elf, Forsaken, and maybe Night Elves if they do the Night Elf DRs. But only if it’s on the same level as Warlock Green Fire.

If it’s just a few spells there is no issues since Hunters can use any type of magic for specific shots/traps/spells and have had Dark Arrow as a talent before.

This would definitely better for those who want San’layn since it potentially provides Voices/Racials/Emotes/Animations and maybe Heritage Armor.

But given how little work they are doing with races thanks to Drakthyr and that they have expanded the scope of what a race is, it’s not the only option they have. And if they are going to do it anyway, rather people want an Allied Race or not, we should demand they do it well.


All good points - I think I wanted to convince myself there was only one logical conclusion (allied races) because that’s what I want, but you’re right, they could do a number of things and have it make sense.

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i wonder when/if they’re ever gonna let DK’s alter the colors of their eyes, or have it set to switch on spec change to match.


Also playing around with NPC options in Wowhead’s Dressing Room tool I saw some nice obsidian eyes for BE DKS, wonder what they’re from?

(there’s also blood red for those interested… anyone here? Nah… XD)

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It’s the best conclusion, don’t get me wrong, I would rather they make all the races people want Core/Allied Races and I think we should all push for that, but I’m not boo at customizations/subraces if the only other option is nothing.

I’m going to boo at lots of things they do anyway…

Hopefully they go beyond to make the player base happy.

I’d love eye colour options on DKs, but hate if they were spec locked. Why should we have to be Blood spec for red eyes, or Unholy for green?



But then you’ll have an unfair advantage in PVP because they can’t tell what spec you are!!! /s

Definitely wasn’t voicing that as a requirement, just something that popped into my head :3


Good morning, everyone. I just would like to say a few words.


Yes to vampy elf options. Yes to undead race options. Yes to red eyes and fangs for everyone who doesn’t already have them!

That is all. Carry on.