San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I’d like to see a variety of paladins. Since paladins are just warrior priests, then a shadow priest taking up arms would make a lot of sense, especially since supposedly undead priests are shadow.

I’d like to see a ton of representation of various powers via different paladins orders.
I’m also very fond of letting people pick which they want. So if someone wanted to be a light wielding forsaken paladin, cool.

Yeah not needed, but should definitely be an option. The more options the better!
The red visuals for blood knights are great as well.
There was a post over on reddit where someone was even mocking up different glyphs for paladins’ Avenging Wrath that was pretty neat.

I really wish they’d never placed shadow as part of the void. It doesn’t make sense.
It should have been Darkness grouped with Void. As Darkness is the absence of Light, where void is the absence of all.
A shadow can not exist except in the presence of the Light. Without the Light, there is no shadow.
Light/Shadow vs Void/Darkness
Shame they didn’t go that way.

A shadow priest and a void priest could have been different.

That’d be so amazing!

tbf I think Void was made as a fleshing out to what otherwise was the very generic and vague Shadow, rather than them taking Shadow and placing it into Void.


And this route yeah, absolutely.

But that’s a world’s difference than just a cosmetic skin since the current Paladin storylines and how everyone treats them is so entrenched in the Light. I wouldn’t really be interested in more or less Glyphing into Shadow Paladin and everything is still reacting to me as a Lightbringer.

Champions of other elements sounds awesome, but that would be a lot of work.

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So let’s say this happens with the prepatch. We know Blizzard isn’t going to do a 1:1 implementation of the concept. How do they corrupt this wish?


Since it’s too late for them to take bad suggestions and run with them by this point, I’ll hazard a guess here without fear of them actually taking it as a suggestion.

My guess is Lightforged Darkfallen.


The idea of Lightforged Darkfallen is terrifying, I will admit. Though some predict Lightforged undead as a thing. Not my cup of tea… at all ><

My prediction is: They strip any vampirism from Darkfallen even though San’layn were the original Darkfallen. That’s a fear of quite a few here–a justifiable one, too. I wouldn’t be satisfied with just undead elves.


Or perhaps blue-eyed given Sylvanas’ sort-of redemption/soul merge, with no red option? Completely disregarding the lore behind that?


This would infuriate me so much, I can’t stand the obsession with blue eyes and would abandon my DK eyes if I had the option.


This is perfectly on brand for Blizzard. It’s pretty much exactly what they did with Lichfire eyes on DK players. Apparently they forgot those came from the Lich King’s helmet.


I’ve wanted to have red eyes on my Death Knight ever since I learned that Orc Death Knights would be an option. I feel your pain. But there has to be a catch somewhere…

We asked for High Elves, we got Void Elves.
We ask for Mag’har ever since TBC Outland, they give us the ones from the AU Draenor.
We ask for Dragonsworn, they give us another new and original creation.
We ask for Nightbourne, we get constipated old men.

There’s always a catch.


No fangs. Just regular human teeth. The horror…




Honestly that’ll probably be what happens even though we know REGULAR Thalassians have fangs motions to Sylv AND Alleria in cinematics




Well, regardless, I wish you guys luck. I’m not a not a fan of anything Elven-adjacent, but I can find joy in others finding joy.


Thanks for the luck! Well wishes in what you’d like as well. I really do hope they’re listening to folks in general. There are some good signs they are, at least. Hopefully.


I want those Dragonmaw Orcs, but I have a feeling that we’ll have a WoD repeat with Dragonflight: finally, an opportunity to showcase the Clan in all its glory, and a narratively logical opportunity to further develop them… and they’ll be completely absent.

But yeah, keeping my ear to the ground, all signs point to something for this crowd happening sooner rather than later. I’m rooting for you!