San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I came across a few Darkfallen/San’layn transmogs on Wowhead. I thought I’d share them for people to save in the future, in case we actually get Darkfallen as a playable race. Each link will give a list of equipment to give the transmog appearance, and you can click any equipment item to see what known items give that equipment slot’s appearance.

If you notice any of them mentioning 9.2.5 PTR, which only one seems to in any fashion from what I can tell, don’t pay any attention to it. They’re all transmog sets made by users and aren’t anything specifically related to 9.2.5’s contents. Anyway, the transmogs are as follows:

With luck, we’ll be able to use this on actual Darkfallen characters someday! :wine_glass::bat:


Is it wrong that more Tirisfal Glades content makes me want to see more Scarlet Crusade content as well as Dark Ranger/Darkfallen/San’layn stuff?


So I came across a tweet speculating some about that music track myself and Nicodemùs linked:

"-This is pretty much the exact same length as the other allied race intro cutscene tracks

-This plays very often in the audio book version of the Sylvanas novel

-This was added in the same build as a bunch of combat noises for both genders"

Really suspect, but as I said, I really don’t want to give my hopes up. Still, a part of me is hoping we’ll finally see playable Horde San’layn if playable Darkfallen are a thing. :wine_glass::bat:


You guys beat me to it.

So Allied Race… Slightly more likely now?

Here’s hoping.

But there was also the mention of “Night Warrior” styled Customizations when asked about Dark Rangers…





Very good signs. I got a vampire lady I wanted in a phone game I play (don’t judge) and that must be an omen!

But seriously, I’m feeling a bit of hope but trying not to be too hyped. I really am curious to see when we’ll know.

Realistically, they’d hook a lot of people for preorder–vampires are all the rage, and so are elves. But that might just be me on the copium.


Ah the ever consuming world of gacha. Dread it run from it gambling still arrives. I can’t judge though cause I play them when I’m bored as well so I’ll just sit here and wallow in my shame lol.

I always remain a bit skeptical because I’m afraid of being disappointed. But I think everyone can expect at least something slightly decent.


Yeeeeah, my lover is so miffed (in a joking, fun way of course) at me for continuously getting ALL THE LUCK haha. But yeah, I like collection games with pretty art, so why not :stuck_out_tongue:

Also true! Agreed on both accounts. The anticipation will be killing us for a while, no doubt.


I just hoard until I see something I really want. Got a full pity worth of pull as well as the necessary items for max upgrades just waiting for a character to become playable when in reality it might not ever even happen. But still I wait.


It’s slowly seeming like it is. Under the assumption that:

-The rumor is true.

-We get at least one new playable race, likely with early access to it/them and Dracthyr when available if you preorder Dragonflight

-Darkfallen become the playable race or is part of a batch of playable races (preferably with San’layn options for PC’s along with NPC’s).

I do think the combination of an elf race, World of Elfcraft jokes aside, and undead/vampiric themes would get people excited and want to preorder the next expansion to gain early access to them. Not to mention that it could fit well in the storyline. The internet may very well complain and the forums may become a fiery inferno, but to the common player, I can see a lot of excitement out of playable Darkfallen.

But as I said, none of what I listed is guaranteed to happen. That is why I’m trying to be cautious about the whole thing in case disappointment happens. We don’t know what is being planned and even then, if Darkfallen are part of it. It’s causing more frustration than excitement for me, since I want to be hopeful, but my more logical side is trying to suppress those emotions in case it leads to disappointing.

Needless to say, the wait for this announcement of 9.2.5 and Dragonflight preorders is going to really be an annoying wait. In the meantime, I’ll be keeping an eye out for anything of interest to report both here and the Dark Ranger megathread. I want to include them in this, since it is of great interest to Dark Ranger fans as well.

Not to count my chickens before they hatch, but if Darkfallen are indeed coming and are treated like an allied race, I’ll look for unlock requirements to share here. If they’re something that requires a dungeon or raid, then I’ll see if we can form groups for either for people here and others wanting to unlock them in general also. I will be happy to assist with what I can. At this point, we don’t know if whatever playable race will have unlock requirements or if it’ll just be early access for preordering Dragonflight while being available for everyone.

It’s going to be a frustrating wait. I’m hoping for the best, but it’s really quite the mental conflict right now in trying not to get too hyped in case disappointment follows.

Will continue to keep an eye out for anything of interest to report here and the Dark Ranger megathread. :wine_glass::bat:


Yea I really hate this. I’d much rather have the full picture rather than small puzzle pieces being thrown our way every couple of days.


I am a gacha prisoner myself, so I will not judge.


In examination.

Recent Datamines revealed work on the Dark Ranger questline.

The Sylvanas Novel has referred to All Undead Elves as Darkfallen.

The Heritage Weapon quest refers to San’layn as a sect of Darkfallen.

When asked specifically about Dark Rangers, they mentioned “Night Warrior” styled Customizations when the story fit. (Like the Tirsfall Datamining)

Music heavily used in the Sylvanas Audio Book called Highborne was just added.

And to be taken with a grain of salt, a supposed “Leak” having Darkfallen be a Allied Race for Preorder.

I’m going to be ticked if this all turns out to be nothing lol


I agree as well. I was thinking we’d get 9.2.5 info when they did the whole Dragonflight reveal. Especially considering The Jailer has been up on LFR and many of us have hit exalted with The Enlightened in Zereth Mortis. If they are working on at least one new race for 9.2.5, then it could explain things and why it is taking longer, but nothing is guaranteed, so who knows?

I’m hoping the reveals for 9.2.5 and Dragonflight preorders are very soon. I really don’t want to have to wait for months, twiddling my fingers and trying not to get my hopes up as potential hints and stuff gets datamined piece meal while I go insane. I don’t mind waiting for the patch itself, but I really would like info ASAP on what it is so we don’t have to worry about anything. As I said, the wait is going to be much more frustrating than exciting the longer they drag it out. If the announcement ends up being a damp squib or something offensive/asinine, like Light Forged/Bound/Redeemed/Themed Undead of some kind, it’s going to really sour things in general, likely even worse if too much time passes. Whereas getting us hyped ASAP would do more good the sooner it gets announced. Just how I honestly feel.

Let us hope whatever is coming is announced sooner than later. :wine_glass::bat:


Until I see it 100% shown confirm I will not put my faith in Blizz after being denied it for SL.


Congratulations! :tada:

Idk if they are ever going to do housing in WoW. I think it’s not something they really want to do. They just don’t want to say no outright because people would be more upset.

I really hope the reason they haven’t started preorders is because there really is an allied race. I wonder if it really is darkfallen.


Yeah, the answers weren’t flat out no this time, so I have a tiny bit of hope. Buuuuut not for a few years, sadly. I have my house in FFXIV though. I guess I can play two games, but most of my time will be in the other for RP.

Still, if they do add Darkfallen, I’ll hop back on for a bit, for sure. Plus, I do love dragons, and I will admit the customizable dragon mount is super intriguing.


Very nice attempt there. Kudos to you for that.

Let’s break it down then shall we?

So should we take a deep dive into that person’s history? Because we can. The technology is there. Their fixation on the Horde is true and disturbing. The game should not focus on a single faction to get better.

I reap what I sow? How is the farm of the WoW forums? Pristine perfect utopian bliss? Right? I oppose something I see is clearly biased and lacking good will (just give the horde what I want because I am a horde influencer in this very specific part of the internet).
Or… challenge that and say that maybe Horde purists and apologists are wrong and maybe there is no good reason to let this Sanlayn larper get their wish.

“This post reminds me of a villain speech. It almost reads like someone auditioning to play a bond villain. A very smol bond villain. The smallest.”

Very mature sir or madam. You have clearly exposed me as a (insert your fixation here) and dismantled my arguments perfectly. I clearly cannot compete with people like you or OP who just constantly expose my faults in logic and facts. I cannot compete with you. I humbly bow before you sir or madam or other.

munches popcorn

{narrator voice} The incensed gnome (whimsicus smollicus of the Hobbidae famly) vexalates profoundly at potential prey and predator alike, unable to distinguish between the two. And reality for that matter. Their diet normally consists of scenery and the digestive track posits that it is similar to shark’s.


vexalates isn’t a real word.

Vexes is a real word.

…I thought certain parties who complained about this thread left because we’re an echo chamber and they couldn’t get through to us?

Why are they back? If we’re believed to be so incredibly toxic, then why not ignore us/mute the thread and move on? Seriously, like if we’re that bad that someone needs to write long rants to try and toss the thread off topic… we’re not the issue here.

You know what, I don’t want to know. I don’t see threads from people I have on ignore.

I think people are just flipping out a little bit because more pieces of the puzzle point to Darkfallen Allied Race or customization. Honestly, they can be angry about it, I’ll be enjoying my elf vampires should they come. It’s not guaranteed, but there’s many pieces now. I hope the reference to checking Northrend leads to something as well.