San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It really isn’t. IDK what to tell you, but It’s hard to come across this petty without meaning to as you claim you didn’t during this exchange.

You focused on the

and then

That was just petty.

Disagree; I think that resolution of Alleria’s desire to reclaim QT as a failure would solve the issue and everyone can move on.

… I’m sorry are we at the point where we don’t recognize that’s the ancestral home of her family and that perhaps she has a claim to it?

Hard to disagree with that.


Yes, because a lot has happened since then, and ignoring that and the division that has occurred is crazy.

We don’t need it to move on. We had moved on from her before she was discovered to be still alive on Argus.


To you. I don’t view as such and I feel like its not beneficial to do so, but you do you.

If you want to talk about the success of the HE fantasy, I mentioned it too just in reverse so what why does that bother you?

You spoke about the second visual theme of VEs and wanting to have a second visual theme for BEs.

I spoke about the only theme for BEs and wanting to have a second theme for BEs, that we had overlap isn’t a big deal, I wasn’t offended by you enjoying or viewing the second distinct theme VEs have as a success.

There’s nothing to move on from its entirely a one sided thing, BE fans don’t want Alleria and Alliance riding the coat tails of our story, if Alleria fans do oh well?

She has no claim to Quel’thalas.


Even in wod I could hear dreanei warning their time counterpart cousins about blood elf mana addiction.

Makes me think they dont have the highest opinions of them.

Could use some radical excuse against them or some such.

Few alliance realize the honor and privilege of having 2 races that represent light and darkness on their faction in such pure forms.

It’s the “F” Alleria as if she is worthy of no understanding what doesn’t vibe with me.

Okay, be like that.

It’s literally a story hook that was added as one of her goals. I mean sure, they can just dismiss it eventually, but to pretend it doesn’t exist right now doesn’t help anyone.

Again, does that mean she doesn’t have any claim to her ancestral home? Not only legally, but morally?

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I understand she doesn’t belong anywhere near Quel’thalas. She needs to stay with the Alliance in their territories. And there needs to be no quarter given to Alliance sneakily trying to tread on Belf and Horde territory.


And as a BE fan I view that story wise.

I can see when someones trying to ride the coat tails of BE / Horde story for some weird Alleria moment that is one sided in their favor its not beneficial to BEs, move on to your own story is where I’m coming from more or less.


It doesn’t help matters that after Helfers managed to get more of the Belf look that they started going after Silvermoon, green eyes and other things. There absolutely should be no more given. No more. If they get more Helf looks, have it be new stuff all their own or stuff from their time with the Alliance. No more from us.


Part of the warfront idea they had was Halduron betraying BEs half way through for their side lol so literally stealing a BE character

And it always differed some people thought even if they lost the warfront they’d still settle Ghostlands as their “side” of Quel’thalas like what? Quel’thalas belongs to the Blood Elves who are the main population of High Elves. Period.


Of course, as always.

These things aren’t equal as long as Velves have two distinct racial looks

Yeah whatever you say.

Nelves can at least look more woodland than Nightborne, and their skeletons are different.

Wha…yeah okay? If you’re referring to my comment on visual uniqueness of NElves, I’ll copy paste the final line here.


I typically lean on the side of more customization for all races :grinning:

If the Alliance attacked Quel’Thalas, I’m not convinced the high elves and void elves would help in that assault.

Sure, they want Quel’Thalas to join the Alliance, but I really don’t see them attacking it to try and force it to join. Doesn’t seem within their character to me.

Like, the last interaction the Silver Covenant had with Quel’Thalas was to come back and help them defend against the Amani. I really can’t see them attacking.


Wowhead posted an article of an apparent music datamine, which might be related to the Blood Elf heritage thing, but I felt it was worth noting:

I don’t think it’s a hint to anything, but the slow and somber comment of it is very suspect. Something to ponder on. :wine_glass::bat:


I just said this in another thread more or less

But I feel like good things maybe actually happening idk?

They recently conflated the meaning of Dark Ranger and Darkfallen to mean more or less the same thing?

When asked about Dark Rangers today they said “We like to do Customizations when it’s thematic, similar to Night Elves in 8.1. It’s kind of a rare and special thing, when there is the right opportunity to do something like that, that’s something that they would consider.”

Tirisfal has been said to be getting story / stuff happening in 9.2.5

Could that be the opportunity being alluded to to add these options?


Not to mention the alleged encrypted files with Calia and Tyrande. Could be related. May not be. Who knows?

As I said, I really don’t want to get my hopes up, but it does seem really suspect how things are falling into place. I hope if it does become true, San’layn are represented in player characters and NPC’s. I know I’m saying that a lot, but it is worth repeating.

This wait for 9.2.5’s announcement and Dragonflight preorders is going to kill me. I’ll try to temper expectations, but it is getting really hard to do so. < - <;

Hoping for the best, but we’ll see what actually happens…at some point. :wine_glass::bat:


I assumed any Silvermoon warfront concept would have been the draenei against the Belves and would end in a loss for the Alliance Canonically.

Parity between two races added in TBC and gives both new culture armor.

I also doubt it would have actually been at Silvermoons gate and more likely be in the Ghostlands or Epl.

All of this.


Seems my “Night Warrior” styled Customizations idea might be on the table now.

Mentioning “similar to Night Elves” means it would most likely be a racial option and not class specific as people feared. I hope that is the case.

Dark Rangers seem a given at this point, at least potentially, and HOPEFULLY we see something mentioned on San’layn as well.

Even if San’layn aren’t part of it, this opens the potential up even more.


I don’t know if I’m feeling them as a given…

But I’m at least more than baseline suspicious that something is up and that something might be customization options relevant to this thread’s interests in 9.2.5.

Though keep in mind my suspicions have a very mixed record.


That’s what I am hoping for. It’s the perfect opportunity story-wise, it’s a highly requested customization option, and there are already existing assets to enable players to use (skin and eye colors).

If Blizzard wanted to flesh it out a bit more, they could add a few more shades of grey skin colors (or allow the use of Death Knight skins), and share some of the more unique Void Elf hairstyles (the “melancholy” style looks great if you want a more gothic look for example), then I feel it could end up being a pretty solid selection of options to portray Dark Rangers, San’layn, or whatever unique form of Darkfallen that Blood Elf players desire.

This was also found on the most recent ptr update:

Sounds very much like a variant of the music we hear in the Blood Elf zones… but perhaps a touch more somber?


Mhm thats what I think or hope anyways, I’d be at ease w BEs finally have their own second visually distinct set of options to offset the loss of visual uniqueness.