San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I find your lack of whimsical regarding in the English language disturbing.



I don’t understand what you are trying to say. If you want to make up words, do it where so many words aren’t censored.

Are you just here to throw out random accusations?

Why did you just say this to Zan several times



Cause they equal parts timid and want to punch down so threw out as many punches as they can. Teeny tiny jerk punches.

Ah I can see the quoted accusation now.

Well, at least I know there’s folks incredibly bad at stalking :rofl: I’ve said openly in this thread many times I hate factions, want neutral guilds, and find faction stories badly written. I also hate what the Horde’s been turned into since the start of BfA.

If someone wants to dive into my post history and see that, by all means. I encourage people to try and find this ‘horde obsession’ I have.

Sigh. I don’t get people sometimes.

They can paint these pictures of me all they want, anyone who isn’t unhinged can easily go back through what I’ve said in the past and see how off the mark that is. Entire reason why I say they should be Horde is because void elves have a unique theme that blood elves won’t/shouldn’t ever touch, which quite frankly isn’t fair when they can also look exactly like blood elves minus the green eyes.

I’m against exclusive Darkfallen for the Alliance, and turned against the idea at least somewhat for it on both because of the ridiculous harassment I keep getting from Alliance players (not all. Just extremist ones.)


Don’t give the creepacheeps ideas


They already take things and run now, trying to twist it all but at this point I put them on block and tell them to leave me alone.

Do they?

Clearly… no.

But eh. Still waiting on the vampires. This thread has been here for 4 years, someone trying to throw it off topic won’t stop us now. Hopefully our hopes will come to fruition that these hints mean something.


After so much harassment for being a gnome? Is it random? Should we throw the book at everyone or should I just keep trying to educate you?

Why would I assume someone’s gender in this thread of all places?

First of all to educate someone about something you would have to actually add something of value and second the other day you was the one on about how awful people are supposedly in this thread but instead of muting it and actually leaving it here you are again trying to start pointless drama.


What do we even need education about?

“Sorry, I don’t like vampires or elves anymore”

Is this the response people are hoping for? Because… yeah, it’s definitely going to happen after 4 years where we just stop wanting what we’ve been wanting for this long. /s


They crave your validation. They NEEEEEEEDS it.


Ah we’re interested in posting some music again? How quaint!

Considering she’s already ignored them, you’d think they’d take the hint but here we are still.


You’re here making personal claims on this threads OP for one and alleging you can dive into post history, okay what post history? Fallyn doesn’t care about factions.

I actually do I think Darkfallen should be a Horde exclusive, and what about it?

You’re offering incoherent personalized rants about the thread creator and some vague stuff about the Horde, what does that establish exactly?

Lets get back to your other point right

So you’re familiar w post histories and trying to act like you know things or aren’t you?

Everyone knows Zan’s pronouns, what happened to acting like you knew peoples post histories because you were a second ago correct?

Which would mean it was an intended dig which didn’t go unnoticed

I’ve never said this to someone when asking about their pronouns, “sir, madam or other” is that what you were doing then? Asking about pronouns?


Ah, so they going through Withdrawal.


This applies to all day yesterday.

plays harmonica

Anyway, this is an amazing cover. You know, though, if Darkfallen get added as an Allied Race, I still think this P!nk music video dance would be really cool for lady elves. Because, again, it’s sort of ghostly and mystical, very appropriate for them.


It’d be really cool if it was like the elves were dancing with someone… but no one is there. Some floating animations, etc.


nods i concur