San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

You are correct. When there was unique pets I would go to Tauren town, Mulgore (?), for that rare lion that stalks the east side of Thunder Bluff for my hunters. I can’t remember but I want to say that the rarity of a pet also gave it better stats but I could be confusing that with another game.

EDIT: I so miss pets being unique and having their own skills instead of this garbage we have now. I miss disarm on birds, a leg cripple on Hyenas, web on spiders, etc…

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No I think you’re right, but it was a different lion from the one in… Northrend, was it? The older model (the barrens one being the older model, I mean)?

I looked it up and unless I am seeing it wrong, they appear to be the same model unless you have a pic of the one you’re talking about.

The one I am talking about is The Rake.

I also collected Echeyakee and Humar The Pridelord back then also.

EDIT: Wow! I just found this looking up pets.

Nope I was thinking of this one!

Okay I was very wrong, it’s in twilight Highlands.

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That’s the one I thought you were talking about. That was a later model and the Alliance have it as a mount.

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I genuinely like that model.

Kind of wish there was an unarmored version available, though


I’m so far behind trying to catch up and respond to everything! Way too much of a task for me now. From where I left off I was 150 posts away from current. I’d lose my mind.

Lesbian vampire pirate orc is my theme don’t wear it out :stuck_out_tongue: I’d like to say I’m unique but among sapphics… probably not so much.

I’ve wanted orc druids since an orc druid npc in WoD. Orcs been friends with tauren since wc3 why the heck hasn’t there been any cultural exchange? I’ll never understand that.

Idk kul tiran use death druidic magic or at least “end of life” similar theme could be used together. Druidic powers and undeath have never been in conflict in lore afaik. Same with shaman. Only thing you need to be a shaman is a connection to the elemental spirits. Anyone can form a bond for any way. Normally races do it by honoring them but goblins prove that they can do it via contract too which is similiar enough to warlocks that no reason you can’t be an undead shaman. Also undead shaman exist in the twilight hammer sooo.

That would require good narrative design from bliz. :frowning:

It’s a chimera isn’t it?

Does outland/draenor have bears? It has cats.

Er night elf vampire lulz.

Worgen not getting a wolf feral form has always made me sad. I’ve always been of the opinion that it should be feral and guardian form not cat and bear so we could have more diverse options.

Yeah how did thallasians lose their fangs super weird? Also big bad orcs should have plenty of extra sharp teeth.

Once upon a time rare pets would have unique stats and abilities. Some had unique effects. There was a wolf that did shadow damage I think up until cataclysm.

There is a newerish model of lion that appeared in cataclysm. Believe a rare uses it and it’s tamable hunter pet. Also an alliance mount I think the guild mount looks like it. Though as of now the cata models are kind of dated as they changed their art/design philosphy in mop.

Yep that one! haha.


I really wish they would upgrade all the outdated pets and mounts. Maybe leave in some options for people who prefer the old model. Same with the older gear.


They did it for a handful. Honestly don’t like most of the modern wolf models even though I like the wolves. I wish a direct hd model of the vanilla wolf model was used rather than just the WoD wolves.

Hey, I think that is an awesome concept, honestly. Oh do you play that your toon has the blood curse? :o That’s awesome if so. Er, vampyr curse, I mean.

Wait really?

Oh that’s true, that makes sense. I can’t stand class restrictions and like you said, exchanges of knowledge happen, so like… you’d think we’d see it? I mean I guess they’re doing it now. Slowly. So it’s something. But still. Honestly, in my personal opinion, there isn’t a real argument against it.

Half night elf, half orc? Super strong and nimble. Scary concept for a vampire.

Think it’s because of silly ‘nope wolves are too fierce!’ lore. When… big cats are like… a lot more fierce in many instances…

I dunno, I don’t think they did canonically, but they do not show up on the model, sadly.

Yeah I’m a derp. I guess the older model could work but with updates. The low poly model looks silly to me, sorry ><

Rawr, my polycount is from 2004!
Fear me!


Yeah more options for each model would be good too. Also now that we are getting ducks we need geese. Also I still want hummingbirds.


I feel like the wolf could shine with an updated model. They don’t have to change the look like the new wolves (I like the new wolves of course) but like… yeah.

Edit: speaking of which, BLOOD PRINCE MODELS UPDATE. WHEN???


Yeah, I like wolves, but I can’t stand those old models except the black war wolf.
[Black War Wolf | Warcraft Mounts](

My favorite mounts are the Mag’har wolf then the Anniversary (?) Frostwolf.
[Mag'har Direwolf | Warcraft Mounts](

[Frostwolf Snarler | Warcraft Mounts](


That was a cool update for a neat wolf. The Howler.


I think the Alliance got a wolf, which I also liked, but I don’t play Alliance nor do any races fit a wolf mount for me on the Alliance side.

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4 more days and something happens!!!


Yeah, hopefully we see if the Calia questline brings something interest. I hope so! It’s super curious just how locked everything is…


if it dosnt. i feel absolutley blue… orbed. orbed because ToS


Your name is so very good.

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