San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I think it’s best to move on. Because a lot of us aren’t saying things atm but this statement really is a statement that applies to the opposing side as well.

Hopefully you argue in good faith in the future


I do too. I think I would actually roll an orc druid. Though if travel form was a boar… ugh. I don’t like boars. They’re just not interesting to me. The new cheetah form is cool though, I like that.

I’m of the opinion that everyone should get druids. Undead would be harder to explain, though. Given I guess ‘drust’ is still not death magic. I dunno. But orcs sound reasonable to me.

As for paladins, yeah. I don’t understand why they can’t. A culture thing maybe, but I’m still of the opinion that our characters can 100% walk their own path.

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The problem with the night elf dark rangers is that it’s missed opportunities and lack of clarifications all the way down.

Obviously, Delaryn is the chief representative of this, what with her being set up as a heavy handed Sylvanas parrallel with a whole novella dedicated mostly to her experience and feelings during War Of Thorns, with her only wavering at the very end and that being mostly blind fury, then selected to be raised personally out of… idk, sadism? Drive home the Arthas Slyvanas parallels?

And then she’s literally a minor speedbump with no lines in the Alliance Warfront.

Who then shows up to talk vaguely to Calia at the end, continuing to explain nothing. For all the effort invested into her, they sure did precisely very little and explained even less about her motives as a Darkfallen.

Man, I would have loved if the Darkshore Warfront had touched on the night elf death knights or demon hunters at all. You’d think they’d have opinions.


(Yes, I know he’s a Warthog. I still stand by the gif, though.)


Can’t get more good faith than “I wish you the best” my guy.

I can wish you NOT the best, but then again:

Seems it might be a trend.


So you’re saying free the vampires?

I’m holding back so many jokes.


I never even got apologies for the way I’ve been treated by some of the people in that community. It is what it is though.

I have good friends who are good people, and Somand is an amazing person. I will stand by that statement.


Just like 45. “I didn’t say the thing. If i said the thing it doesn’t matter or you took it out of context. Lets forget about it. Unless of course someone I don’t like said the thing.”


I was thinking flight form is the two headed dragon looking thing you see a lot in WoD. Not sure what landform would be though. Talbuk as landform? Clefthoof Bear form?

people won’t like to hear it but this part is true. it’s going to get brought up again and again since it’s not being dealt with.


A Rylak?

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Thats it. Thanks.

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Yeah, that would be cool. I imagine cat form would be something relevant. I dunno… Clefthoof though would guarentee I’d never play bear. Or I’d just change it via the artifact weapon stuff, actually.

Edit: What was shared is actually an unused mount model I still would love to see added.

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I’m a vampire orc and I am all about night elf orcs too. Jelly those folks already have fangs.


The cat form I would say should be a wolf, but Shamans took that so can’t plus it’s a dog type, lol. I guess they’ll just have to give us Lions since we are the king of races. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Has Zan got an apology for being called a fake man by the person who now runs the VE discord?

I’ve always only seen him be the bigger person and find ways to promote Blood Elf concepts.

I’m always amazed w how well he handles discussions and I wish more people kept the convo moving from grudges, we all have them but I choose to set aside mine unless explicitly brought up by other people which does happen from time to time.

Hopefully we can all take that advice about not focusing on attacking others and keep the convo about undead elves.


Agreed with you there. I wish we had fangs. I’m surprised orcs don’t have fangs, it’d be neat. You’d think they’d have elongated canines. I am very salty Thalassian elves do not have long canines… but Sylv & Void Elf Lady (sorry my mind is not here right now) have them in the cinematics .-.

I feel like the Alliance would completely flip out if that happened, but I mean… it fits orcs, given there’s lions in the Barrens, right? Or am I wrong there… I forget.


I really hope blizzard does surprise us though. My expectations are very low, but still.

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No, in fact that person specifically excluded Zan from their apology.


I’m always impressed w how Zan is always the bigger person.

That’s why I mentioned it bcz some people could really help the convo by arguing in good faith, and at least they got an apology.