San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

2004 graphics are truly terrifying. It why indie horror game use early 2000 graphics.

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Your name seems familiar.

I’ve reached my like limit.



I hate that limit so much. I don’t get why it’s even a thing.

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are we going to 1v1 to see whos the alpha kitsune ?
dude theres another kitsune in my guild xD

once again just gimmie vampires and dark rangers . I want them, i cant wait for their heritage armor.

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Oh. Oh. My turn to post on a kitsune named toon. Mine is a portmanteau of kitsune and kung-fu.

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Is it kitsune tu ne or is it kitsune tune?

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Still think it’d be cool to have wings on San’layn. Or wing mounts. Still think it’s a shame covenants didn’t at least give wing mounts.

Like… come on, they would be really cool. I suppose the issue would be ‘animating’ but why not just use the float animation and make it bounce more with the wing beats?


I fixed that for you. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m okay with this.

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So, we have the return of the San’layn, they are attacking BE’s, can use portals and are in the Ghostlands.

Any idea why this Blood Prince wants to attack Silvermoon? As far as I know, and that is very little, there is no reason to attack Silvermoon and BE’s except maybe because you either hate them being what you once were or that you no longer identify with that side of yourself and so want to wipe it out.

Or could it be that this Blood Prince is an Heir to Silvermoon and we don’t know it? Any ex-Silvermoon leaders/royalty have heirs mentioned somewhere possibly as a powerful mage? You know, the stuck-up type that is entitled and since they can’t rule, they go for the darker things like more power.

I did not know they used portals though now that I think about it all mages can use them. But that makes it so the San’layn could be anywhere on Azeroth and just portal in and out from their lair. So, they can basically be anywhere. But, if I remember correctly, it takes a lot out of mages the further they have to port so I’m thinking it would have to be close by even though the game makes portaling long distances seem trivial.

And finally, them being in the Ghostlands again opens up the possibility of them taking over Deatholme. Wouldn’t mind that at all. It is close to Silvermoon, it has crypts all over, and I think a floating Necropolis would fit in there also. And they can even do an event like freeing the Echo Isles for Trolls.

Probably to get revenge on the super secret san’layn rommath

Well, there goes the idea on having San’layn coming to Horde then. Because I read it on wowhead, and it seems like Liadrin is hung up on killing Vorath.

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I didn’t know that but when I search for Vorath I get his TCG which leaves other trading cards as possible in-game characters for other classes is what I’m guessing.

Unfortunately, if we kill Vorath then we are down a Blood Lord, a Blood Queen, a Blood Princess and a bunch of Blood Princes. Either they are cleaning house to straight up tell us there are no more San’layn so they won’t be playable or they are doing it to set up a lesser royal blood San’layn who will take over and join the Horde.

Both may not be good for those that want a pure blood San’layn is my guess. I could care less as long as I get one but those that are really invested in their RP and already have a pure blood San’layn planned if they become an AR will probably be disappointed.

EDIT: There could be a Blood Prince that was removed from the line of succession due to not wanting to be like other San’layn and was looking toward a friendly relationship with the Horde. He could’ve went into hiding with a few followers and we could help him take power while also stopping assassination attempts or some such thing.

It is heavily implied that Vorath is alone and is doing this of his own volition, and there has not been any other signs of San’layn so far. There have been no other San’layn sightings from what I’ve seen, and even then, one rogue San’layn doesn’t mean the others are all like that. So it doesn’t hurt any chances of San’layn joining the Horde at all.

As for motive? Possibly power hungry or insane from gaining control of himself again after being a slave to Arthas and finding himself with the vampyr curse. Maybe he was evil to begin with before becoming a San’layn. Hard to say really.

Not to mention that there are likely countless other San’layn out there, with two missing Blood Princes and some royalty that came out of nowhere. It isn’t impossible to find any San’layn who have regained their control and don’t have the depth of a raindrop on concrete. Something can be done with them to flesh them out more.

So far, there is no reason to believe that all San’layn are just evil for the sake of evil. This considering we have all kinds of undead that have regained their former personalities. I don’t see why San’layn would be the exception at all when beings like liches, geists, and others get to become free of the Scourge and with the Helm of Domination destroyed.

It’s a frustrating thing to see San’layn villain batted so much, I will admit. But I still have some hope to see them become something more. Preferably a race on the Horde side of that character creation screen, of course. :wine_glass::bat:


Hopefully there will at least be an announcement at some point about the Lordaeron stuff.


Look maybe I’m a weirdo. But pretty sure you cannot judge an entire group of people based on a rogue singular member of that group. By this logic no one should ever work with the forsaken.


Unless it’s tied to some pre-order thing that will be announced at the same time the patch drops, it’s looking like they’re just going to surprise us with… something.

Dunno if they’re just testing how good their encryption is, or testing us to see how well we deal with basically zero expectation management. The latter could be a risky move if all the hype and speculation is for naught. But it’s probably safer to experiment on a dot dot 5 patch than, say, an expansion launch.


Given the current levels of disappointment with shadowlands that is a heck of a gamble, but it is blizzard so.