San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

There has been allot of speculation that sylvanis after orchestrating the 8.2 nzoth release will disappear to Northrend and claim the helm of domination from bolvar to stop the old god threat.

Presumably because Nzoth betrays her and does not grant immortality sylvanis will seek vengeance.

With the small northrend army of scourge sylvanis may want to take a pit stop at silvermoon to resurrect a certan… lich. Kalthuzads phylactery i believe is still whole but in the possession of the kirin tore.

If sylvanis uses the font of the sunwell to raise kelthuzad, kelthuzad may raise the fallen around silvermoon into darkfallen. creating a new linage of shan’laynn and increasing the power of the scourage.

i don’t enjoy this idea, tbh if sylvanis returns to silvermoon just like arthas did… it would kinda break her backstory as a tormented ranger general and cement the warcriminal everyone wants to make her.
i dont know how a the faction system would work. maybe the alliance absorbs the rebelion of thrall/saurfang/bane… the rest of the horde that allies themself with slyvanis converting to scourge?

So a semester of sitting around studying has caused me to gain a girth that would work with an Ogre, granted I intend to get some exercise in the near future. Really, all I need is a horn with a skin-color cap to wear on top of my head, some tusks, facepaint, some clothing/armor, a big club with a spike in it or a giant hammer of some kind, and a Stonemaul clan banner to wear on my back. I think I could pull it off. ^^

Quick edit: If anyone here is going to Blizzcon, it’d be neat to see some general cosplay from people wanting to support their most wanted race from their megathreads. A group of San’layn would be a frightful sight. :V

OOOOOOOO @fallynn. come on doooo itttttttttt
i think there was a dope lanethal cosplay one year… not sure…


had to actually find it. it was pretttttttty hard.
there was one specificly from blizzcon but she didnt compete. this one however is from otaku


Yeah I agree. I really hope we see some AR announcements soon, I don’t even care if we have to wait, but I know people will complain if they announce and don’ release quickly. sigh The solution there is to flat out say it will take a while but at least that they’re coming.

That’d be awesome haha!

Man I wish, I agree, it would be. I’d love to see some dudes cosplay the Blood Princes, and–

This might not come as a shock, but I’ve always wanted to cosplay Lana’thel. Like it’s one of my dreams (well, hobby-wise, not work-wise, naturally :stuck_out_tongue: ) But I think it’d be fun. I’m among the most picky of people in the world though, so I’d have to get it perfect in my eyes, or I would not be satisfied one bit.

I could also cosplay my OC, Fallynn, too, since she’s become like the face of the thread :stuck_out_tongue: Vampire Rockstar anyone? But really, Lana’thel cosplay would be so much fun.

Sadly, I’m a poor college kid graduating in a couple weeks, then I have to start prepping for grad school. Money is not on the table for it :frowning:


Part of me was hoping those wings where animatronic and would open up at the end.

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the six pack would be the problem.
i could do the aboniation though. Got da belly for it!

dont be sad about money be glad your almost done!!
Acheive those dreams!
also, what are you going for? if you say phlabotomist im calling the cops.

i can only imagine how heavy that would be but yea, if it opened up that would be rad!!

Aluminum tubing and foam would lighten it, but it might look less chunky then in the game.

I agree! It’s one of the better one’s I’ve seen at least, but I felt so bad for her because the collar kept falling down.

Alright, so you’re probably not gonna know the meaning of this word, but I’ll say it anyway and then define it. Herpetologist. Nope, not the studies of herpes.

A… DRAGON SCIENTIST! No, really. I want to look into social lizard behavior, including varanids(Komodo dragon/monitor lizard), teiids(Tegu), and agamids (bearded dragons). It sounds so much cooler when I say it like that.

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Thats rad dude!
just dont go full on doctor curt connors on us.

Let me know if you find a living Megalania.

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ooooo dats a big lizard.
I think she would create it. to rule this land and command blizzard to create sanlayn!!


I’ll be a vampire dragon Hekhekhek

Fun fact: If I had to pick between the existence of vampires and the existence of dragons, I’m sorry. You probably can assume my answer based on my love for reptiles. Dragons are my favorite mythical beast.


We need bat wings so we can be dragon vampire people

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I really wouldn’t mind the wait. I just want official confirmation of what allied races are next. Honestly, the wait for any official announcements is as painful as waiting for Smash Bros. Ultimate announcements. x- x

Indeed, though I sadly have no occasion IRL to be able to cosplay it, if I were to look into it. At least in-game, I’m seeing if anyone is interested in a Stonemaul Clan March in Orgimmar event in July I thought of doing to show playable Ogre support.

I’m envious as I have a few more semesters to get my BS in Accounting and my Minor in MIS, which I’m debating upgrading to double major and get a BS for it also. I miss having an income… x- x

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Exactly this. People are upset about Zandalari and KT not because how long it took, but because they announced it at Blizzcon and the Zandalari were seen with the Legion allied races which started the whole list of complaints. If they outright said, “We have no date planned, but we are working on it. This will likely take a while, so you will need to be patient” I’d be fine knowing at least we’d see whatever it is someday.

Hehe even if I won’t play one I’ll come support ya ^^ I just often need to be reminded.

I know the income feels. You got this though for sure!

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I feel like the sooner they announce something, the more hype they’ll get and renew some interest in the game itself.

Well, right now I don’t know if I’m even doing an event of some kind/what it’ll even be. I’m trying to focus on finals, right now, but I do want to do something if possible. ^^;

I’d still be curious if y’all decided to make a San’layn event. Honestly, my inspiration came both from seeing screenshots of Eevee’s Foxtober event and seeing a conga-line of people on mammoth mounts in Orgimmar, one day. ^^

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We did, Hallow’layn ^^ I made a video on it with San’layn transmogs. Not many showed up though, sadly, so I likely wouldn’t do it again. There’s not enough people interested in San’layn to do something like it, unfortunately.

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i dont think i was in the bat cave back then.
sad life.
real talk do you think blizzard notices us atleast?
we have expanded pretty rapidly but not to the … dreaded highelf thread