San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

If it helps you feel better, I wouldn’t expect very much turnout for an Ogre event, even though I know a decent amount of people do want them playable. ^^;

I’m sure they are aware of megathreads in general. They mentioned getting feedback regarding new races, allied races in particular, and wanting more community stuff being done in general. Whether they’re inspirational in showing the devs interest in specific races people want playable is debatable, though.

That said, I’m hoping the megathreads are paid attention to regularly by the devs. It’s a reason I started posting on the forums in general, afterall. I can’t think of a better way to show support for playable races people want. ^^;


That’s a good question. I don’t know, to be honest. I just hope they don’t find these threads annoying. Yeah, we haven’t expanded nearly as much as some other megathreads, and I worry that there just might not be enough support for San’layn. We’re bombarded with “no more elves” and “if you want to be an edgy elf go play alliance” all the time, and it’s disheartening. I know people will be that way, and I’ve been told time and time again that chances are, those people are not listened to. Hopefully. Negatives will be nancies, but negative or positive, we’re kind of obscure. Plus, we have a gigantic glaring issue–void elves and Nightborne tipping the elf scales.

So. I hope that Blizzard realizes that these are more than just some elves. They have interesting lore we want to see expanded and give a chance for playable vampires. I would hope they could be a hit, but the more it’s talked about and the more I look at other communities, the more I realize we’re small in number.

Regardless, Blizz did say they are liking the feedback. They likely are not saying anything in these threads because people will take any sign and run, and then complain about them not showing up in “gameplay threads”. Such is life. :frowning:

Yeah and as usual Bagzak makes a very valid point here ^^

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And velf tentacles aren’t even sharp and edgy like squids, they’re smooth and squishyful!


And thus is a problem that might be frustrating on the dev end. If they started posting in our megathreads, likely a lot of people would start bombarding them about either the race the megathread is themed after, will pester them to visit and comment on other megathreads, will take it a sign that said race is being worked on which it may or may not be, or we’ll suddenly see a huge influx of megathreads and fighting over the one, true (insert race here) megathread in hopes that senpai will notice them.

I’m sure there are some people on the Blizzard team that would like to enter into discussions or be more involved in getting future playable race feedback, be it for job-purposes or even just as a fan of the game or Warcraft lore, but for PR reasons, can’t really engage us in such a way unless they do so on their personal accounts and report feedback that way.

It’s a frustrating thing to feel like we aren’t being heard and that they’re not listening to feedback, but my point is that the WoW team members are people too, and I’m sure it frustrates some of them to not be able to jump into discussions on the forums also.

Still, I’d say to not give up. I’ve been wanting Ogres since I started playing WoW a little bit after BC, and I intend to show support as best I can in a, hopefully, respectful manner.

I know I don’t have the best of answers here, but showing some support for a playable race you want is at least better than showing no support. I realize that isn’t the best solution, but hope seems to be all we can rely on. ^^;


True that. Could you imagine? It indeed is disheartening to get no word, but this all is such a good point. We know this community. I’m surprised people haven’t already tried doing that–that is, “No, THIS is the true thread for it. Your thread is invalid even though it’s been up longer, has longer responses, and obviously more work put into it”. I’d just facepalm at that point and be like “where were ya when I was looking for a megathread to rep this race a year ago, eh?!”

Hah could you imagine the following conversation:

Blizz Dev: “Alright Stacy, you’re passionate about (allied race idea), right? Can you go onto your regular account and just see what they’re talking about? Feel free to give your own ideas too.”
Stacy, a Blizz employee: “On it, they’ll never know it’s a blue, hekhekhek.”

I doubt they’re actually allowed to do that but it’s been suggested in this thread that it could happen :stuck_out_tongue: It’s a foreign idea to me though because… I dunno, who would want to hang out with us riff-raff? Hekhekhek…

((Blizz: Darn she’s onto us…))

True that and no worries you help a lot! Yeah, hope’s all we got, along with sharing ideas. I’d put more work into this but lately I’ve been swamped with college. Really want to draw better so I can at least express our concept ideas, but I feel useless on that end. I can only write.


“omg is Blizz really adding darkfallen? We asked for magnataur…they never listen!”

“Blizz hates US specifically!”

“wow look at Blizz, caving into the community and taking their ideas because they can’t do their own jobs”

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I feel like a megathread getting their race playable is a double-edged sword as well. Awesome for them to get their wanted races, but then people on here will take notice and then suddenly the main page is full of new megathreads, all shouting as loud as they can type.

That isn’t to say that megathreads are a bad thing, but success tends to bring imitation as opposed to innovation.

I know that feeling all too well. College makes you feel like you’re in a race against time while you’re barefoot. I got a 4 week Marketing class this summer, and then Fall semester I get to have fun times with Intermediate Accounting 1, Cost Accounting, Business Finance, and possibly Accounting Information Systems. x- x

Gaining free time is likely to end up slower than a dead turtle...

…on its back -o -

As silly as this sounds, I was thinking of making some stick Ogre drawings in MS paint and making videos of me talking over them with lore, ideas, and scenarios I’ve typed. Kinda similar to Yahtzee’s Zero Punctuation. It won’t be an inspiring wonder of the world, but it’d be something. >- >;

True that. It also gets incredibly old when people spam complaints about megathreads, try to cause needless arguments just to be rude, and even create pointless threads just to stir pots. I swear it’s like these people get offended by us just being hopeful and talking about things for goodness sakes, like we’re somehow trying to prevent them from playing.

I can’t wait to leave the forums to be honest. If we ever do get San’layn I’m sure many will be happy to see me go for good. I’ll feel the same.

Meh. Anyway. I still think as a customization option, blood stains in hair could be cool. I know this is random of course but I still want to try and share ideas at least. I think red and black eye options together would also be nice. I’m just reiterating though.

This is a image i will not get out of my head after eating kalimary…

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Yeah that picture did cause me to double take hahaha. Fun fact, vampire squids exist but I don’t think they drink blood.

I wonder what Naga tentacles are like…

Do people like the idea of an underground Northrend city-type base for San’layn, or a necropolis like Naxxanar? I’m totally for both ideas, however I honestly do like the idea of the Horde having a big floating death ship. I’ve seen it mentioned here like that a few times too.


I have to give you guys credit for keeping this up, when it is pretty clear that the likelihood of it ever happening is very slim.

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They did say that they’re looking at feedback, so we can’t give up now. It’s only a never when we get a no ^^ It is unfortunate that the chances seem to be getting slimmer though, yeah. But eh, talking about our ideas and hoping for the best is all we got now for this race idea.


Maybe it was the former, but became the latter when they saw what happened to undercity :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think so. While I think Blizzard didn’t plan for San’layn as an allied race in BfA, they could be a prime candidate for a future expansion. And they are easy to modify from their base race, and that race hasn’t gotten an allied race in the same faction.


Where there is smoke, there is fire. There are about a thousand (ok, not literally, but still) different indicators that the next major story development is going to involve death. So what could the developers deliver to the hands of players that would be appropriately themed? A super-duper death knight? That’d hardly be appropriate.

Death-themed allied races would be perfect bits of content, especially if they want to keep the allied race system in place beyond BFA. Considering the first four allied races were major factors in BFA breaking preorder records I think it’s safe to assume that they definitely want to keep allied races around.

So, yeah the story seems to be shifting away from San’layn possibilities.

For now.

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You know on thinking about it, even if I did get Ogres, I’d likely still post on the forums in the other megathreads. There are several races I’d want to see playable, even if I’m the most vocal about Ogres, and if they keep the allied race system, it would still be fun to speculate and post suggestions and such. New races in a MMO really are my favorite aspect of expansions.

Even with some people that just want to rain on parades, I’ve met some cool people on here, and it’d be neat to do stuff together in game, such as when we get races people want. Beach party with Gilblins, anyone? Foxpocalypse with the Vulpera, perhaps? I’m sure some fun events could be made. ^^

I’ll likely still be around occasionally on the forums regardless of what happens in the future, but on the bright side, at least there is in-game as an alternative.

Haha I’d help out with the megathreads for sure, but only those. I’m talking about wandering though. Granted… At this rate in starting to do virtually none of that anymore anyway. At this point I see it as a waste of time.

I’ll always be on discord though and anyone is free to reach out for help ^^

Also you all make a good point. I was saying “slimmer” due to lack of story. I think San’layn would be an awesome idea to expand upon but I’m bias. I hope Blizzard thinks the same. And yeah–any opportunity could arise and they could pop up again and surprise us once more. It just is meh having no word but we’ll be here anyway!

Speaking of Discord, I did notice several do exist for different races that people want, as well as some that exist for races already playable. Out of curiosity, what goes on in the Discord chats?

I like the idea of sharing ideas and such there, but at the same time, posting on the forums seems, in my opinion, to have better chances of Blizzard taking notice to an extent. Still, it sounds like it could be fun.

Maybe it’s time I look into them in the near future. Maybe make an Ogre Discord if one doesn’t exist. <- <;