Sanlayn needs changes, much more than DB did

PTR Notes

Title. Sanlayn needed changes much more than DB did… it is dysfunctional for blood and doesnt go with anything how blood plays. I hope we get to see some big changes for it before this goes live.


are the new change for DB a nerf or a buff?

Fk, what changes are incoming… I don’t see any notes

theyre in that link i have at the top

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Major class changes for many specs.

Db looks buffed for us?

Yeah I’m genuinely shocked there’s no changes to Sanlayn.

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Kind of annoying. Heart Strike also got a nerf in PvP for zero reason.

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This patch won’t be out for probably atleast a month, probably two. This is likely just the first round of changes and we can likely expect to see more later. San’layn does need fixing, if not a full rework. But I don’t expect to see that in a .5 patch. They may test the waters with changes, or they may surprise us and give us the full rework of it. But for now I view this as them shoring up the tree that already works and cooking changes to San’layn in secret till they’re ready to reveal what they’re gonna do with that hero tree.

San’layn is terrible. I ran a few dungeons with it and the effect of this talent tree is non-existent. So few chances to even GET a Vampiric strike, and many many Vampiric bloods with zero procs of the blood beast. Too many talents that are based around an ability that is almost never available or seen.


Hi guys. I plan to take Sanlayn DK to keystone hero. Having a blast with it right now. Guess I’ll report back?

For context: Took season 1 DF bear tank to ksh and top 2% world, but I’m getting too old for a title push.

Put a new talent in the hero tree to change bone storm to Swarming Mists graphic from Shadowlands. Also, while it is active, make it give 100% uptime on vampiric strike as well. We’d maybe see the blood beast at least 3 times during a dungeon that way

I didnʻt do much research on the hero talent. Just saw the name and thought
“Oh hey this should make my blood abilities better”
No, not really.
Mostly just a usually random haste proc. and a blood monster… maybe…
Maybe I’m totally playing it wrong but I find it lacking. Hope they do something with it

Where? Drustvar shows Heartstrike at 120% effectiveness in pvp as of 11.0.2.

playing with sanlayn some more, for unholy in pvp it has some great potential, but for blood you literally feel like the spec is non existent. i think the major reason for this is that for blood, the ability to use vamp strike on demand is tied to vampiric blood which is a defensive while for unholy its tied to dark transformation which is an offensive CD and one you can build your spec and burst around.

it might make more sense for blood to have “gift of the sanlayn” proc from dancing rune weapon instead of vampiric blood.

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This would absolutely make more sense. As it stands I just macro’d Vamp Blood to DRW because their cooldown (pvp) are only a few seconds apart.

I think Consumption or Blooddrinker would fit the thematic even better. I understand the friction that arises from being “forced” into certain talents, but they’re in an inoffensive enough spot that doesn’t really interfere with build pathing. Has the added bonus of being a not-as-high-value button as DRW.

Plus, Blood drinker? Cmon.

I know no one cares, but Blood Drinker is an awful button in PvP. I want to love it so bad because the damage is decent, it’sa ranged attack, can proc a reset, and now adds to Blood Shield, but it gets interupted by anyone and everyone because we literally cast nothing else and it’s a channeled ability.

I guess hitting for 80,000 was too much.


That’s a shame. As much as I have loved Blood over the years, I’ll probably be shelving it for the foreseeable future as it just feels boring in the Blitz setting, which I plan on transitioning to completely in place of RSS. It still feels super solid, just not as fun as my old Prot War.

For me, the hero talents do not make the Spec.

Im just a BDK who can sometimes swing a lil faster for a short while and i get a off/on (mostly off) blood monster show up for a few seconds.

I am enjoying BDK tright now and Sanʻlayn is just a fringe benefit, not a cornerstome of my gameplay.
I dont feel that it is very impactful but it does make the gameplay mildly more involved than basic BDK.
I had hoped it would have been more for a BDK