Sanlayn needs changes, much more than DB did

It isn’t bad - and will most likely get stronger throughout the seasons as Blood relies a lot more on gear due to our mastery being amazing defensively - and Improved Bone Shield and Essence of the Blood Queen being multiplicative.

I have 63% - 70% Haste as San’layn (depending on whether or not I am in my (Death and Decay) - with maximum stacks - and this is day one of the first season.

The pressure is somewhat there - but the burst isn’t - and it was the opposite a while ago.

They need to make Vampiric Strike and Dark Talons work with Bloodshot - so Bloodshot isn’t devalued significantly for “choice”.

There is also this;

Better in a way.

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    • Blood
      • San’layn
        • Gift of the San’layn has been updated – While Dancing Rune Weapon is active you gain Gift of the San’layn (was Vampiric Blood).

A small push to being better!


This is actually such a good change.

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It would have been good earlier, now it kinda takes away the only thing San’layn had going for it. That being the ability to keep Essence of the Blood Queen up nearly permanently. At the beginning of the beta test we had things that would extend the duration of both VB and EotBQ. We dont have the extender anymore and we can reduce DRWs CD but we can’t use DRW frequently enough to prevent the buff from falling off.

With this change we can keep up EotBQ for the first minute of a pull, if we have DRW, BS, and TS all off CD. Then it falls off and to get it back to max stacks we have to dedicate 7 GCDs to VS to get it back to max stacks. So half of all your button presses during DRW need to be VS to hit cap stacks. And this gets you 7% haste for 20s after DRW ends. A lot of effort to go through for 7% haste.

It’s something we were asking for a while ago but with how the tree has changed this has done little to eliminate the need for this tree to be reworked.

Also it taking this long for blizzard to listen to the feedback on this change really makes me feel like nobody on the development team plays blood. This was an obvious change and was asked about in the first interviews about San’layn 8 months ago.

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Yeah - but something like Essence of the Blood Queen should never be tied to a defensive cooldown.

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