Sanlayn buffs 9/17

I disagree completely.

I did a few dungeons with Sanlayn blood and it feels like the blood queen buff is up quite often. feels almost 100% uptime with using vampiric blood on CD. I have seen the beast quite often too.

I don’t really know if the damage is any better, but I feel a little more survivable due to the haste.

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If you think about it, Blood San’layn is pretty much the same. Ghoul, 2x Dancing Rune Weapon, Blood Worms, Blood Beast, and i play Mechagnome, so the Mirror Image racial…

For it not to be " the pet spec", there sure are alot of minions following me around

I really think they need to look at the San’Layn tree like they did deathbringer on ptr.

Blood beast should be reworked to make dark transform make your pet into the blood beast. And choice node either make it do X% more damage during the duration, or store up X% of your damage for a burst at the end.

For blood, when you (going off ptr changes) use DWR it summons a blood beast. Same chocie nodes as mentioned.

Vampire Strike imo should have a ranged option given to it automatically as well.

I think that along with the changes would make it more fun to play.

Or if they wanted, completely redesign it like they did dark ranger.


it needs a complete redesign to make it feel impactful. Right now it feels like a trinket. it needs to feel like a usable ability that changes how you play in some way. with current iteration it doesn’t affect any gameplay.

the whole reason deathbringer feels so good is because its a button you press and it does something.


I ran 2 Delves last night with a full group. Endless hit points to take down killing the trash.
This Beast spawned three times. Twice, while we were looting the last mob of the pulls.

Yeah, this thing is still Wack and useless.
I don’t even care about the damage or its advantages. Just… Spawn! While the fight is happening.


I say get rid of the blood beast, it’s like blood worms, you don’t really notice it when you’re focused on dodging stuff on the group.

Think about it, we are watching diseases, stacking wounds, managing DnD, keeping deathrot up, SS said wounds. Now we add a random mob to the mix? How about something cool to press!! AoE drain blood, or we pounce on the target stunning them ( dealing shadow dmg/ stealing hp and haste from the target) of all the cool vamp ideas we could of had the best blizzard came up is vamp strike? Feels like a missed opportunity to do something awesome.


My guess is that Blizz will make a decent effort to try to bring up struggling hero specs, and wouldn’t even be surprised to see semi-full reworks as the expansion goes on. They were surprisingly receptive to class feedback starting in DF, and I don’t think they will let one of the core features of this expansion just languish.

I’m not saying they’ll provide a perfect solution to every issue, but I do think they’ll make a good faith effort to address major holes.

One thing I’d like to see in Sanlayn is a mechanic that mimics paladin auto consecrates, for Death and Decay. That alone would make me play it.

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