Sanctimonious (US Sargeras) is accepting new members of our raid team! We are maintaining a healthy roster for our Mythic Raiding team and we are looking for any exceptional players. We are a Mythic Raiding Guild that raids two days a week. Qualities that we look for in raiders include being committed, non-toxic, knowledgeable and mature.
Classes we are looking for:
Priest: Holy/Disc (High Demand)
Paladin: (Low Demand)
Rogue: (Low Demand)
Death Knight: (Medium Demand)
Demon Hunter: (Medium Demand)
Druid: Boomkin (High Demand)
Hunter: (High Demand)
Mage: (Low Demand)
Monk: (Low Demand)
Shaman: (Low Demand)
Warlock: (Low Demand)
Warrior: (Medium Demand)
Any player with exceptional logs/performance are considered as well and all casual or Mythic+ players.
Raid Times:
Tuesday and Thursday Mythic 7:45pm-11:30pm EASTERN TIME.
Monday Alt raid (Optional) 7:45pm-11:30pm EASTERN TIME
Our Current Progression in Shadowlands:
6/11M Sepulcher
8/10M Sanctum of Domination
9/10M Castle Nathria
Our raid progression in BFA was listed as follows:
Ny’alotha - 12/12 Mythic. CE acquired
Eternal Palace - 7/8 Mythic
Dazar’alor - 9/9 Mythic CE acquired
Uldir - 7/8 Mythic
If you are interested, please go to our website and fill out our application here! Logs are required in order for your application to be considered.
Website → Guildsofwow,com/sanctimonious
Contact List:
Character Name/Discord
GM: Sanctustego/Sanc#2994
Officer: Cheatz/ cheatz#5676
Recruiter: Spîke / Spike#7953
Want to know more about the guild? Here you go!
Sanctimonious was formally called ALTernate Arrangements on Arthas server. It was formed during Icecrown Citadel and has been actively raiding high end content to include raids and also mythic plus. When the Alliance side of Arthas started to dwindle off, the guild had to make the move to Sargeras server in order to keep up with recruiting. Our guild primarily consists of eastern/central time zone raiders that range from early 20s to late 30s. We enjoy having fun while still progressing on current content. We DO NOT believe in yelling, name calling, or belittling comments during our raid time. We want things to actually be fun, because it is a video game after all.