San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed}

Yeah, an allied race for San’layn would be much preferred in my eyes, if I’m going to be completely honest. I slightly dropped the hope (caving to the ‘no more elves’ crew I guess) but I’ve never stopped wanting specifically that above any other option.


We know nothing about Vorath so maybe he’s just “crazy” or fully evil.


Also I’ll link directly the source for this! One of my friends just mentioned it.


So Vorath works alone and he isn’t with other San’layn. That’s a good thing :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yeah there’s now discussion regarding the “sect” part.

“Sect of Darkfallen” specifically. Which implies “darkfallen” are the race itself, and San’layn are the scourge part of it.

When we thought San’layn and Darkfallen were interchangeable.

I’m not entirely sure at this point, to be honest. I thought Darkfallen were to San’layn like Blood Elves were to Sin’dorei, but this implies something else. Or could imply, rather.


The part about them being “a sect of darkfallen” has me intrigued.

I’m really hoping this leads to us getting them playable in some fashion, down the road.


The emphasis on “working on his own” is interesting. Part of me is hoping this would mean that the possibility of some San’layn aren’t evil and such.

The mention of the Helm of Domination’s absence tells me that it is very possible there are San’layn out there who wouldn’t be acting like Vorath is. So there is a chance to see some who would be Horde friendly in the future.

Also, please pardon my ignorance, but I was under the impression that San’layn and Darkfallen were more or less the same. The wording of San’layn being “a sect of Darkfallen” makes me feel like that may not be the case. Could someone help clarify this for me, please? ^^;

Hope never dies! :wine_glass::bat:


Yeah I’m wondering if we’re dissecting words too much or if that’s implying something specific. Why would they say ‘sect of’ when they could just say ‘darkfallen’ or something, I dunno. It’s interesting to say the least…


Well that’s the thing–up until… just now, all of us thought exactly that. San’layn = Darkfallen. Now?

…well. I don’t know.


Keep in mind we speak with Liadrin. She’s more strict than other Blood Elves about this kind of magic.


Yeah thats kinda annoying.

few even really like Calia.

Wish they’d tend to their characters better…

I hope the Darkfallen will join us…

Some hope is better than none.


I thought Darkfallen was a name given to blood elves that got corrupted via dark magics. Or risen from the scourge? Aren’t Slyvanas’ undead high elf dark rangers considered darkfallen? And also the night elves we raised in BFA were considered darkfallen.

The san’layn are unique because they are more powerful with the blood magics.

I don’t think so, I think Darkfallen are specifically vampire elves.

Edit: Course this info is the exact opposite of what that quest says (Darkfallen as the faction of San’layn) so in conclusion

No one has a clue anymore


Blizzard just straight up throwing a wrench into what we knew about the race and it’s classification.

C’mon guys, don’t let this be for nothing.

Explain yourselves!


I know I have seen the name Darkfallen on other races.

I know that the undead night elves were labeled dark rangers. I thought some of them were considered darkfallen.

I thought generally It meant a race that had been corrrupted by dark magics, and the san’layn was thallasian for the word darkfallen. “The dark fallen”.

Much like how shaldorei and kaldoerei are simiilar. Shal’dorei - Nightborne. Kaldorei- children of the stars .

The darkfallen slave is a eredar slave for example. So they consider Eredar too darkfallen or is the broken darkfallen?

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Yeah, I don’t know why they reused the name for something that had nothing to do with darkfallen. The actual, relevant darkfallen undead though are all vampire elves, and that does not encompass the dark rangers as far as I know. I’ve never seen them called darkfallen.

The broken there I dismiss as pretty much nothing, to be honest. A one-off weird thing.


Since it seems implied that the Helm of Domination’s change does have an affect of giving free will to beings like the San’layn, I’m wondering if this could affect the missing Blood Princes in some way and lead to something.

There are also still various Blood royalty that came out of nowhere, so there could be others we don’t know about. Maybe at this point, they’ve regained their previous persona and could be doing something that isn’t twirling mustache evil things.

Seems like something to keep an eye out for! :vampire:

I think it just means they’re a slave of the Darkfallen. This is different than being part of the Darkfallen faction. I think various slave mobs have names like that.


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Either way, the ‘sect’ thing could mean something or might mean nothing. San’layn/vampire Thalassians for the horde would be what we want, and hopefully get someday.


“After Kael’thas’s failed assault against the Lich King, some of his greatest blood elf followers were slaughtered and raised into undeath as darkfallen. Prince Taldaram is one of these cunning and bloodthirsty vampiric beings. Always seeking to please the Lich King, he has entered the war-torn depths of Ahn’kahet in search of lost nerubian relics that can empower the Scourge’s murderous ranks.”
— Adventure Guide —

“Do you see NOW the power of the Darkfallen?”
— Prince Valanar, Blood Prince Council —

“Presence of the Darkfallen”
— The presence of vampyr kin infuses Queen Lana’thel, increasing the power of her Shroud of Sorrow by 5%. —


  • Darkfallen Advisor - Dweller of the Crimson Hall
  • Darkfallen Bloodbearer <The San’layn> - Retainer of Prince Valanar
  • Darkfallen Blood Knight <The San’layn> - Dweller of the Crimson Hall
  • Darkfallen Commander <The San’layn> - Dweller of the Crimson Hall
  • Darkfallen Deathblade <The San’layn> - Retainer of Prince Valanar
  • Darkfallen Lieutenant <The San’layn> - Dweller of the Crimson Hall
  • Darkfallen Noble <The San’layn> - Dweller of the Crimson Hall
  • Darkfallen Tactician <The San’layn> - Dweller of the Crimson Hall

Oh okay so that confirms what I was saying before pretty much, the “Darkfallen” as we know it are the vampyr elves we want as playable. I always thought San’layn & Darkfallen were interchangeable, though.