San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I will for sure remember that and as I said previously I am always here for you as well, I put my discord to away just in case I am away, busy, asleep, etc. but I will always be sure to reply to you and anyone else as well and since we are direct friends there you can also direct message me and I will for sure answer you ASAP. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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Happy Fangs-giving :slight_smile:
I couldn’t find spooky turkeys so here is a turkey vulture picture.

Thematic for the thread, aha!


Happy Fangs-giving! I hope those celebrating get to sink their teeth in a lot of delicious food!

Since giving thanks is part of the holiday, I wanted to thank all the San’layn fans for continuing to give their support for playable Horde San’layn. It has been rocky off and on, but I’m still keeping hope of seeing San’layn on the Horde side of that character creation screen! :wine_glass::bat:


Oh my gosh you did it in this thread as well, I absolutely love it here too. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


I took similar screenshots for several other race request megathreads, offering another type of post for ones I couldn’t get an illusion on for that megathread’s theme, though the models were hit or miss. That Blood Prince model, for example, sat like a a couple inches above the seat, so I had to angle it in a way it looked good.

Screenshot taking is something I love to do in-game when the inspiration strikes and is something I’ve done many times for several race request megathreads. I’m very thankful to have Glyph of Disguise and illusion toys to be able to take them as various NPC races. It also really helps to imagine those races as playable races as well. :wine_glass::bat:


This is super cool, I’ll have to go find them all and give them hearts, after I shower though. :yum: :yum: :yum:


Once Winter Veil begins in-game, I’ll be taking a bunch more screenshots for the race request megathreads. I’m sure I’ll do something for the return of Santa’Layn as well. :wine_glass::bat:


Well I just went and found all of your posts for today so I’ll be sure to be looking out for them. :blush: :blush: :blush:


I spent 26ish hours making beef stock and let it chill over night.

Today I skimmed off the solid fat and added it to a pan I seared the roast in before adding onions to deglaze the pan. I then added 3 cups of the stock and 2 cups of red wine and am now reducing it before adding flour and butter to make gravy.

I now wait for a few more hours before removing the roast to rest and broiling its bed of vegtables.

Stuffing will be made with more of the stock and and pashed potatoes will be covered with the fresh made gravy, as well as the sliced roast.

So I just spent a long time making food I can’t eat yet and figured I would share the feeling.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Haha this is great! You inspired me to actually put the work in and try to get some of my own :wink: Took me all day swapping through toons and waiting for cooldowns on the transmorpher beacon (They REALLY need to rework that into at LEAST getting to choose what expansion the bosses cycle from) but it was worth it.

I logged off of my toon in Blood Queen form and can now do the same, woot woot!

Happy Thanksgiving! That sounds so yummy, wow. Not YET, but the payoff sounds delightful. I’m about to make stuff too.

Without further ado, I present our wonderful Blood Queen, brought back with her soul intact, as the Horde Emissary for the San’layn, to be an Allied Race! Our honored queen stopped by for some good food. That ‘cranberry sauce’ might have some ah…additions of the red variety.

We also had a necromancer visit today as well, he’s a friend. He would like to teach us the art of necromancy to help the Horde!

Our queen also took a visit to the Horde Embassy today!

Cheers! Happy fangs-giving, and remember to honor/remember indigenous folks today as well. If you can, boost businesses and even buy something from them or donate :slight_smile:


When using those tables, you have to be lucky to get one with the right food or angle you want for the screenshots.

You also have to hope that other players don’t mess with you, such as what happened to me here when trying to take a screenshot with one of my illusions on, literally right when I got the right angle and animation and went to press the screenshot button:

People really know how to fowl things up. :turkey:



Lol, all of these screenshots today have been super cool. :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


Looks like there’s not going to be a Lich King ever again. They’re using the helm of domination to create the arbiter’s new helm. Which means… the Scourge is either going to be forgotten or killed off easily. God, I resent the absolutely abhorrent writing in this game.


Wow… that really is really bad writing, lol. They tossed away everything interesting about the helm for some half-baked horrible ‘afterlife’ storyline they should have made a ‘dream’ everyone thought up due to void corruption or whatever.

I do hope it means the scourge are free and something we all need to deal with, but I doubt they’d actually make people happy and go with that angle. Sigh.


Perhaps maybe the ebon blade will round them up. And the more intelligent ones will be free (like the San’layn) or idk. Make the story better blizz!


Yeah, that would be very ideal. With the scourge still being a forever-issue, out of control, but needing constant surveillance by the Ebon Blade, thus giving them a perma-purpose should they desire to return to Northrend. Quite like how I imagine Demon Hunters have a task of always protecting the world from stray powerful demons & such.

The scourge shouldn’t be just a ‘wellp it is gone’ or ‘wellp we fixed the problem’ issue.


I have mental impairments and I’m pretty sure I could write a better story. I can’t believe how deeply BFA and SLs decimated the lore, characters and my goodwill towards the franchise. Imo, they’ve shown blatant derision and resentment towards certain groups in their player/fanbase.

You like Sylvanas? We’ll have misogynistic pervert derail her character and change her into a completely different character. Was Sylvanas always evil? She used to be a more neutral evil character with actual nuance and redeemable qualities. She was the face of the Forsaken. Too bad the “writers” decided to screw over an entire player race and most of a fanbase by turning her into a caricature of herself. Now we’re going to get stuck with Litebrite Menethil and Magic of the Gathering Expy.

DK,LK and WC TFT fans? Go sit on the tip of a white hot stove poker. The Scourge? Oh they were never a threat! The “There must always be a Lich King” quote was a lie. We never needed a LK! Who cares about DKs, am I right?


I swear I should fanfiction the entirety of BfA then Shadowlands out of sheer spite…


That “There must always be a Lich King” line was probably the Jailer tbh. Since he had so many people’s souls.

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And you’d be immensely more kind and respectful than the current writers. I’d read it. I get told “Oh you’re being a hater.” “Quit the game if you hate it.” I DON’T want to hate it. I really don’t. It just hurts so much seeing something I loved so much defiled as it is.

It should be obvious to everyone now that the current writing team doesn’t respect the lore and characters that made the universe great and that they see it/them as a burden. They change things because they don’t like it, think it would be cool to do this, or to make what was once their fanfictions come true.

Nothing they’ve written in years has flowed naturally, it’s all forced in the direction that they desire. BFA screwed the Nelf fans by destroying Teldrassil, leaving their race homeless, making their leaders appear incompetent and ineffectual, and then pulling revenge or renewal bull. During the same expansion they beat the Horde with the villain stick again and stripped Forsaken of a crucial part of their identity.

Then in SLs they destroy one of the most iconic characters in a filler expansion and ignore what should canonically be an apocalypse for Azeroth or kill them off as if they never existed. Both DKs and Forsaken are relegated to the off screen realm and have no real part in the expansion about death. DKs should have gotten more screen time.

Forsaken get screwed over even worse than the Night Elves because at least they have a chance to rebuild and have a future. What future do Forsaken have as a people? Their identity has been shattered.

The Jailer didn’t exist back then. This is a retcon.