San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I’ll take more gayness please, oh wait you said spite, well regardless I’ll still take more gayness please. :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:


I’m not gay. I don’t really even have a sexuality that I know of but yes, more gayness!


You are sweet to say that and I’m totally okay with that because I don’t and I won’t judge anyone based off how they identify personally but I do appreciate your supporting my desire for that. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


I like gay people a lot. They’re some of the sweetest and nicest people I’ve ever met. I’ve only ever had one bad experience with one, but that’s not the fault of every gay person.


In cataclysm we had a short story with Slyvannas. Also the lich king cinematic had the Yogg-saron music playing which he called himself the death god. So there is still a connection with him and the lich king. ICC was made with the blood of Yogg-Saron. That is saronite. So perhaps he and the Jailer are connected somehow. Since Yogg also influenced the Val’kyr who also joined Slyvanas - The Nine. So they did probably know about the Jailer, they just never hinted in the lore. And yes it was probably retconned, but it might also have not been since they plan expansions far ahead like 2-3 so by Legion they knew where the story was going.

They just are bad at setting up exposition for big villains.


That’s a really great way to be because there are always going to be bad seeds in well every group so it’s best not to judge everyone based off one person of a group.

Plus comments like this and your previous one make me like you even more and make me even more thankful that we are such great friends. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


I’m glad that I could give you a little extra to be thankful for. I too am grateful that we’re friends.


You know, if you played Alliance side for BFA, you technically see San’layn tearing apart a gnome and draining his blood. At first, anyone would have assumed they would be part of allied race or have focused story considering they were assisting Horde side.

But that was the ONLY time you kind of see them, and after that - where the heck did they go? Like what happened to the story? Oh, we are going to go talk about Saurfang and Zandalari Trolls and NZoth and Nagas and Nazjatar?

Like Blizzard likes to throw some kind of bone to get people’s excitement but they never fully deliver a full meal. Same thing for Shadowlands. It didn’t need to end at 9.2. It could have gone further. But nah. If they get something negative feedbacks, they always shut all ideas and further story of expansions to fix it. Instead, they just try to conclude everything to make expansion and plot a lot worse.


Seems like they want to have something simple to explain the the undead who will totally cause havoc over the world (of Warcraft!) going away in a fell cinematic swoop. I don’t really see undead going away completely afterwards, instead cropping up as mooks when applicable. It is sorta what happened with Bolvar as Lich King, so I don’t see them completely vanishing.

It wouldn’t surprise me if there was minimal damage at best to the continents on Azeroth, casualties were minimal, and not much is talked about the whole ordeal other than flavor text in the novels or something. I can’t say I’m disappointed with the whole Helm of Domination thing, since I had low expectations in general.

Not really sure what is going to happen without a Lich King, though. I am a bit concerned that without a Lich King, we might not see Death Knights as a class for future playable races. I’m sure something could still be written and the Bolvar starting area can be edited to fit the changes, but it does worry me some. I’m hoping Death Knights will still be a class option for future playable races, but we’ll see what happens in the story I guess.

I remember all the speculation on several YouTube videos and seeing a lot of hype in general (Blizzard’s official streams had people chanting for San’layn in the chat section at least once) over the possibility of seeing San’layn as an allied race. And then…nothing came of it. It’s one of the biggest missed opportunities of BfA that continues to frustrate me to this day still.

I still have hope for them becoming playable in the future, but it’s a really big shame they didn’t capitalize on the hype and storyline opportunities for them then. Anyway, I’ve grumbled about this several times in great detail, so I better stop now lest I type up a thesis paper length wall of text about it. < - <;



Yeah the other weird thing is we…really have no idea where Dreven even came from. That’s one of the things that I’m still scratching my head about. Did he exist in Lich King era, and we haven’t seen him this entire time? If so, how many other instances of ‘him’ could exist? Or, was he turned recently, possibly by one of the missing blood princes (Theraldis & Atherann, who we saw in a vision but never physically). If that’s the case, how many more did they make, or might they make?

It’s a shame we only saw the San’layn as Alliance enemies on Alliance side in BfA. I do have to kind of wonder though… what was the purpose of having green-unit San’layn on the Alliance ship for the Horde part of the campaign? Maybe out of convenience to be an enemy to the Alliance but not to the Horde so they could just duplicate the scenarios for the Horde player & Alliance player, resulting in green San’layn if a Horde went out of their way to go inspect that ship?

I still wonder, to this day, why they didn’t just clear the map of units on the other side. ‘Immersion’ maybe, but you have to legit go out of your way and board the other ship (which is not a quest objective) to see that. Hm.


If the terrible writing, waste and mishandling wasn’t bad enough, I’m told that I have no reason to be angry and frustrated because WoW has always had retcons. I’ve been chastised by others saying that things happening in the story I don’t like or disagree with doesn’t make the story or writing bad.

No, really? I wasn’t aware of this concept at all. /s

The occasional minor retcon is okay, so long as its effects are minimal on both characters, lore, history and doesn’t change the meaning of symbolism, themes and the messages conveyed in the past. However, WoW is plagued by constant retcons both major and minor that do affect characters, lore and history as well as change the meaning of certain things set up.

A perfect example is when the pervert writer who must not be mentioned decided that Sylvanas was behind the Wrathgate incident even though it was said before officially that she wasn’t, retroactively villainizing her just to push the “victim becomes the abuser” trope.

This retcon breaks Sylvanas even more, though instead of limiting the damage to her present characterization it sullies her past characterization as well. Her behavior this expansion and last wildly ruins the character she was intended to be and what she stood for to abuse and trauma victims.

I won’t say that Sylvanas the Banshee Queen was pure and innocent or good because she most decidedly was not. However, she was more nuanced and had emotional depth to her. After he who mustn’t be named took over writing her, she changed radically beginning in Cata. I liked Sylvanas as she was supposed to be not what she became.

If it wasn’t bad enough, this perversion of her character also poisons the Forsaken. While I still love the Forsaken, before alterations were made they were more nuanced and less overtly evil, expressed variations of character amongst individuals and did their best work in the shadows. While there are still some Forsaken characters that are different than picture painted of their people, they’re fewer. Now they’re a parody of what they were.

Forsaken fans and players are often lumped in with the crimes of Sylvanas and other NPCs, being blamed for events that they had no control of. I’ve seen people call for Forsaken to be erased or their players punished for fictional crimes in game and be told that they deserve the mishandling and violation of their race.

Choices made by the narrative teams have created real enmity between players. Yes, the community is “toxic” in its own right, but choices made by devs are also partly responsible for promoting competition and hostility. When your narrative choices punish the player for choosing a race or faction you’re doing it wrong.

The narrative has screwed the Forsaken in another way as well by essentially eliminating their ability to reproduce. The Lich King is, the source of all undeath on Azeroth (with a few exceptions) is gone.

Sylvanas will be gone after this expansion which means there will be no one with the means or motivation to seek out a way to propagate them. The valkyr are gone. Necromancers don’t usually raise intelligent undead and without the power of the Lich King neither can DKs.

Assuming destroying the Jailer reduces the power of undeath on Azeroth that’s another nail in the coffin (sorry) for the Forsaken and any undead. Without the LK and Lord Nipples, it’s extremely unlikely that the undead, death and undead themes will have much influence on the story. They’ve written themselves into a corner that will be extremely difficult to write themselves out of in a believable and satisfying manner.

Even DKs are screwed over royally. Just like extracting Sylvanas shattered the foundation and society of the Forsaken, extracting the LK has more or less weakened if not removed the identity of my favorite class. “LOL The Jailor is behind everything” is massively detrimental to the lore and history of the Warcraft universe in many ways.

The only undead I can think of that escape relatively undamaged are the San’layn because they can presumably reproduce by siring others.

All of this and many other reasons I won’t go into yet are examples of bad writing and storytelling.


I’d previously seen people say Sylvanas didn’t know about the Wrathgate and then it being flipped around when she was going evil to that she was aware of it all.

Recently I’d read the Arthas novel and I feel like there’s a small section in that book that read the me that she was the one having the apothecaries create the new version of the blight…I figured it was to use on Arthas specifically, which is what happened at the gate, so I was left wondering why she wouldn’t have been behind it.

But yeah, the whole storyline with Sylvanas has been pretty meh. I’m pretty burned out on her. I figure they were trying to do with her what they did with Illidan and it fell very flat.


San’layn 4 horde.


Since it was announced that there would be no more covenant Renown levels with 9.2, I’m guessing there may not be much more story stuff other than the inevitable “Shadowlands is free!” party left after we beat up the Jailer. Moreso because we’re going to an area that even the Shadowlands denizens don’t really go to.

In the off chance something does pop up with Kael’thas or otherwise, I do have max Renown with Venthyr. I don’t really know what to expect with him to be honest, and I don’t really see him leaving Shadowlands anytime soon unless he does happen to become a San’layn in some fashion, though I feel like the chances of that are rather low. I’m not really expecting much in general, to be honest.

In the meantime, thanks to hassle-free covenant swapping, I’ve switched to Necrolords as my main covenant for now. Honestly, I feel like it’s my favorite of the covenants for various reasons (aesthetics, theme, having that arena of nonstop action, slime stuff in general, abomination factory, etc). However, if something does come up with Venthyr, I can always switch and check it out as needed.

Since Shadowlands is ending soon and with a new expansion that takes place in the living world, there are more opportunities we could see Horde friendly San’layn pop up in the near future. Not a guarantee, of course, and my expectations will be tempered, but it’s a better feeling than Shadowlands ever did. Especially since there is plenty you can work with when looking at San’layn as a playable Horde race.

I don’t know what to expect in the future, but the march to support San’layn as a playable Horde race continues on for me! :wine_glass::bat:


Not sure if this was ever shared before, but I found another neat fan mockup of San’layn as a playable race including racials on DeviantArt. The creator’s username is deflinok2 and the image was uploaded to DeviantArt on September 17th, 2020.

San’layn by deflinok2 on DeviantArt

Wanted to share it to hopefully inspire some playable Horde San’layn ideas! :wine_glass::bat:


Very neat!


San’layn for the Horde!

I don’t have any new vampire art to share, but I do have my demon OC, Hades:

This art is by I bought this piece as a commission for my original character.

I appreciate all of the support everyone is giving us here and how peaceful/productive this place usually is. So many of this community have awesome ideas and it makes me super happy.


I loved this in our Discord and I love it here. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Are all of your OCs hot? It’s raining hot men. :smiley:


Hah! This made me giggle so much. I would say yes at this point :rofl: Think it’s why I get so much art of them. I’m so glad you think so! I do as well :smirk: