San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Lol, makeup wise I’d pick like I did for Human Warlock and it would be all black but that’s been my thing since jr. high school so the more black the better. :blush: :blush: :blush:


Big same, we seem to have a similar style there which is super awesome ^^


what in the larp is this

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We were overdue for some vaguely insulting post but I don’t even know if that counts as an insult given LARPing is actually pretty cool… :thinking:


Larp seems to be the overused word of the week.


But why is it being used as an insult? Or at least, that’s what it almost feels like it’s attempting… LARPing is a lot of fun, so I’ve heard. It’s a mixture of cosplay (which is a TON of work) & roleplay, which people in D&D do literally all the time. D&D is revered as something super ‘in and cool’ right now… so wouldn’t that also apply to LARPing?

Plus… a WoW player implying an insult like that? There is no logic…

It’s legit like me walking up to someone and being like “OKAY MMORPG player…” …like…what?


I legit wonder why do they always come to our threads to be annoying, I mean honestly there’s so many other threads people could troll but they always pick ours and it’s always when we are having a good conversation.


It’s not even an insult either which is really throwing me off o.o usually it’s some jab about ‘Twilight’ or ‘yuck elf players’ or I dunno I’m sure there’s a ‘use the generic insult toward these players here’ but … … … “LARP”? It’s what we do in the game sans costume irl… I just… I am so lost :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s why I said about trolling, lol, it’s like troll elsewhere please because I was enjoying our conversation about color wheels, makeup options and facial hair. :wink: :wink: :wink:


We can definitely continue though. Allow me to post some pictures of gothic makeup for suggestions ^^


Yes, very much yes, I would love having makeup options for men as much as women because I’m a big fan of the gothic/emo men that dress in black, do black eyeliner, stuff like that. :heart: :heart: :heart:

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GIGANTIC same. I find it super attractive myself, and it sucks that there’s not many men doing that due to the stigma against it or something. Guyliner looks so incredibly nice in my personal opinion. My lover got some himself, and he looks so good in it :heart_eyes:

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I love that, one of the first men I ever dated was like that he used to dress in all black with chains on his pants, did the black makeup and would wear white contacts, everyone else thought he was creepy me being the girly type I thought it was hot, lol, maybe I should be telling you this in private. Haha.

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I love how we have similar tastes and sure! Always open to chat there. I think it’s why legitimately all of my OCs are gothic and punkish :rofl: I think the first attractive characters I saw in WoW were the blood princes cause, well, duh :stuck_out_tongue: They do not have guyliner however… but imagining them with it :hot_face:

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I legit think that’s why we became such good friends so fast is because we share so much in common but we also have differences so we match up well as super great friends which I’m totally okay with and yeah I was really big about doing eyeliner on different men all throughout high school, usually they’d be into me and I’d flirt and they’d want to be my type so they’d dip into the goth/emo side and I found it hotter so then I’d be like heya!!! :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Also wow, I haven’t used the word heya for a long, long time. Lol. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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That is so bloody ironic lol, I didn’t go ‘gothic’ until my college years (which kinda applies today) but I began on the tail-end of high school because yeah, I was like “Wait… I could be more attractive toward those I’m attracted to in this style, so I should”. Then I fell in love with the style itself and just how pretty it looked.

I think I use ‘heya!’ all the time as a greeting, haha. Yeah I know, you’re right, I agree that’s probably why we became friends so fast. Also yeah, agreed, we have our differences too but that’s also what makes a good friendship, I feel :slight_smile:


Total truth time, I originally took interest in the goth/emo side because I was into bands like Blink-182, AFI, Panic! At The Disco, My Chemical Romance, Angels And Airwaves, The Used, etc. but then I realized that as a LGBT person I always felt like an outsider so I felt it even more and I never met anyone like me until I was in high school that was like open and that’s why when that goth guy I mentioned took interest in me I was like really you like me for me because it was a first.

I have always been more the emo type with goth parts added even now because I never really grew out of it like out of it.


I’m still into some of the bands you mentioned :rofl: I call my own music ‘trash music’ since I know some are big jerks about it. Granted a lot of my playlist is covers of those songs, like from Violet Orlandi (An awesome person said I looked like her once and it was the biggest compliment ever, not going to lie.)

Awww, that’s a lovely story though hugs sorry you felt like such an outsider :frowning: I hear you entirely there. I was always a little bit… off. I only just realized I was a bi woman about a few months ago too, and thought I was just an ally up until I finally accepted myself. Was quite the awakening. But…made a ton of sense when finally looking at how I was through the years.

That’s fair! The emo style is so pretty. I don’t encompass the attitude that’s typically associated with it given I’m more of a ‘baby bats and cuddly spiders’ goth though, and love nature/getting my hands dirty (blood elf druids bloody WHEN).

Honestly, I think it’s a good thing to not grow out of it, though. The style is really gorgeous, it’s beauty in the darkness, and it’s acceptance and happiness of the misunderstood. The style means a ton to me beyond the style, it’s why I really like ‘pretty monsters’ in general. The idea that you can be really beautiful but also deadly and fierce.


Lol, I still listen to a lot of them as well, I never as I said outgrew my emo side or my Mark Hoppus, Brendon Urie or Davey Havok obsessions either. :blush: :blush: :blush:

Also just a personal note but I love sharing about my life with you, you are really a great friend and you are supportive and understanding which makes me feel good about myself and comfortable sharing more which is really, really rare.


Haha nice! Glad to hear it! That music is tons of fun. I can’t get enough of it. Oh, the concerts are good too. I saw Panic! at the Disco & Fall out boy years ago, it was lovely. I also met Palaye Royale in real life–got a picture with them. They said I looked like I could fit in with the band :heart_eyes: I was so honored. My goal now is to get back into working out, get really in shape, and then cosplay sometime. If things ever get better, hopefully I’ll be able to meet bands like that again. Warped Tour days were a blast, really (okay I only went once but it was one of the best times of my life, during a deep depression too. It was something I really needed at the time.)

And big same here! You’re a really great friend too. I feel like we could discuss these things for hours and just have fun. I also feel comfortable about sharing stuff as well, and I am honored you feel the same :slight_smile: I’ll always be here for support or if you need someone to talk to, I only delay on discord and such sometimes if you do reach out cause I’m sleeping or something (or writing, but I still usually have discord open even then).

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