San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

I would have to agree 100% on this with you my friend

Hey, bats. I hate the idea of light-bum-pull undead too. Like Fallyn, I too am discouraged with the lack of anything San’layn. It just adds to the reaming I’ve had this week.


Perhaps, in the absence of any San’layn news, we can make this an “I hate Lightforged Undead Thread.” :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe since there seems to be a massive desire for San’Layn Blizzard might consider it :slight_smile: never know

It’d be nice if they did. It would help me take my mind off my deceased cat.

Oh yes! Lightforged Undead should NOT happen at all! San’layn all the way!

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Pyromancer had some interesting thoughts on the lightforged Calia. And titan forging. So going off his video I would assume it would be the light’s version of re-origination. So basically becoming re-titanfied. Whereas the san’layn curse obviously has more shadow elements (san’layn are tied to shadow magics and blood magic is usually cast in the shadow school) - which again would make san’layn perfect candidates for a void expansion. The lightforged (idk if this is official blizzard name? She to me seems more like a rebirthed titan watcher sort of figure). (note calia’s skin tone is described as alabaster which is much like stone, and we just got the alabaster mounts as well in the store)

As for my opinion on lightforged (would be dope if it was cosmetic options for humans or undead, not there own race)

Sorry to hear about your cat. I lost a cat once and it killed me. I won’t have pets because of how terrible I felt. Not going through that again. Day by day is all you can do. My condolences.

Maybe your cat will become a San’layn kitty. :cat::vampire:


That would fit with her name. Spooky the San’layn kitty. She’d more likely be a lich kitty because she’s being cremated.



hugs back.


I’m sorry to hear your kitty passed :frowning: The feeling is the worst in the world, losing a member of the family to death. Hopefully she’s at rest, and I’m sure she misses you. Wish we could say or have something to bring up your spirits. Aside from art I’ve gotten for some of my OC’s which aren’t WoW related, I don’t have anything too groundbreaking to share sadly.

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Yup. I agree. San’layn, Forsaken Undead Elves, and Undead Nathanos Humans are better than Lightforged Undead.


Since the Horde technically have undead night elves in their faction, should they be used as a part of the undead elf faction? A combination or an optional model for the race? (If this has already been suggested, then apologies.)


I take this over Lightforged, Lightbound, Lightwathever Undead any day.


No need to apologize, it’s come up already as an idea to be similar to Mah’gar. Bringing it up again just allows us to talk about it further, which is A-OK in my book. I think it’d be a cool idea. The only thing is, I would hope we’d get flavor racials for each race used in that ‘undead elf faction’. They didn’t do it with Mah’gar though, so I doubt they would with these folk. Actually, I made a suggestion quite a bit back in this thread… let me see if I can find it.
Here it is.

What do you think?

Same (naturally). At the moment it’s looking bleak. I don’t know if youtubers making videos mean anything, but T&E just released on on the Lightforged undead. And they’re getting more lore than San’layn from what I can see. There’s been no trace since 8.0 of San’layn, which is pretty disheartening. :frowning:


The T&E video doesn’t actually support a Lightforged Undead allied race. He even admitted that lightforging the undead would not only be a cheap way to hastily draw up an allied race, but it would also remove everything that was cool about the Forsaken.

On that point, he is correct.

He then goes on to argue that it is likely that the forsaken will be given a “pandaren situation” where they can choose to be Alliance thanks to Calia’s new lore relevance. Basically he believes the forsaken, not lightforged, just the forsaken, are about to become a new race accessible by the Alliance.

You can imagine what my feelings on that might be.


Blizzard has proven that something that doesn’t get a lot (or any) lore coverage, doesn’t mean they won’t add the race. Void elves will forever be the example of this.


Until we start seeing the direction the story is going and we see more things added on the PTR, all anyone really has is speculation regarding Alliance undead of any kind or if they’ll even be a thing. It’s a reason I’m trying to withhold judgement until I see where the story is going.

I do think, as frustrating as the radio silence is, that it is important to keep showing support for San’layn. There have been several storylines in WoW that took awhile to actually come into fruition, which eventually got put into the game and even got expanded upon. Some have taken longer than others to be continued in-game, however. I wish I had better words of encouragement, but there is still a chance we could see something San’layn related in the future. Especially if we’re heading towards a death-themed expansion.

I’m not sure which would make the yeast rise in my anger loaf more. Just plopping Forsaken on the Alliance is lazy and defeats the purpose of the whole Forsaken concept in the first place. <- <;

The sooner Blizzcon comes, hopefully the better it’ll be to see what the future holds. (77 days to go at the time of this post)


Precisely this.

His video is harmless because at the end of the day it’s just a bunch of fanboyish speculation about stuff he’s passionate about, (which we all love to do here on the forum), but it’s also really poorly thought out. It’s clear his favorite race is the forsaken and his faction is the Alliance so he’s really just grasping at a potential straw that would allow his preferences for race and faction to unite.

I personally don’t see it as likely, but I guess we’re also living in the age where anything is possible.