San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

It would also beg the question, why are lightforged undead acceptable for alliance, but forsaken are not?

Both have free will, both can choose to be good or evil. Both can make right and wrong decisions… so why would one be acceptable but one is not?

Edit: I watched a video suggesting that Calia Menethil is actually dead, and her “resurrection” was just so some other force could inhabit her body. I believe it was pyromancer’s video. He suggested maybe eonar is in Calias body

It’s just such a flimsy reasoning, I just don’t like the idea at all

Also, didn’t mean to derail the thread. It’s just the second I saw Calia’s new outfit I thought “Wow, she looks like a San’layn :flushed::thinking:


It’s a good point to make, and I think I’ll let my Dreven answer that. I think with all this frustration, we could use some Dreven snark to lighten the mood. In all honesty, I was inspired a bit with a similar speech Frieza makes in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2:

(The Alliance and Horde are fighting in an area. As Dreven begins to launch blood magic, he suddenly sees Calia and points at her)

Dreven: I OBJECT!

(The fighting suddenly stops and everyone stops and stares at Dreven)

Dreven: Terribly sorry to interrupt the fighting, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to murder each and every one of you Alliance roaches to maintain whatever semblance of sanity I have. You see that thing (pointing at Calia) is quite the affront to my senses. I find it terribly aggravating that you appear to call us monsters, and yet here you are (spreads out arms), incorporating the same tactics I’ve heard the Mag’har tell me of that insane Draenei on Draenor of filling the Forsaken with some form of light power as some form of “redemption” in order to allow them the pleasure of being on your virtuous faction, all while thinking you’re going to shape the world and cleanse it with the light. I doubt you would even allow any regular Forsaken to join that pathetic club of yours you call the Alliance.

Anduin: Well…actually, I wou-

Dreven: Oh really now?! So you mean to tell me that any Forsaken that just wanders up to Stormwind wanting to join the Alliance would be allowed in then? Or maybe those that meander their way to your allies’ locations would let them in with open arms? Even that tree-hugging lovebird of a Night Elf?! And even if you did, whats to stop the Mutt-King from deciding that he needed a bone to gnaw on? The mere fact that THOSE things (Lightforged Undead) exist and are created by the Alliance of all things tells me even more how pathetic your exclusive club is! I WILL NOT HAVE IT!

(Dreven chuckles for a few moments)

Dreven: You know, it’s rather funny…you likely don’t realize this, but you’re not that different from the Lich King, boy-king, but heres a difference between you and him, and believe me, I know the Lich King quite well and even I can give him something over you. (Dreven glares at Anduin) Arthas never lied about what he was all about…and I swear that I will destroy that abomination you call a “light redeemed” Forsaken and all of her followers if it is the last…thing…I…do!


Not perfect, but something I thought up of on a whim while thinking about the whole concept. ^^;


First time in this topic and I’m not even horde but that female nosferatu look? If that were a thing I would race change my warlock IN A HEARTBEAT :heart: I didn’t even knew that I need this so much


I hate to say it, but once Sylvanas is gone there isn’t really a reason why a bunch of Forsaken wouldn’t leave and join the Alliance. They aren’t the same Alliance of Vanilla. They’re goodie-two-shoes now. I doubt most Forsaken have any loyalty to the Horde, so why stick with them?

They came into existence and evolved due to the magics of the Well of Eternity. They’re one of the few races without a titanic origin unless you consider the titan involvement in the Well’s creation. They weren’t directly created though.

Kinda fits with what N’zoth tells us though…“The light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all.”

Keep in mind…between all of the demon hunter references in Cataclysm, we had a whole expansion before they were added in Legion. Long time to wait though.

Need a replacement for Sylvanas after all.

But why would the alliance accept them? They’ve committed some of the worst atrocities the alliance have ever endured.

I really doubt the alliance would ever accept them simply because sylvanas was dead

If Calia didn’t think the Alliance would accept them, then she wouldn’t have done what she did in Before the Storm.

I’m not saying that the Forsaken would be trusted much, but we have the Highborne joining the Night Elves, and now the Dark Iron Dwarves are officially in the Alliance. It’s not like most Night Elves would trust the Highborne, or like most Dwarves would trust the Dark Iron. Both groups are blamed for atrocities committed against the “main” race.

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If this were an actual scenario, perhaps I’d be ok with the concept. If only they actually cared.

I think this is an important thing to remember. I’ve seen a few people mention they like the idea of Lightforged Undead and want to make one and while I don’t particular like the concept, I would never attack or yell at anyone who would want one.

When I state how I’m not fond of that idea, I aim it towards the idea itself. It’s also why I want to reserve judgement to see what happens in the future. If somehow, Lightforged Undead do become playable, I wouldn’t rain on the fans of that race’s parade. Likely, I would make one and see what they did with the race, even if I wouldn’t be overly fond of the idea.

It’s not really fun when people yell at me for wanting “stupid Ogres” and other races I want playable, and I wouldn’t want to do that with anyone else and races they want. That is why that while I vented about the possibility of Lightforge Undead, it’s the idea and not those wanting them that I complain about.

For San’layn in particular, it isn’t impossible for them to be playable even if we got Lightforged Undead as an allied race. Honestly, the whole concept of allied races should not arbitrarily rely on a parent core race tied to each allied race. I feel that it is very limiting, and that it’s a theme or rule that shouldn’t have been made, given that all current allied races so far fit that theme. The whole term “allied race” was something specifically named because it wouldn’t include only sub-races, and so far it’s mostly been sub-races of some kind.

There are all sorts of races that could be made to be playable as an allied race, and to just put a race in for some quota of making sure all core races have an allied race variant makes me feel that someone is missing the forest because of the trees.

I’ve said what my thoughts are on Lightforged Undead and, again, want to reserve judgement until we actually see what is coming. However, I feel that given the frustrations of people wanting new allied race news of some kind, I feel like it’s going to get worse before it gets better. <- <;

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Fair enough, but if there are no telltale signs of anything to do with the blood curse or San’layn, whereas there’s more and more lore on something that in my personal opinion is absolutely terrible, then I think we should chalk it up to Blizzard not actually caring what we think in regards to anything and appeasing to people that would rather just be spiteful.

If someone legit wants LFU because they like the concept, fine, I won’t ever agree with them, but at least it’d be for a reason that’s valid. But the fact that some want it purely to spite the Horde and its players tells me quite a bit. Does Blizzard really want to harbor this kind of community, I wonder? It makes me shake my head.

Like I said before. I’m quickly losing hope for this game, and its community is just growing more and more toxic. The forums display that so clearly it isn’t even funny.

I just wish we knew more about what was coming so I could up and leave this nonsense for good. Either happily or bitterly. Though I’m sure certain Alliance players would just love for it to be bitter, judging by their words lately.

It will probably get a lot worse than better, but at least we can say we tried.

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I do not like the Lightforged Undead. They not only ruin the Alliance Faction Identity but also ruin the Light lore and Undead Lore including the Undead Lore. If I can think of no worst Allied Race than Void Elves or Lightforged Draenei it would be Lightforged Undead/Redeemed.

I much would prefer Golden Eyes for Humans than having a Actual Allied Race made from something that is Bad Fan Fiction.


This is a Sanlayn thread and I think the discussion should remain surrounding around Sanlayn, but I do want to quickly thank Rorrand and Laeth for inspiration on the Vampire gnome thing. I decided to do the Gnomeferatu thing after I was shown it by Rorrand and Laeth suggested it would be a cool idea. Anyway. I hope you guys get your AR wish granted soon or later.


Aww thankies, it looks really cool so I hope you’re having fun with it ^w^

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Lots of fun definitely. Seeing it all come to life was really satisfying. Kind of like a Tinker who just witnessed a complex robot they built come to life.

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Honestly at this point I’ll take whatever form of vampirism they decide to throw at us, San’layn or otherwise. I’ve been head-over-heels regarding the quality of the worgen model rework (seriously guys, they look so cool now!) but all I can think of is what an actual rival to the worgen, a vampire, would look like with that same texture and model quality. It’s super wishful thinking, but much of the concept art Fallynn’s been linking in this thread seems super doable after seeing the worgen rework.

… we just won’t talk about the goblin rework and how that went… yeah? Heh…

I did that? I… I don’t recall…

Ah I mean, of course I did that! You are very welcome! :stuck_out_tongue:

I like the concept stuff you’ve been posting on the forums regarding the ‘fel tinker.’ Keep letting your mind go wild, I’d love to see what you do next :slight_smile:

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Here is a picture of the conversation. It happened on June 29th. You probably weren’t expecting me to take that comment so much to heart as I did.

I like the concept stuff you’ve been posting on the forums regarding the ‘fel tinker.’ Keep letting your mind go wild, I’d love to see what you do next :slight_smile:

Many classes exist in lore that normally wouldn’t become playable for whatever reason, but in themselves would be lots of fun to play. Fel tinker is one of those. Holy Tinker is also one of the concepts in plans. That’s probably a few months away though. I have lots of fun making these concepts. Heck. I may do something for Sanlayn soon or later too.


I don’t know what it is about this concept that I detest so much. I’ve been okay with much of how the lore has been developing. I mean, we’ve got paladin tauren, void elves, paladin zandalari, shaman and druid kul tirans, anime fox people, and kung fu pandas. And they all seem to fit well; I love each and every one of these expansions of the lore.

But then, one day, I’m asked to buy the idea that the holy light can be involved in necromancy. Necromancy! Like, what does that even mean? Was the paladin in WC3 making lightforged undead every time he cast resurrection? If you’re going to be a vessel for the light, what even is the point of being undead? To double down on the martyrdom considering the holy light is supposed to burn the flesh of the undead? Or, wait, perhaps that doesn’t even happen if you’re a lightforged undead, in which case we’re back to square one; what even is the point of being undead?

This idea isn’t even solid in WoW. So far, it’s only happened to one individual and we don’t know if it’ll ever happen to anyone else. And yet, the very idea is something I find thoroughly detestable. We have undead priests in lore with glowing yellow eyes. We have people like Alonsus Faol that wield both light and dark energies, and we have undead that willingly bear the pain of using the holy light to support their allies in death just as they did in life. These are all interesting angles that come with playing as an undead that “lightforged undead” absolutely destroys. And for what? So undead could potentially be given paladins? So the Alliance could have an undead race? If I wanted to play undead on Alliance I would just roll a human death knight. In fact, that’s exactly what I did.

The possibilities, both in lore and in game, that lightforged undead open up are just bad. This isn’t even a race we’ve encountered in game and yet I still feel the need to nip this sucker in the bud whenever possible. No undead on Alliance, no undead paladins, and no undead with glowing eyes and pale skin being passed off as a new race. Especially not when we’ve been longingly staring at cool variations of undeath like dark rangers and san’layn.

I’ve been excited about WoW lore for a long time now, but lightforged undead? That is where I draw the line.



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There is so much passion here that it rivals the High Elf thread. I hope we get these awesome ideas! Great work Fallynn!


I agree here, though I really do not like Pandaren and feel they do not belong in WoW. Dark Ranger class or San’Layn race would be most welcome though :slight_smile: