San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 2)

TWW releases in a week for those with early access. An official time table of the launch, both early and regular, is below:

Since Dalaran plays a big part in the beginning, I’m going to keep an eye out for any sightings of Thal’ena or anything San’layn related. Not that I expect anything of course, but it can still help me to make more of a thorough post involving Thal’ena in the future.

For TWW, I really don’t see much in the way of San’layn, although I will keep an eye out of course, but Midnight and The Last Titan are much bigger possibilities. That said, I’m still tempering expectations as I worry about San’layn either no-showing or just getting villain batted again…but maybe we’ll be lucky and see them playable in some form. Still not going to get my hopes up, of course. :man_vampire:

Also, if I could again ask someone to make a post in here so I can continue to make more posts, I’d appreciate it! Can’t post in a thread I didn’t create more than three times in a row, so soon as someone else posts, I’ll be able to continue making some more posts!

Hope the next expansion launches smoothly and everyone gets to have fun ASAP! :smiley:

-11 days (7 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


We could get San’layn as customization for Blood Elves if we can’t get them as playable race, it could be a way to get them.


I’d still prefer them as an AR but I’m willing to negotiate.


Honestly, I do acknowledge that San’layn becoming a Customization Race, much as I’m not fond of the way they get treated at all, is more likely than becoming their own race, Allied or Core. Moreso with Darkfallen as a Customization Race, which I don’t really agree with, but what’s done is done.

I still hope for them being a Full Race, given that San’layn have so much potential as a playable race. Their vampiric features, their backstory, and so on that would be able to shine and get fleshed out as opposed to being slapped onto Blood Elves. Customization Races have been getting some better treatment, as shown with the Man’ari, but Customization Races still need a lot more love and care for me to feel comfortable with them being a thing.

Either way, I would like to see San’layn officially part of the Horde, since not all Darkfallen are San’layn. I still worry about them being villain-batted with Midnight and/or The Last Titan, however, and it doesn’t help that most of the Blood Elves see them with the disdain and disgust as one would look at NFT’s. Things can always change and everyone can see the true meaning of Winter Veil, but it still worries me.

In all honesty, both of those reasons make it pretty difficult to keep maintaining support. Not giving up, of course, but some days, it can be incredibly frustrating to think about. Moreso when I look at the Harronir/Haranir and see some customizations they have that suspiciously look like some people have suggested in the first San’layn megathread. :thinking:

But all we can really do is keep at it and see what happens. I still hope to be able to turn my San’layn characters into a bat as a racial and fly around Orgrimmar and other areas, but I’d still take them as a Customization Race over nothing. :man_vampire:

-9 days (5 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


Oh man I haven’t seen that san’layn thread in years! I could have sworn it had a bunch of concept art and mockups though.

With san’layn now just becoming a spec for DKs it would be nice if we got some vampiric customisations for that class to go along with it. The DK specific customisations need a massive overhaul imo. What I would give to have my DK look like the artwork for blood spec!


Here’s an oldie that I’m not sure was saved from the original thread (sorry, don’t have trust level 3):

This is the best I’ve come up with so far on this Hunter:


On the subject of the San’layn Hero Talents, Wowhead has them listed here:

I know it’s mostly meant for flavor text, but there are some references to a Blood Queen. Given that Lana’thel kicked the bucket (again!) some time ago, I’m curious if her daughter, Thal’ena, became the new Blood Queen at some point or if there is some other royalty, part of Lana’thel’s family or not. It kinda implies there is a Blood Queen somewhere to give power of some sort.

And no, just because there is a Hero Talent with the name San’layn doesn’t mean that it completely prevents San’layn from being playable in some fashion. If anything, looking at those talents could help to think of some San’layn racials if they were to become a full playable race.

I still think there is quite a bit of potential if Thal’ena became the new Blood Queen and leader of the playable faction of San’layn. I’m still planning to do another post on that idea for here in the near future, taking some stuff from the previous San’layn megathread.

Definitely lots of stuff to look at and discuss! :man_vampire:

-7 days (3 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


I’ve gone through the beginning events of TWW involving Dalaran, and I didn’t really notice too much to comment on.

A lot of areas were walled off, so I couldn’t explore too much. I didn’t really see a whole lot after the events where you get to the continent TWW takes place on either. I tried to be thorough searching, but I didn’t really see a whole lot to report on. It’s always possible I missed something, of course.

There have been a couple of escaped prisoners I’ve seen, though no sign of Thal’ena or any San’layn however. One prsioner was some undead mob I think that was in a stasis held by a Dalaran Mage. However, when I went to get close to look, it broke free, appeared as a level ?? mob to me, and decided to celebrate their newfound freedom by trying to wreck my face. There was also a Botani-like mob that was a prisoner that is part of a quest to kill them. So far, those are the only escaped prisoners I’ve seen.

It is very possible to have Thal’ena still be alive…well, as alive as a vampire can be. Only a few prisoners broke free during the second Violet Hold dungeon, so it could be written that she didn’t break free or if she did, she lost the first and resurrected in her cell again. So unless it’s officially confirmed, I’m assuming they’re still alive…err…around.

I also seem to recall some mention from the previous San’layn megathread that San’layn have a way to counter void attacks, which I haven’t been able to confirm or not. If so, it would be a good reason to how Thal’ena and any other San’layn with her could have fought back the enemies attacking Dalaran then. It would make for an interesting starting scenario for San’layn characters, which I may touch up on in a future post.

I’ll still keep an eye out for anything else of interest to report back on. Maybe we’ll see more escaped prisoners from Dalaran, but regardless, I do see a lot of potential with Thal’ena becoming the new Blood Queen and leader of the playable San’layn faction, so it’s something I feel is worth discussing. :man_vampire:

-3 days until TWW releases for everyone! Early access is currently live!-

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


With Midnight and The Last Titan being pretty big opportunities for San’layn in becoming playable in some form, it’d be good to keep up the playable Horde San’layn support! And with a new month having started, now is a great time to send some monthly in-game feedback!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

Still not ready to give up on the Horde San’layn dream! :man_vampire:

Also, I’m at three posts in a row again, so if I could again ask someone to make a post in here so I can continue to make more posts, I’d appreciate it! I can’t post in a thread I didn’t create more than three times in a row, so soon as someone else posts, I’ll be able to continue making some more posts! :smiley:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


The possibility of San’layn in some capacity in midnight has me feeling just… Batty. :joy:


In thinking about Elf tribes being united in Midnight, I’m wondering what the role of San’layn could be in that expansion and possibly continue into The Last Titan.

If San’layn get to be one of the Elf Tribes involved in Midnight, obviously a face turn would need to be implemented in their storyline. Some discussion before mentioned that San’layn would have some advantage over the void, which is likely something that may have some importance as an antagonist in Midnight.

As part of the face turn, I can’t help but keep thinking about Thal’ena regaining her senses, escaping from Dalaran with other San’layn during TWW’s beginning storyline, and then eventually having a role in Midnight. It helps to paint a sympathetic light for San’layn since Thal’ena didn’t want to become what she is before.

Of course, becoming the new Blood-Queen to lead the San’layn, current and new ones, would still have her come to terms with the situation and stand tall and proud. It’s something I can see being played well with the San’layn’s role in Midnight. Not necessarily a lead role, but something that really acts as the icing on the cake that would be Midnight’s storyline.

However good San’layn are introduced in Midnight, this could then lead into The Last Titan. Seeing how it takes place on a revamped Northrend, having the San’layn be one of the “united Elf tribes” in Midnight would be a huge benefit, seeing as the San’layn would be very familiar with Northrend after being employed with the Lich King. They could have pretty important roles while working with the Knights of the Ebon Blade traversing the area and dealing with whatever the storyline would be for that expansion.

San’layn in Midnight and The Last Titan make a lot of sense when it comes to having storylines and helping to fight off the big bads of those expansions. It’s why I’m hoping that Blizzard doesn’t just villain-bat them in either expansion, aside from just a rogue faction separate from a good faction of San’layn. So I’m hoping San’layn will be one of the Elf tribes we get to unite in Midnight.

I’ll just keep my fingers crossed that both expansions give us playable Horde San’layn in some fashion. :crossed_fingers::man_vampire:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


I really hope we get to see Deatholme retaken by friendly Darkfallen and San’layn.


The monkey’s paw curls. We get San’layn, but they go Alliance, and they get a really annoying reason for doing so.

I hope the San’layn and Fel Blood will be the elf “tribes” the Horde work with/recruit in Midnight.


The Horde randomly burned their vampire caravans

That tracks.

gimmie it. now. ples. i cant stand this red eye white skin option. i want the REAL vamp experince

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One of my favorite months has arrived! Which means I’m going to try to do some special posts throughout the month that I usually do. But in the meantime, you can help support playable Horde San’layn!

With the beginning of each month, I make in-game suggestions for each race I want to see playable along with a mention of their respective megathreads on these forums. While it is far from a guarantee of seeing our dreams come true, I do think every little bit helps, and doing it monthly I feel is reasonable and not that intrusive or annoying.

If you’re interested in doing the same for races you want to see playable, I made a little guide on how to do so in-game here:

The best treat to get would be playable Horde San’layn! Preferably as a full race, of course! :man_vampire:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat:


Imagine Blizzard just dropping the San’layn for the Horde this halloween. >.>


So each year, during the month of October, I like to make fun posts in the San’layn megathread to fit the theme. These usually include videos or links to Halloween themed recipes or DIY arts and crafts, along with some Halloween-like music for each post. I’ll try to have new stuff, though with the music in particular, I may share some tracks I’ve linked before in years past.

Of course, since I can only post three times in a row in a thread I didn’t create, I’ll need some help with others posting inbetween my posts. That way, I can keep doing these posts and also keep up the playable Horde San’layn support!

To start with, I came across a neat video showing off a DIY felt bat, with links to items used and templates in the description of the YouTube video’s page:

If you’re interested in making sweet treats, this video shows a Hallowween Bat cupcake recipe with instructions in the video and also in the video’s description on the video’s YouTube page:

And for some music, this is a metal remix medley of songs from the game “Shadowgate,” from the NES version of it:

More posts to come throughout the month! :jack_o_lantern::man_vampire:

–Still dreaming of playable Horde San’layn as a full race! :wine_glass::bat: