San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Cute, though personally I’d prefer the more humanoid one. Agreed on the ears.

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On the topic of the bat nose I do appreciate some monstrous customization such as the bat nose and maybe some sort of horrible mouth similar to a leech’s mouth?

I like this idea!

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Serving some Mileena realness.

I’d also like to see more pronounced foreheads akin to Buffy vampires and From Dusk Til Dawn.

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Gonna try to whip up some of my own customization ideas. I’m not great at photoshop and I’m an amateur artist at best but I’ll make an effort.



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Haha goodness that’d be horrifying; how would they speak though is my question? Granted forsaken without a jaw can, soooo


okay so hear me out.
The ritual nathanos went under to become his sexy dilf undead was complex and required a portion of the valkeries own energy * i’m guessing life essence,jpg? *
So what if, we use azerite to do the ritual…
sylvanis could raise a army of what ever those enhanced undead forms.

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I’m personally rooting for San’layn over that stuff myself, I like the vampyr aspect(for an allied race).

I suppose the other option would be to add in vampyr humans but Eeeeh.

Nathanos undead would be cool for a night-warrior like thing for forsaken imo. It wouldn’t be a new race, more like a complex ritual. (Just my opinions on it! I understand if peoole disagree)


We need those hairstyles. Can Blizzard please hire that person? They should be the official hair designer.


What is nathanos anyways? is he sanlayn? dark ranger ish? the eyes of his share the similarities of the dark rangers patrolling under city.
Hear me out, to do the ritual required a vessel. in nathanos case it was a blood relitive butttttt we could use those extra crispy night elves >w>
Or when the alliance go for silvermoon take a few of those cheeky pale elves and raise them to a higher plain of exsistance!

Tin foil hat time.
Spoilers * kinda *
Sylvanis has a depleted xalatath, black blade of the empire that once held a ancient old god ( speculative )
We could use that… to completely seal away or enslave bolvar and the lich kings power.
Up in northrend the spires of ice crown where made out of saronite, blood of the old god yogsaron. With the return of nzoth and the knowledge that yog saron is still active in northrend we will have to cover all possible angles to defend ourselves.
The corruption could seep deep into the foundation, causing chaos with the captive scourge and messing with bolvars mind. The horde with the alliance go north freaked the frack out about bolvar being a minion of the old god and plan a drastic all hands on deck assault to seal away that crown and his army.
The more intelectual undead will sever all ties with bolvar and declair a new master.

Nathanos is an extremely powerful forsaken I think. He was granted his flesh back via a ritual and oh yeah… They had to find someone related to him in order to do the process. I forgot about that one…

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If at anypoint we get a silvermoon warfront…
we get san’laynn. hands down.
Lorthremar would definitly protest but in the recent arrest of bain bloodhoof he said "I cannot fault Baine’s heart, even if his actions were drastic. Through this act of defiance, he exposed a schism in the Horde that has been growing since the attack on Teldrassil.

I fear that by openly opposing Sylvanas, he may have put his own people at risk. As mine would be, were I to side with him.

These are perilous times. We must be cautious… and deliberate."
Lorthemar puts his people above all else so when the alliance continues there war effort to secure the eastern kingdoms he will be heavily pressed for forces.
There is no secondary capital in reach for reinforcements, so back up is close to impossible.
If they lose the gates of silvermoon, they lose the sunwell once more. The naru that sacrificed its life essence will once again be polluted by the alliance ( Alleria when visiting the sunwell unknowingly brought void minions with her. )

We witnessed lorthemar protest the raising of elves back in MoP during SoO but with his peoples life on the line… he might begrudgingly allow it.
We raise a new, powerful clan of san’laynn. lead by Halduron Brightwing this fighting force can repel the attackers with ease. A unsuspecting last minute attempt to secure and hold the last bastion for the blood elves.
To actually create a new clan would require a large… large font of power… the sunwell can help. With the raised blood elves being san’laynn instead of forsaken there free will would be secured and unquestionable. There hunger would be a problem… but the alliance litter the front gates with mountain of cannon fodder.


i have like 3 cups of coffee. please pardon the excitement.

You make some excellent points there. I think, in regards to undead:

  1. The ritual for Nathanos-like undead could be a bit more simple, then again… night elves were able to become all-powerful warriors of Elune? So I’m thinking a powerful ritual for nathanos-like forsaken wouldn’t be going TOO far… and Forsaken players unlock the looks.
  2. San’layn would be an Allied Race, interesting scenarios like with what you said. San’layn are Lor’themar’s people anyway, like it or not. They died for their people and city, and were very loyal before being twisted into monsters. I feel like they’d want to defend their city again
  3. New San’layn would also be that way; they would have died in the war, fighting for the Blood Elves. We could bring back those only that would want to, like in the Darkshore scenario, when people chose how they could come back.

I love! Just LOVE your idea, my Dearest Blood Queen, Fallynn! ((You knew me as Jaheira, but I deleted her… Long story; I was depressed when I deleted Jaheira.))

Awwww D: That makes me sad! I won’t press though. I hope your feeling better friend <3

I am indeed, since Jaheira has been reincarnated, in the form of a Kul Tiran Druid! I love her cat form, and how all the forms are a mixture between bones and plant-life!


idk if they will fall in line fully. they followed kalethos but would they follow lorthremar?
also finding these guys will be hard northrend isnt massive but the hidden city of narubians double it.

Yeah, I really really hope we explore the underground of Northrend. There’s so much neat stuff we could find!