San’layn/vampyr Elf ALLIED RACE Coagulated Megathread of Ideas{Re-VAMPed} (Part 1)

Fair enough! I was just thinking of options in terms of what could be available. I thought it looked interesting but wouldn’t use it anyway. Any of these could be just options, even if some unattractive, they wouldn’t be required. Though if you guys think it’s not fitting, I understand entirely ^^

I do like bat-like ears though, and possible different ear options (like torn).

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bat nose just looks a little too weird, and i’d like to see some snaggle-teeth too hehe


Yeah, I don’t like the bat nose either. It doesn’t look right on the face. Bat ears would be a better fit because it works well with Warcraft elves naturally big ears.

I love the marking options under the eyes so much. I’d totally choose one of them for my San’layn. I’d add tear markings that trail all the way down both cheeks. Also apparently, some vampires actually have cat like features in lore. However, batlike qualities are more common and fit the San’layn better.

Also Vampire Kitty:


April 13 is the year anniversary of our megathread. Yes, I’m aware of the title–back when I made that thread, I thought San’layn had no chance standing on their own, ever. I figured it’d be helpful to piggyback on the hype. Now, I know we stand alone as a race and concept. I regret naming the first thread that way now because people use it against me.

But here it is ^^

Edit: Notice how it was made before the stuff on Dreven or San’layn in BfA came out :smiley: I had not actually made this stuff in response to that hype. We’d been there before it :wink: It’s so cool to see how the threads evolve and change.


I’d love this. i dont like the cute options in most allied races. i want these guys to have the nosfaratu look.

maybe a subtle option but this is when there racial procs? kinda like the shadow elves.

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Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I, as a cat lover, didn’t know this fact about cats. Apparently in South Africa, there’s a cat called the Black Footed cat that is nocturnal, burrows in the ground and can survive independent of water by drinking the blood (or other body fluids) of their prey. So we have both vampire bats and vampire cats in real life and mythology (Carmilla could turn into a cat not a bat). Also the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet (a lion headed deity) was the world’s first vampire and inspired Anne Rice’s vampires (Akasha) and Lestat De Lioncourt.


:smiley: ᶠᵉᵃʳ ᵐᵉ


Oh my! Damn, those little kitties can really jump.

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I want that cat to teach me to jump. I have absolutely no hops.


why does this cat look like my house cat ?

Because it is a species of small cat in the felis genus (the same genus as the domesticated cat, Felis catus domesticus). Many cats in this genus look like your average house cat. Many, but not all, big cats are in the Panthera genus.

I’d be okay with it as an option, but only as an option.

Yeah, maybe so, it is a bit much for me.

What about different styles of teeth for a customization option? Has this been mentioned? Would it be very noticeable?

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Like what you said in the other thread, I agree. I like your ideas. Different sets of fangs would be lovely.

“What are you hiding under that mask of yours… OH SNAP…”

Might as well copy it over for others to see…

“Yeah, I’d think the typical single set of fangs. Maybe a dual set, and then the whole mouthful.
Then maybe could have 2-3 lengths. Then if you wanted you could have a female with dainty little typical fangs, or a whole row putting angler fish to shame”

That sorta makes me think of that Mortal Kombat character Mileena.


I still believe High Elves and San’layn would mutually benefit each other though the Night Elf Worgen would definitely be a lovely alternate option to pair as with Kul Tirans and Zandalari having a common naval theme, the San’layn and Night Elven Worgen would be great for a spooky/horror themed patch, imagine them being released in October with the Halloween event.


Oh yes, definitely. I believe if San’layn are added after 9.0, High Elves would be a good counter as well. High elves, night elf worgen, etc. My comment was more along the lines of the pairing isn’t required anyway, pretty much, and that both communities don’t have to worry about either being in tow. Reasons why I regret it now is that people will be like “You’re just asking for high elves” when in reality San’layn is what I personally would like.

A return to NR patch would be fun for all these folk to be added, imo.


Also makes a lot of sense for both SL and HE.

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This seemed like something you guys might like


Agreed and San’layn are definitely their own entity that stands on its own, yet compliments and is complimented by other ARs than High Elves and vice versa.

I’d love to have High Elves, Wildhammer, Broken, Night Elven Worgen, Vrykul,
San’layn, Forest Trolls, Ogres/Mok’Nathal and more brought in. There’s such an eclectic universe out there that they can all be paired off one way or another. San’layn just happen to be at number 1 at the top of my Horde list and High Elves at the top of my Alliance list.

And additional bat like features would be cool, I just personally wouldn’t be likely to use them.